Chapter 1218 Chapter 18

k of his head, and let out a roar.when the Violet field of vision goes up again, you can see a figure glowing with that himViolet felt a shock.she specifically looked for Fang Yu just now, but...Fang Yu recited the formula silently, and the true qi of her body rose rapidly.

he stretched out his left hand toward the ground below.


A golden beam hits the ground below.

but strangely enough, the beam crashed into the ground without making any sound. On the contrary,

is a faint golden light, at an unimaginable speed. It spreads to every angle.

from the point of view of the air, it is obvious that the ground. Including the sea, are covered with a faint layer of gold.

as a matter of fact, Fang Yu is not really angry. It's divinity.

the reason why the method of extreme normalization of heaven is so wide and destructive is that it combines divinity and law. And the combination of real qi.

the mind is used to quickly limit the scope, the law is used to bombard, and the true qi. It's just a driving force.


ground visible to the naked eye in just a few seconds. Have been covered with a touch of gold.

at the moment, No Dust has sensed something is wrong.

the barren sky he blasted out of the sky was all out of space.

and Fang Yu's breath. It is skyrocketing at the moment, which is quite abnormal.

the dustless son withdraws his fingers, releases his consciousness, and looks around.

then my heart thumped. The sky and ground around

seem to be covered with a faint golden gauze at the moment.

although he can't feel anything yet, his intuition tells him... The danger is coming.

the alarm bell rang in the heart of the dustless son, the right hand was raised, and the palm of the palm was shining.

A magic rune appeared in his hand.

at the moment, he just wants to teleport out of here.

but as soon as he took out the rune, this Fudi burst into flames.

the flames of red gold not only burned Fu Di, but also burned his palms.

Bodhi Eucharist!

No Dust shouted loudly, and a burst of glittering and translucent light suddenly appeared on the skin.

however, the flame continues to burn, igniting the newly emerging crystal layer.

is really the kind of flame that burns to death.

out of body!

No Dust looks ugly. The body flies back.

and the glittering and translucent Bodhi Eucharist remains in place and burns away from the fire.

at this point, the surroundings are completely covered with golden light.

what does he want to do The dustless son looked down at Fang Yu with awe-inspiring eyes.

his brain is spinning at full speed.

now, what do I do


below Fang Yu, his eyes are slightly coagulated.

if you look at this space from the void at the moment... You must be able to see that the periphery of this space is shrouded in a layer of golden gauze.

Tianji. Return to one.

Fang Yu spits four words out of his mouth.


has spread to the outer layer of space, suddenly shrinking inward!

at this moment, Jinsha has a terrible crushing force.

start from the periphery of the space and crumble layer upon layer!

and the coverage of this layer of shrinking golden light... There is no dead corner.

all creatures in the range will be crushed by it!


the speed of contraction is much faster than that of diffusion.

at the moment, Wuduzi has understood the function of Fang Yu's method.

he can even observe the attack of the golden light in front of him with the naked eye.

Bodhi body!

three-light printing!

Senluo's magic formula!

Undustless constantly casts spells, carrying all kinds of dharma seals and body protection tricks on his body.

he has just sensed that all the laws of space connected to the outside have been cut off.

he has no way to teleport away.

therefore, we can only resist the golden light that is shrinking!

the next second, the golden light will come to the dust-free body.

the dustless man opened his eyes wide, and his eyes shone suddenly.


he let out a roar. The dharma seal and protective skills just imposed on the outside of the body crumble in an instant.


everything happens between electric flints.

in just three seconds, from the perspective of emptiness... In the process of golden light contraction, this space opened up by the dustless son, just like a broken egg, burst directly.

the process was quite smooth without the slightest resistance.

Fang Yu stands in the void, looking at the space debris scattered around, looking for the figure without dust.

at the moment of the collapse of the space, the smell of no dust also disappeared.

generally speaking, when the whole space falls apart, everything in it will be annihilated, which is inescapable, even without observation.

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but the other party is clean after all.

this man entered the sanctuary twice, in the hermit. His strength should be regarded as the upper class, or even one of the best.

so. We still have to pay more attention to it.

Fang Yu searched once and found no dust.

it seems that the sky is one just now. It did kill the dustless son.


Fang Yu is preparing to withdraw.

but at this time, he felt that something was wrong.

because he turned his head and saw that there were three separate spaces in the distance.

and the shapes of these three separate spaces look like glass balls, side by side.

regardless of their shape, it is abnormal to look at the juxtaposition of three separate spaces. The void outside the

space is infinite.

therefore. Generally speaking, open up a separate space at will, in the void is like a grain of sand in the sea.

in this case, it is almost impossible to have exactly three separate spaces side by side.

so, these three separate spaces are obviously built by the same person.

and their shape reminds Fang Yu of the guide of the holy courtyard that he has dealt with before.

Yuan Dan.

Fang Yu's eyes flickered slightly.

people who have entered the sanctuary. Most of them have some understanding of the origin.

so, are there any of these people who can master the practice of the temple guides

other people may not be sure, but the dustless son who enters the sanctuary twice. But it's possible.

and if Dust-free really mastered that way of practice... Then Fang Yu has just broken up a space, and the dustless son he killed is not the true nature of the dustless son.

only one of his Yuan Dan was destroyed, just like the guide of the holy court he had fought before.

Cathedral guide.

Fang Yu squinted and flew directly towards the three separate spaces.

soon, he approached these three separate spaces.

from the outside, it is very similar to the sixteen yuan Dan of the guide of the sanctuary.

it's just that the breath is much weaker.

Fang Yu wanted to enter one of the separate spaces directly.

but after thinking about it, in order to avoid the situation that might happen later, he raised his right hand and dictated the formula.

the right finger strokes quickly in the air, writing an extremely complicated formula. The word

is only the size of a slap, shining with golden light.

on the face of it. It's like a word, but it can't be recognized.

and in fact, this is a spiritual seal.

meteorite imprint.

this is a very destructive overbearing spirit.

Fang Yu's right hand danced at full speed and wrote three meteor marks in succession.

then. He waved his right hand forward.


three spiritual seals fly to the three separate spaces in front of them.

the meteorite seal touches the periphery of space, sinks directly into it, and disappears.

the mystery of this spiritual seal is. It can be manipulated over great distances. The most important thing about

is that the seal itself. It doesn't contain any power.

only when it is activated will it absorb true gas from the performer's body and erupt.

therefore. No matter where the meteorite seal is placed, it is difficult to attract attention and is extremely secretive.

that's all right.

Fang Yu clapped her hands and flew to the independent space in the middle.

sure enough, as soon as you enter this independent space, you can see the surrounding scene.

inside is a brand-new heaven and earth, just like the cave sky in the holy courtyard.

it's just that no one is around.

Fang Yu stood in mid-air, looking at the mountain fields below, and said, "No dust, practice Yuan Dan." You must have learned it from the guides in the sanctuary, right

there was silence all around and there was no answer.

you don't have to answer, but then I will destroy your yuan Dan one by one. Fang Yu said faintly with a smile on his face.

you. Where do you know about Yuan Dan

at this time, a strong voice came to Fang Yu's ears from all directions. The tone of

is full of shock and horror.

is the sound of no dust.

just now, Fang Yu directly crushed one of his Yuan Dan.

he has only four yuan dans in total. Not long after that one was refined, it was destroyed so quickly. It was a great loss to him.Before, you wouldn't let me take the initiative to hug you, let alone reach out my hand." Leng Xunshuang clung to Fang Yu's chest and hummed softly."different, everything is different." Fang Yu said."...