Chapter 1109 Chapter 109

o the ground.the bishop gasped heavily and confessed the matter. After, he brought out a new bowl of holy water.there is no human blood in this bowl of holy water.its function is to remove the imprint...this explains why some sites are ancient relics, while others have alien awakening.

Fang Yu frowned again at the thought of this.

how do they know that these 37 sites are super Reiki receiving points when they leave entrances to ancient relics or exotic beings

is placed in these 37 locations just to force the super aura to be absorbed first It doesn't seem to make much sense.

after thinking for a while, Fang Yu only felt that the situation was complicated and stopped thinking deeply.

he looked up at the tree in front of him.

even he can't stand the constant indoctrination of super aura, let alone the rainforest.

if these tree demons absorb a little more, they will explode and die.


the whole rainforest is shaking slightly at the moment.

"absorbing super aura, is this a collective awakening" Fang Yu squinted slightly, heart way.

since he has come here, Fang Yu will not let these tree demons go so far.

"burn it all so as not to cause trouble later." Fang Yu made a decision in mind.

before getting ready to do it, Fang Yu suddenly remembered that there were still many people behind him.

so he turned around, looked at the stupefied article and picking, and said, "you immediately inform everyone in this rainforest, take your valuable belongings and leave quickly."

"er." The tip of the article still didn't respond.

Cai Zhi asked: "you …" What do you want to do "

"this rainforest is full of tree demons. I'm going to get rid of them all." Fang Yu said, "I will only give you 20 minutes. If you do not withdraw, you will bear the consequences."

his face changed slightly, then he bit his pink lips and nodded heavily.

she has only unconditional trust in Fang Yu, who saved her and her father's lives twice.

"Dad, let's tell the others to leave. We only have 20 minutes!" Cai Cai pulled the text tip and said.

Wen Zuo looked back at Fang Yu and nodded again and again.

then they turned and ran out.

other people present also heard what Fang Yu said, so they naturally dared not stay and ran out one after another.

Fang Yu stood still, motionless.

time passes quickly.

in the vision of the eye of insight, Fang Yu can see that after these tree demons have absorbed super reiki, various meridians and collaterals in the body have begun to recover rapidly.

within an hour at most, they can recover and come back to life.

"absorb a lot of Reiki, thinking that after waking up, you can make great efforts to avenge the leader." Fang Yu smiled and said to himself, "it's a pity that you don't have this chance. Who told you to recover so slowly."

Twenty minutes have passed.

under the mobilization of Wen Tuo and Cai, everyone in the rainforest was evacuated in an emergency in order to save their lives.

and the vast expanse of tree demons in front of them have stopped absorbing super aura.

"the time has come to die."

Fang Yu jumped into the air.

he could clearly see the super Reiki gushing down from the beam falling from the sky.

Fang Yu rises to a height where he can overlook the whole rainforest.

now, from his point of view, he can see that every tree in this rainforest is ready to move.

the trunk is trembling slightly and the leaves are moving without wind.

Fang Yu squinted slightly, moved her heart, and opened her hands.


the red and golden fire fell from the sky toward the rainforest below.

there was a sea of fire all over the sky.

the group of tribesmen who had just pulled out of the big trillion rainforest watched the scene with fear on their faces.

this scene is like the end of the day.


A few seconds later, the fire landed over this vast area of rainforest.

flammable parts such as leaves, branches and trunks more than double the speed at which fire spreads.


in just a few seconds, hundreds of tree demons were ignited in the huge rainforest.


there was a cold cry in the rainforest.

the cry was like the cry of a baby, cluttered and strange because there were too many voices.

the black gas rising from the burning rainforest seems to condense a smiling face in the air.

the people of the Dazhao tribe listened to the sound and saw the black gas condensed in the sky, their faces were pale, and many people even trembled all over.

Fang Yu stood in midair, looking coldly at the burning away from the fire.

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after about three minutes, a large area of forest below disappeared, only the blackened ground could be seen.

after Fang Yu confirmed with insight that the underground roots were also burned to ashes, he picked up the Eternal Ring, ran the teleportation method, and left the big rainforest.


peeping into the sky, it is a mess at the moment.

White Hollow Valley is standing in the inner courtyard, and people keep coming to report to him.

"Bai Lao, there has been a change in the monitoring point on the outskirts of Beidu, and a blue beam has been shot down in the sky."

"Bai Lao, from Jiangnan area."

"the same thing happened in the southwest."

listening to these reports, White Hollow Valley looks very dignified.

he personally went to the glass balls for monitoring and looked at them one by one.

sure enough, the blue light beam could be clearly seen falling from the sky and falling on the ground.

"Don't look at it, this is Reiki recovery."

Fang Yu's voice came from behind.

White Hollow Valley turned around, looked at the sudden appearance of Fang Yu and asked, "do you know what this is all about"

"is the revival of Reiki." Fang Yu said, "Super Reiki is being accepted at 37 locations."

"er. Super Reiki refers to Reiki, which is about a hundred times stronger than ordinary Reiki. "

"so what do we do now" Asked the White Hollow Valley.

"at present, there are many alien sites that use super Reiki to wake up in advance." Fang Yu said, "what we need to do now. It is to kill them all before the alien race awakens. "

"Aliens awaken with the help of Super Reiki." White Hollow Valley looked shocked.

"this is the case. I have to go to Blackstone Village to have a look." Fang Yu said.

with that, Fang Yu wanted to run the transmission formula.

but just then, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest.


Fang Yu spurted a mouthful of golden blood.

seeing this scene, Baikonggu's face changed.

Fang Yu, this is. Are you hurt

Fang Yu wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and frowned.

at the moment, he felt his heart beating so fast that his meridians were burning and burning.

"if you absorb too much super Reiki, the side effects will come."

Fang Yu stared solemnly and clenched his teeth.

"BAM! Bang! Bang! "

at this time, he could hear his heartbeat clearly.

at the same time, he also felt that some force was merging his soul, causing a great tingling.

the pain from the soul is more severe than the pain from the body.

"Damn it, something's wrong." A layer of sweat appeared on Fang Yu's forehead.

standing in front of Fang Yu's body, the White Hollow Valley and the members of the peeping Bureau around them retreated one after another.

Fang Yu at the moment is emitting an air of instability, which is quite seeping.

Bai Songgu looked dignified, looked at Fang Yu and asked, "are you."

"I have to find a place to stay behind closed doors for a while. I can't deal with the alien race for the time being. It's up to you."

with that, Fang Yu jumped up and left the inner courtyard of the peeping Bureau.

Bai Songgu looked at Fang Yu's back as she left, her eyes flashing.


Fang Yu quickly returned to his mansion.

before he could say hello to anyone, he came to the top of the back mountain, randomly found an open ground and meditated.

his physical condition has reached the most difficult stage.

the meridians, the pain from the soul, the combination of the two, is more painful than quenching the body.

even Fang Yu's bearing capacity is a little too much for him at the moment.

he clenched his teeth, clenched his fists and was covered in sweat.


the super Reiki in the meridian still inflates the meridian.

Fang Yu can understand the pain coming from here.

what Fang Yu cannot understand is why the soul is also tingling!

it's like someone's tearing at his soul!

this kind of pain, other people may faint directly.

but Fang Yu clenched his teeth and was stupefied that he didn't even make a sound.


Little wind chimes appeared less than five meters in front of Fang Yu, looking carefully at Fang Yu.

from the time Fang Yu got home, she sensed something strange about Fang Yu.

now, seeing Fang Yu in pain with her own eyes, she is a little scared.

"Master. Are you all right " The little wind chime slowly approached and asked in a low voice.gas refining period.if the thunder came down five seconds late, Fang Yu might have made a breakthrough!"Oh."looking at the sky for a long time, Fang Yu sighed heavily.although the Dan Tian in the body...