Chapter 1034: Who Trials Who

lly, rubble all over the sky.this scene stunned all the monks on the flywheel platform and the first second regiment of Xingyuzhou.the impact and power of that fist shadow can be clearly felt even if...Fang Yu passed through a very long space tunnel.

fortunately, the tunnel is stable and has not suffered too much turbulence.

after going through the space tunnel at top speed for nearly two minutes, the exit appeared.


Fang Yu was weightless for a moment and fell to the ground with a dull sound.

got up from the pit and patted the dirt on his body. Fang Yu looked up and looked forward.

ahead is a typical small town in the western region. From afar, the building is a little lonely.

Seymour Town... There should not be much deviation.

Fang Yu picked up his steps and walked to the town.

this town has a large population, and pedestrians can be seen everywhere on the street.

according to Violet's location, Fang Yu went around a few street corners and soon found a hotel.

Kendall Hotel.

Fang Yu glanced at the sign and went straight in.

this hotel looks a little dilapidated, a typical country inn, nothing compared to the star hotels in modern cities.

while the first floor of the hotel is still a tavern, there are many big men grabbing a full glass of beer, laughing loudly, and drinking.

how to choose such a hotel

when Fang Yu walked into the hotel, the faces of the summer people attracted a lot of attention.

but these people quickly shift their horizons away.

Fang Yu released his mind and immediately found the place of Violet.

Fang Yu's eyes flashed with surprise at the sight of Violet and went straight upstairs.

in front of the room at the end of the corridor on the second floor, Fang Yu knocked on the door.

"it's me." Fang Yu opened his mouth.

after a few seconds, there was a sound of footsteps in the room and the door was opened.

Violet appears in front of Fang Yu.

at this time, the violet was pale, the whole right arm disappeared, and there was only a simple bandage at the fracture.

seeing Fang Yu, Violet's face flashed with surprise, and then there was a hint of joy.

to her, Fang Yu is like a lamp in the night, her savior!


"explain the situation." Fang Yu sat on the edge of the bed in the room, looked at the Violet sitting against the corner, and asked.

Violet's eyes sparkled.

there is still great fear in my eyes when I recall the situation that day.

"on that day, our Violet headquarters operated as usual." All of a sudden, the alarm went off. Then the roar came to mind outside. "

"at first. I thought I was attacked by hostile forces, but when I ran outside the building, I found out. Attack our headquarters... It's six people with wings and snow-white skin! "

"some of them hold the staff, some of them hold the code. You can wave away one of our buildings and defenses in the waving room. "

at this point, the fear in the Violet look is even more obvious.

"when all of our headquarters are forced to leave the building. The six men with wings gathered together in the air, making strange noises in their mouths. It's like reading a scripture. "

"next. I, including all the men around me, felt a tight neck and rose out of control into the air. "

"this feeling... It's like being trapped by an invisible one, which is extremely painful. "

Violet was more frightened and trembled.

"I watched the men around me." They twitched, rolled their eyes, stuck out their tongues, and their expressions were twisted. But no one can break free from this invisible rope and be hanged alive. "

"the bodies of hundreds of people. Just stay in mid-air so stiffly. "


Violet can't go on at this point.

that scene, completely defeated her psychological line of defense, defeated her dignity, defeated her spirit.

in retrospect, she still feels a tightness around her neck, only suffocation and despair.

"then you explode the energy in your body, break the invisible rope, and run away all the way." Lost a right arm in the chase " Fang Yu said.

Violet raised her eyes, looked at Fang Yu, burst into tears and replied, "Yes." I've been running away for a week, and they're still chasing me, never stopping. "

"how do you know they're still after you" Fang Yu asked.

Violet's teeth trembled to fight and said, "as soon as I close my eyes, I can see them." They've been chasing me all the time, and they haven't stopped so far. "

Fang Yu's eyes flashed slightly as she looked at Violet with extreme fear.

he knows exactly what violets used to look like.

it is very difficult to turn a person with high self-esteem into what he is now.

what on earth did the six two-winged emissaries do

"by the way, you said they were looking for me" Fang Yu asked.

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". Yes, they mentioned you. " Replied Violet.

Fang Yuzheng wants to say something.

"I've been here for a long time and I have to leave."

then Violet got up hurriedly and tried to get out of the room.

"wait a minute." Fang Yu stopped Violet.

Violet turned around and looked at Fang Yu.

"you've called me here. What else is there to escape" Fang Yu said.

"they." Violet was talking, but her face suddenly changed. "here they come!"

Violet looks miserable and scary.

Fang Yu's brow is slightly frowned.

he hasn't sensed any breath yet.

but in less than two seconds, there are six breaths. Show up in the rear.

Fang Yu stood up, went to the window of the room and looked out. Sure enough, the snow-white figure of Liudao, with a pair of wings, appeared in the mid-air behind the hotel.

"here they come." They're going to judge us. " Violet sat slumped on the ground and murmured.

"trial They are not qualified yet. "

Fang Yu smiled and kicked her right foot forward.


the wall was kicked down by him.

at the same time, Fang Yu's body flashed and rushed out.

Violet was still sitting in the corner of the room, her eyes wide open, looking at Fang Yu, who was rushing towards the six two-winged emissaries.


six oracles, floating in mid-air with a pair of wings, stopped in the air and stopped moving forward.

Fang Yu came to them.

"**, do you really look just like Yaxi" Is it a clone " Fang Yu opened his mouth.

six two-winged emissaries, staring straight at Fang Yu.

A two-winged god in the middle raised his staff in his right hand, pointed directly at Fang Yu and said, "you are guilty."


"here comes the angel!"

"Yes! Angel! And there are six more! "

"how did they end up in a place like this What do they want to do Who is that man "

at this moment, the street below is in a mess.

they were alarmed by the noise Fang Yu made just now.

when I looked up, I saw six people with wings in the sky.

in their view, this is the legendary angel!

it is said that the Archangel Bishop of the Angel Church looks like this!

by this time, many townspeople had already knelt down and prayed piously.

six angels appear together, which is a spectacle rarely seen in a century!

whether it's fantasy or whatever. Are worthy of a pious bow!

as soon as someone takes the lead, others follow suit.

for a moment, the street below was full of people.


"did you say guilty because I killed Yaxi" Fang Yu asked.

No one answered his question.

and by this time, he had felt an invisible force strangling his neck.

just like Violet said.

this is invisible hanging!

Fang Yu squinted slightly, stretched out his right hand and grasped the invisible rope wrapped around his neck.

"it works for others, but it doesn't work for me."

as soon as his voice fell, Fang Yu pulled hard with his right hand.


with a bang, the force wrapped around Fang Yu's neck was torn off directly.

"since you come up and do it, don't blame me for being impolite." Fang Yu's eyes were cold and his body rushed forward.


the sonic boom goes off.

Fang Yu instantly came behind the two-winged oracle who raised the staff.

with the last experience of dealing with Yaxi, he knows the weakness of these oracles.

Fang Yu stretched out his hands and grabbed the root of the back wing of the oracle, giving a 90% discount!


with a crisp sound, the wings were torn off directly!

then Fang Yu grabbed the right hand of the emissary and pulled hard again!


the oracle's right arm, with his staff in his hand, fell to the ground below!

"want to judge me"

Fang Yu's left hand grabbed the emissary's head and exerted a little effort.

at the moment, the divine body is twitching.

Fang Yu's series of actions were so fast that the other five two-winged envoys did not respond!

and the group of pious prayers below watched the scene with their eyes wide open.

this man... How dare you attack the incarnation of the gods!

what is he doing


at this moment, Fang Yu gave his left hand a firm grip.

this two-winged god envoy. Just blow your head open! created this illusion may have learned some information in some ancient books and turned it out, but most likely it is just an illusion." Li Huoyu said, "however, this is just my guess. Maybe that gu...