Chapter 1037 Chapter 1037

t the moment, Fang Yu was filled with bursts of dazzling golden awn.the needle on the yoke could not pierce his body at all.Fang Yu didn't care about the shackles, but looked up and looked ahead.he is...hearing this, the faces of the six kings who surrounded Fang Yu in the air all changed.

some time ago, Yaxi went to Beidu, but never came back.

the Angel Church urgently summoned them and told them about it.

they were shocked at the time.

because Yaxi is their benefactor, it is Yaxi who chose them personally, so that they will have the status and ability they are today.

unexpectedly, Yaxi was killed just like this.

therefore, even if the Angel Church says that a new bishop will take office soon, the six kings still have a hard time.

they want revenge, and investigate the person who attacked Yaxi, it is Fang Yu!

but the angels teach this side, but they are not allowed to go to Beidu.

therefore, the matter of revenge is put on hold for the time being.

now, the killer of Yaxi is standing in front of them!

their chance for revenge is right in front of them!

"Fang Yu, you must pay the price!" White said in a cold voice, his eyes full of murder. Between the

words, his face was also covered with a golden glow.

his whole person seems to have become a metal man.

"you have a great ability to produce a few pieces of gold when you have nothing to do, and you will soon become the richest man in the world." Fang Yu said slightly jokingly.

"Fang Yu, you are doomed today!" White said, the North Korean feather rushed!

and at this time, the other five kings and princes also came out together!

Violet on the ground, clenching her left hand with a fist and clenching her teeth.

she really wants to do it. But now she will only become an encumbrance.


just then, there was a deafening metal crash in the air.

Fang Yu punched White in the chest, who was covered in gold.

White's hard chest caved in a large chunk, and the whole body fell obliquely from the air.


White slammed into the ground, causing a strong shock.

while the other five kings had all used their own trump cards at this time, the DPRK feather attacked.

Fang Yu read a formula in his mouth, suddenly turned sideways and raised his left palm.


A terrifying invisible force instantly locked the bodies of the five kings.

the faces of the five kings have changed greatly!

the operation they have just started dissipates in an instant!

I want to do it again, but I can't do it anymore!

an invisible force binds them so tightly that they can't move!

the five kings were in different positions, still in the air, motionless. The

scene looks extremely odd. The group of believers in the

square also froze.

this is. What's going on

Fang Yu raised his left hand, turned to look at the five kings, squinted and said, "Yaxi is just a puppet. There is no need for revenge." There are many like him in the temples of the gods. "

with that, Fang Yu observed the changes in the looks of the five kings.

soon, we will be able to confirm. The five kings had no idea that the temples existed, nor did they know that Yaxi was just a puppet.

this means that. The so-called Lord did not touch the core of angelism at all.

White rises from the pit on the ground.

when he saw the situation in the air, his face changed, clenched his teeth, kicked hard under his feet, and rushed towards Fang Yu again.

when he came to Fang Yu's back, he stretched out his left hand, which turned into a sharp blade, and split it forward!


Fang Yu turned abruptly and grabbed the blade with his right hand.

then, break it with your hands.


the sharp blade breaks directly.


White uttered a mournful cry, filled with pain.

"originally turned into a golden man, you will still feel pain." That doesn't make any sense. " Fang Yu said.

he stretched out his right hand, grabbed White's head and asked him to face the five kings ahead.

"I just told you to invite the boss out, but you have to come up and die one by one." There's nothing I can do. "

Fang Yu said faintly, at the same time. A sudden grip of the outstretched left hand!


the five kings ahead are spurting blood from the sky.


at the same moment, a frightening sound of bone shattering came from their bodies.

the five kings lost their vitality in an instant, like a rubber man, flattening into a ball and falling from the air.

White, who saw the scene up close, his eyes wide open and his canthus about to crack.

at the same time, his courage and psychological line of defense. Like breaking the dike, it plummeted thousands of miles.

Fang Yu grabs White in front of him.

White didn't even have the courage to look at Fang Yu. He was terrified and trembled violently.

"still no one comes out." Then I'll sink the whole island of Los Angeles today. " Fang Yu said in a cold voice.

with that, he released his hand holding White's head.

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then, kick your right foot forward.


White's head flattened directly from the foot of Fang Yu.

at the same time, the whole body flew like a heavy shell towards the interior of the church.


his body smashed into the high steps in front of the church, making a large dent.

Fang Yu stood back above the crown and looked inside the church.

at the moment, the group of believers in the rear square was silent.

they opened their eyes wide and looked at Fang Yu as if they were looking at the devil.

six kings. Just got rid of it

they can't even believe what's in front of them!

even Violet looks unbelievable at this time.

this... It's so strong.

how can a human being be so powerful

since the first encounter with Fang Yu, Violet has known that Fang Yu's strength is unfathomable.

from then on, she regarded Fang Yu as an imaginary enemy and kept doing penance, trying to catch up with Shangyu.

Last time in the Chimera Snow Field, Fang Yu easily solved the Dead King and the Lord of Murray with the Thunder spell.

the strength shown by Fang Yu at that time raised her inner estimate a lot higher.

up to now... She found that Fang Yu's strength could not be predicted at all.

Murray was able to stay in front of Fang Yu for a few minutes. It's all because Fang Yu doesn't want to kill him too soon!

what happened to these six kings and princes today... In order to reflect the strength gap between the two sides.

at this time, Violet recalled her first encounter with Fang Yu in Jiangnan.

at that time. I'm afraid Fang Yu didn't even give full play to his real strength, did he

otherwise, she would not have ended up much better than these kings.


Fang Yu looked ahead and squinted slightly.

he has locked on a figure.

is another two-wing emissary.

this guy... It should be the new archbishop sent by the temple after Yaxe.

but at this time, the two-winged envoy had no intention of coming out to see Fang Yu.

he was standing on top of a clock tower, his eyes glowing and seemed to be in another state.

"if you don't come out, I will teach you angels and destroy them. Anyway, it's just a place where a bunch of puppets gather." Fang Yu squinted slightly and said in a cold voice.

with that, he jumped to a higher position.

looking at the statue of the twelve-winged god below, Fang Yu raised his right hand.

before taking action, Fang Yu glanced at the violets on the ground behind and said, "step back, you'd better go back to the square, or you will be accidentally hurt."

when Violet heard Fang Yu's words, her face changed slightly and immediately stepped back.

Fang Yu turned her head, looked at the statue below, squinted slightly and read the formula.


when it comes to destructive power, there is nothing more direct and rough than this technique. As soon as the

formula came out, Fang Yu's right palm instantly gathered a large amount of true qi.


this mass is so angry that it blows at the statue below!

the recoil of the blow blew Fang Yu up several positions into the air.


the huge statue 100 meters high was crushed to powder in the blink of an eye.

True air booms on the ground, making a terrifying sound.

the exquisite architecture of the church, there are a large number of cracks, and then burst!

Powder pervades and gravel spatters!

the sea around Los Angeles is making a splash.

in the rear Great believer Square, you can clearly see the church opposite the stone bridge. It's crumbling!

the fence shatters, the gate collapses, and the statue is gone.

in the eyes of many fanatics, there is only smoke all over the sky.

the island of Los Angeles ahead shook violently.

it's like the whole island of Los Angeles is about to sink to the bottom of the sea. Many believers in

square stared blankly ahead with nothing but disbelief in their eyes.

this is an angel cathedral. The whole place of pilgrimage in the western region.

but now, it has suffered such a devastating blow.

the crumbling island of Los Angeles. It also symbolizes their shaky beliefs.


in front of the sea, suddenly splashed a large area of spray, rushed to the square.


someone came to his senses and shouted.

A large number of believers changed their faces and immediately fled back.


the spray covered the whole square and dispersed the crowd.

Violet releases energy from her body and flies into the air to avoid the beating of the waves.

she opened her eyes wide and looked at the island of Los Angeles ahead.

through the dust all over the sky, you can see the central position of the church. It has been pierced by Fang Yu just now.

at the moment, a large amount of sea water is pouring up.

Los Angeles. It's really sinking!y is even brighter.Ye Mo and a group of pro-soldiers felt bad when they saw this smile.Ye Mo frowned and said, "We come from the Temple of Heaven, and this trip comes to you as an emissary."he highlig...