Chapter 1506: Portrait of an Old Man

Xiaorou, are you in love with that Fang Yu"you!" What are you talking about " Tang Xiaorou flushed and retorted."Hem, look at your nervous reaction. I seem to have been right." Zhao Shuanger squinted...The scene of

is similar to what he saw after he rushed out of the earth by connecting the legal array outside the territory.

Fang Yu looked at the scene in front of her and wondered.

is this the result of divination brought to him by star horoscopes

but there is nothing but a vast sea of stars.

Fang Yu thought for a moment and tentatively moved forward.

however, the scene in front of him has not changed, and he does not seem to be able to move freely in the sea of the stars.

"what's going on"

Fang Yu is a little confused.

the process of performing Xinghai divination is not complicated, at least easier to master than those semi-fairy techniques.

but in the process of casting the spell just now, he certainly didn't make a mistake.

in that case, it is even less likely that the French will make a mistake.

the legal array in this room was set up by Yan Zhen as early as 20 years ago, and it has never been touched or modified since then, and there can be no problem.

there is no problem with casting spells, and there is no problem with the dharma array. What is the problem

Fang Yu can only see the stars all over the sky, but there is no change.

time goes by slowly, but there is still no obvious change.

"should have failed, although I don't know what the reason is." Fang Yu shook his head secretly, ready to stop divination.

but just then, a glimmer of light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

this light appears to be very close, but in fact it is quite far away.

Fang Yu stared closely at the light, feeling a little excited.

I don't know what the light will be, but it's better than seeing nothing at all.


the intensity of the light slowly decreases.

after a while, Fang Yu saw a figure

this is a man

a man

his front is shrouded in a shadow, can not see clearly.

but in terms of size, it is mediocre.

he had a long sword in his right hand, which was also shrouded in shadow and could only be seen in outline.

Fang Yu stared at the figure, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt familiar with

this is not his

figure, head shape, and the sword in his hand

this is what he looks like holding the Tiandao sword in his hand.

Fang Yu looked at the figure and his eyes flashed slightly.

in Xinghai divination, I see my own figure appear. What does it mean

is this the hexagram image in traditional photographic art

but this is divination, not divination

"what's the situation"

Fang Yu looks at his own figure shrouded in shadow in front of his eyes, frowning.


after a while, another glimmer of light appeared next to the silhouette in front of him.

Fang Yu immediately looked at the light.

the light dissipates, and another figure appears.

this is also a man.

has a beard and a face of vicissitudes, but the heroic spirit between the eyebrows is still obvious.

Fang Yu's heart shook when he saw the man's face clearly.

this is Lin Ba Tian

but this Lin Ba Tian is different from Fang Yu's Lin Ba Tian at any time in his memory.

his face is so vicissitudes that his hair and chin beard are gray.

there is an obvious scar on the left side of the face.

in his eyes, in addition to perseverance, there was more of a kind of relieved despair.

Lin Batian stares ahead and seems to be looking at Fang Yu, but in fact his sight is not on Fang Yu, but on an existence that Fang Yu can't see.

his chin was stained with blood and his right hand covered his left shoulder.

and the left shoulder position has lost the arm, constantly dripping blood.

in addition to the obvious wounds on his left shoulder, he had wounds on his right chest, abdomen, and two thighs, dripping blood out.

Fang Yu's heart was beating when he saw this.

in all his years of acquaintance with Lin Batian, he has never seen him look so embarrassed.

Lin Batian has a demonic talent, and as early as in the fit period, he can challenge the power of the robbery period.

there has never been any opponent, and he has never been seriously injured.

but Lin Batian, who is not only injured in many places, but also cares about Fang Yu's vicissitudes of life, as well as fate-like helplessness and silence in his expression.

such a look should not appear on the face of a man like Lin Batian.

and Lin Batian's white hair and beard are totally different from those of those days.

although Lin Batian is not particularly handsome, he likes to flatter himself. In order to pursue female Taoist friends, he has always been very concerned about his appearance.

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but Lin Batian, who appears in front of Fang Yu, is slovenly, with vicissitudes of life

if not for this familiar face, Fang Yu would not have associated this person with Lin Batian

. "this is Fang Yu looking at Lin Batian in front of him and wants to shout.

however, in this scene, he can't make a sound at all, so he can only stand and watch.

and Lin Batian, in front of him, is still and motionless.

the scene is quiet.

Fang Yu stared straight at Lin Batian in front of him, his heartstrings shaking.


at this time, another ray of light appeared beside him.

Fang Yu's eyes immediately shifted to this light.

the light dissipates, and the figure in it appears.

Fang Yu's already restless state of mind shook violently again.

this time, the person he saw was his brother, and the image of Daochen

Daochen was completely different from that of Fang Yu.

he was dressed in silver armor, with white hair and red eyes staring at the position of Fang Yu.

but just like Lin Batian, his sight did not really fall on Fang Yu, but on an invisible figure.

the situation is much better than Lin Batian, who is covered with scars, but his face is ferocious and the color of hatred in his eyes is quite obvious.

he seems to face his mortal enemy

, and Daochen shows such a look of hatred that Fang Yu has never seen before.

in his impression, brother Daoxian has always been a gentle and elegant man with excellent temperament. He has never been angry with anyone. Even if he meets an enemy, he will solve the problem with a smile on his face.

but now appears in front of Fang Yu Dust, is a face of hatred, look ferocious, clenched teeth

what kind of hatred, will make him so gentle, show this look

Fang Yu looked at Daodun, his mind is in a trance.

just then, another ray of light appeared in front of the shadow-shrouded figure whose outline was very similar to that of Fang Yu.

the light dissipated and exposed the figure, which turned out to be a cold search for a pair of

at this time. He just lay there, his eyes closed.

her face was peaceful, her hands folded in front of her abdomen, but her face was colorless.

Fang Yu's heart shook when he saw this.

what on earth is going on

what he sees, what is it

fantasy or the real future

"this is Xinghai divination, and what I see should be the result of divination." Fang Yu had a big shock in his heart.

at the thought of this possibility, his state of mind was immediately confused.

there has never been a mess

but he soon calmed down again.

is not right in front of the scene, it can not be the future

because Lin Batian and Daodun show the opposite side of his impression.

this is probably some kind of illusion

but he clearly performed star divination. Why did he enter such a fantasy

is there something wrong with the legal array, or is it true that

should not

for a while, Fang Yu's brain is in chaos and it is difficult to calm down.


at this moment, another ray of light appeared in front of us.

this light seems to be closer to Fang Yu than other people.

Fang Yu broke away from his thoughts and looked at the light.

the light gradually fades away, revealing the figure in the middle.


seeing this figure, Fang Yu's mind went blank and his breath became short of breath.

this is an old man with white hair.

he had his legs straight out, his legs chained, as if sitting somewhere.

at the moment, the old man bowed his head slightly and his eyes were half-closed.

his right hand lost a part, while his left hand fell feebly on his thigh.

A sharp blade pierced his left chest and stuck it there.

the ragged clothes on the chest were stained with bright red blood.

the old man is obviously dead.

Fang Yu is breathing more and more heavily.

because this old man is his master, and Fang Yu never imagined that one day he would see her so old.

like a secular old man in his twilight years, he is thin and his limbs have shrunk to bones.

put this frameexception to these people, and the bodies are so charred that it is difficult to identify them." Xia Xiaoying said."nothing else in common" Fang Yu frowned and asked."No, among these people are mortal...