Chapter 101: Tear Space

lightly on his cheeks and said, "Yes, I'm sorry, Mr. Fang."seeing that Fang Yu was about to leave, Jin Deyuan hurriedly took the little girl to Fang Yu and bowed to Fang Yu.other members of the Jin fa..."Ah."

the most mournful screams came out.

the voice was too fierce, but it was vaguely recognizable as a female voice.


the crowd in the rear looked even more impatient at the thought of the fate of this lovely girl.


the screams are getting louder and louder, even piercing the eardrum.

it's so sad.

at this time, some people can't help looking forward.

they froze at the sight ahead.

the article tips and picking are safe and sound. Instead, open your eyes wide and look ahead.

stand in front of them together.

is no one else. It is the woman who gives orders!

at this time, the woman's shoulders, knees, waist, and heels. With sharp arrows symmetrically.

the mournful screams were made by women.

at the moment, the woman was shuddering and screaming, and her wounds were bleeding.

this... What's going on

everyone in the room froze.

"I haven't noticed the following situation yet, but you are so noisy that I can hear it at an altitude of 100 meters."

A playful voice appeared.

then a voice fell from the sky and fell beside the woman.

everyone looked intently, stunned!

isn't this the square feather who came here a few days ago to kill grandma and burn the ancient sacred tree to ashes

the woman screamed again and again, and the pain was so great that she couldn't care about anything else.

those eight sharp arrows are naturally Fang Yu's masterpiece.

every arrow misses the point, making this vicious woman suffer the most.

"help, help! Please help me. " The woman screamed.

"you are still too noisy." Fang Yu frowned slightly and rubbed his ears.


the next second, women fly out. The screams of

came to an abrupt end.

Fang Yu turned around and untied the article tip and the rope on Cai's body.

"I'm here today to check on the tree. Don't worry about it." Fang Yu said.

come back to life from the dead, so that the article tip and picking do not slow down.

Fang Yu said nothing more and looked up at the tree in front of him.

just now he flew into the sky and did find that the direction of the beam was not straight.

but if you want to keep going, you may have to chase it thousands of meters away.

had not flown two hundred meters before he heard a sound coming from the ground.

so he came back.

now, he doesn't want to pursue the beam yet, but turns his attention back to the tree in front of him.

so far, there is no sign of the tree but shining.

but in terms of appearance, there is really not much difference between this tree and the previous ancient god tree. In fact, there is not much difference in the appearance of the trees in the whole large rainforest.

think so. Is it possible that the whole rainforest is...

when Fang Yu was confused, there was a cry of surprise around him.

when he turned his head, he saw the woman lying in the distance and suddenly stood up.

she still has those eight sharp arrows in her body.

but her eyes are very strange, with a gray glow.

at this time, she was walking towards Fang Yu, step by step, quite stiff.

Fang Yu squinted at the woman and did not start.

after a few seconds, she suddenly increased her speed and ran to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu stood still, motionless.

an invisible pressure, directly on the woman's side.


the woman broke her legs and collapsed on the ground before she came to Fang Yu.

"find. You. "

A strange smile appeared on the woman's face.

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frowns on this sentence. There is no breath around


Fang Yu knows very well that this woman's sanity no longer belongs to her.

then, of course, what she said is what she was asked to say.

in just a few seconds, beside Fang Yu, he controlled a woman's mind.

who can do that

Fang Yu looks around.

these people of the Dazhao tribe are all mortal, and no one knows the art.

"who could it be" Fang Yu turned his head and looked at the tree ahead.

the crowd present is impossible, so there is only this shining tree in front of us.

but the woman said that sentence, it is very strange.

who is looking for Fang Yu

the ancient sacred tree

Fang Yu did not say a word when he confronted the ancient god tree a few days ago.

just as Fang Yu was thinking, there was a sound of heavy footsteps behind.

Fang Yu turned her head and looked slightly in her eyes.

other people present. Now, like that woman, her eyes glowed gray and walked stiffly towards Fang Yu.

more than two hundred people came slowly, as if to surround Fang Yu.

"find. You. "

at this time, more than two hundred people spoke at the same time and uttered the same words.

Fang Yu turned his head and found that picking and writing tips were no exception, and their minds were controlled. Who on earth is

Fang Yu frowned and raised her left hand.

the moment the left hand was raised, everyone present could not move any more.

the invisible force locks them in the same place.

"since you want to see me so much, come out quickly. There is no need for so many people to convey your desire to see me." Fang Yu raised his head and said.

it's quiet around and there's no response.

"if I don't come out, I have to go again, and it will take time for you to find me." Fang Yu said faintly.

still no response.

Fang Yu thought for a moment and was about to leave.

at this moment, he suddenly sensed a smell of terror, approaching!

the direction of the breath. I can't even catch it!

comes from all directions!

Fang Yu's eyes were awe-inspiring and her left hand brushed slightly.

the locked crowd around is slowly pushed into the distance.

Fang Yu stood in the same place, silently waiting for the other party to arrive.

the strength of this breath. It is close to the level of Xiutao.

another monk from Mahayana came to the door

"Wow." The breath of

is getting closer and closer.

still cannot distinguish the range.

but suddenly a strong wind blew up in the whole rainforest.

leaves quiver at distance.

many leaves have fallen from the branches.

when the leaves fall, the breath. Also reached the perimeter of Fang Yu's body!

very close!


the next second, there was an explosion behind Fang Yu.

Fang Yu turned around and saw a dry hand!

this hand. It came out of a crack in space!


this hand grabs the void and tugs at it.

this crack will be pulled bigger at once!

tearing up space with bare hands!

Fang Yu's eyes flashed and his left foot took a step back.

at this time, another hand reached out.


pull both hands outward, and the crack is completely torn open!

A strong suction is coming.

then, a figure came out of the crack in the space.

"excuse me, I want you to go back."

Fang Yu's eyes were cold and his left foot suddenly kicked out!group of minions. There seems to be no respect for Hong Huangzong. "in just a few seconds, countless thoughts flashed through Fang Yu's mind.with his recollection, the techniques he has learned over t...