Chapter 1059-Cleaning up the Corpse Tribe

l still be what he is now."Fang Yu, there is a party in class tonight. Will you go" Tang Xiaorou, who was beside her, packed up her books and asked."No." Fang Yu briskly refused."this may be the last...Fang Yu and Su Changge turned to look at the depths of the village.

because Heishi Village is at the foot of the mountain, the range that moonlight can reflect is small.

there is no light in the depths of the village, and nothing can be seen at first glance.


but the roar is getting louder and louder.

the ground of the whole village shook more and more violently.

Fang Yu frowned, raised his right hand and condensed a ball of light and threw it into the depths of the village.


the ball of light flew into the sky in the depths of the village, and the light bloomed, reflecting the depths of the village at a glance.

at this time, you can see clearly what is happening in the depths of the village.

only the deep ground is collapsing.

in the sunken pit, you can see countless arms raised, as if trying to climb out of the pit.

is still a corpse!

at a glance, the number is difficult to estimate, at least thousands!

at the moment, they are crawling out of the pit.

"climb directly out of the ground." There are so many. " Su Changge looked appalled.

this is the first time he has seen such a scene.

Fang Yu leaped into the depths of the village.

he came over the collapsed ground and looked at the corpses below, squinting slightly.


the ground continues to collapse.

in Fang Yu's field of vision, he found the corpses in this pit, one layer on top of the other.

the ground collapses, exposing layers of corpses.

their skin is dark green and their bodies are covered with rotting wounds and mucus.

they are stacked on top of each other, and each body is wriggling, like rotten meat that can move, quite disgusting.

the stench is coming.

Fang Yu frowned and his right hand stretched out to aim at the corpse below.

corpses, a group of people, do not seem to have spiritual wisdom.

at least. These lowest corpses do not have spiritual wisdom.

but it is not clear whether there are any more advanced species among the corpses.

all he knows about the corpse tribe comes from the ancient relic he entered last time.

for ordinary monks, corpses are indeed extremely difficult opponents.

all physical damage doesn't work on them, and even if their bodies are blown to pieces, they can still be glued back together.

and once the monk comes into contact with the venom of the corpse, the result is only one word of death, and it is a very miserable death.

however, for Fang Yu, the corpse tribe is easy to deal with.

Burning out of fire seems to restrain the regenerative ability of the corpse tribe.


Fang Yu's right hand burst into flames and was about to go down.

"Boss, look out!"

but at this moment, Su Changge saw a dark shadow close behind Fang Yu and shouted loudly.

Fang Yu, who had already felt the fluctuation of the breath behind him, immediately turned around and clapped it out.

contains a fiery hand that explodes in the air.

the shadow that rushed to Fang Yu, the whole body was swept by the flames, turned to black ash and dissipated in the air.

but at this time, Fang Yu heard a strange noise.

he turned and looked ahead. At the end of the village, near Tian Nan Mountain, there were many holes in the mountain wall.

among these holes, corpses are crawling out one by one.

unlike the corpses on the ground, these corpses have wings and are extremely fast.

"whew!" Whew! Whew! "

when Fang Yu turned around, several corpse tribes Fang Yu had flown in.

their biggest weapon is their venom.

therefore, their way of attack is very simple, which is to touch the target's body, hold the target layer by layer, and melt into plasma.

"ground, air... They are all corpses. " Fang Yu squinted slightly and his eyes twinkled.

it seems that Blackstone Village is such a place. Sure enough, there are aliens to awaken.

and awakened alien race. Probably the leader of the corpse clan.


Fang Yu burst out in the face of several corpses flying in the air.

the fire blossoms and the fire flashes in the air.

several corpses flew in and turned to fly ash again.

"whew!" Whew! Whew. "

but at the moment, more and more corpses are flying to Fang Yu.

and the corpses on the ground have begun to use the flesh as a cushion, slowly approaching the position of Fang Yu. The scene of

looks particularly pervasive.

"the factions of virtual reality at that time." It was so eroded that it almost destroyed the door. " Fang Yu looked at the corpses all over the sky, his eyes cold.

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these corpse families are really difficult to deal with.

but now he can't set the whole village on fire.

after all, the Kitchen King Temple has not been found yet.

Fang Yu thought for a moment and was moved.


there was a silver glow on his back.

the halberd of the firmament!

Fang Yu holds the halberd of the sky and blesses it away from the fire.


the halberd in the firmament of heaven ignites a red-and-golden flame and exudes a hot smell.

"help me clean up all these disgusting corpses." Fang Yu said.


the halberd rushed forward at once.


next, the aliens who wanted to pounce on Fang Yu were penetrated by the halberd in mid-air.

and the free fire on the heavenly halberd ignites the alien body and burns it to ashes.

Sky Euphorbia is very fast and efficient to clean up.

Fang Yu nodded with satisfaction and flew back to Su Changge.

Su Changge at this time looked a little pale and had lingering fears.

"Boss. Are these alien races " Su Changge asked, looking at the front of the flaming sky.

"this is just one of thousands of different ethnic groups, called corpses." Fang Yu replied.

with that, Fang Yu turned and looked in other directions and said, "it's getting late. Hurry up and find the Kitchen King Temple. After destroying it, you can leave here."

when he heard that he could leave, Su Changge was immediately motivated.

the hellhole stinks so much that he really doesn't want to stay for a second.

in the following time, the halberd of Heaven cleans up the corpses in the depths of the village, while Fang Yu and Su Changge look for the Kitchen King Temple house by house.

but... The two men went into all the houses they could enter, but did not find the existence of the Kitchen King Temple.

although they do not know the details of the Kitchen King Temple, they must be different from ordinary residences, or at least have a statue of the Kitchen King.

but the whole village looked for a round, and there was no statue of the Kitchen King.

then there is no whereabouts of the Kitchen King Temple.

"none, boss." Su Changge returned to Fang Yu and said.

Fang Yu did not speak, recalling the direction of the legal array under the ground of the observatory before.

"after entering the village, you should continue to search in this direction."

Fang Yu looked deep into the village.

at this time, the heavenly halberd has cleared the corpses and flew back behind Fang Yu. The depths of the

village have also become extremely quiet.

there is not a single corpse in the collapsed ground, all of which have been set ablaze.

"go inside." Fang Yu said to Su Changge.

Fang Yu led the way, always walking in the direction of that legal array, to the depths.

he flew directly over the collapsed pit and came to the rock face at the foot of Tiannan Mountain.

at this time, he found a cave in front of him.

due to the remote location, the lack of light and the collapse of the nearby ground, it is difficult to find the existence of this hole.

but as soon as you get closer, the hole becomes obvious.

the cave looks spacious and dark inside.

following the direction of the legal array under the observatory, only this cave can continue to go forward, other positions are not in the right direction, and there is no way to go.

so Fang Yu walked in.

Su Changge, who followed me, felt a little guilty at this time because of his previous experience.

but seeing that Fang Yu had gone in, he clenched his teeth and followed him in.

the cave was pitch dark.

Fang Yu raised his right hand and condensed a ball of light again, illuminating the situation in the cave.

this time, Su Changge is psychologically prepared to deal with any situation.

did not think that this is an ordinary cave.

there are rock walls on both sides, and the ground is covered with a lot of gravel.

there is no corpse family.

this passage looks long, but it is also straight and there are no bends.

stand in place and you can see the tiny spot of light in the distance.

that should be the exit.

"go faster." Fang Yu said to Su Changge, then increased his speed and ran forward.

although it seems safe around, anything can happen in such a hellhole.

Su Changge dared not go too far from Fang Yu and quickly chased after him.

the cave echoes the footsteps of the two running.

other than that, there is no other sound.osition, and there was a chilling smile on that strange opened its mouth wide, as if to swallow Fang Yu."bang!"but at this moment, the stone statue in front of me suddenly burst!"if you're hun...