chapter 958

ow your mistake, you should apologize to Ye Chen first! Not only do I apologize for what you said, but I also want to thank Ye Chen for saving us!"Ma Lan subconsciously replied: "This piece of trash,...!

Chapter 958

Li Xiaofen looked at Xiao Churan's eyes at this time with a little more envy and a little more loss.

she has loved Ye Chen since she was a child. When she was very young, she dreamed of marrying Ye Chen and being Ye Chen's bride. She has not forgotten this dream until now, but now it seems that she has no chance.

that's why she envies Xiao Churan even more, because in her opinion, Xiao Churan has found the best man in the world, so she is the happiest woman in the world.

Aunt Li smiled at this time and said, "career is important, but sometimes the family is also very important. We women, ah, should not give birth too late, otherwise it will have an impact on our health."

Xiao Churan blushed and nodded.

Li Xiaofen said sheepishly at this time: "Auntie Li, the owner of the old restaurant just called and said that there was something wrong with the circuit of their restaurant, so we could not open for business today, so we had to temporarily change places to eat."

Aunt Li smiled and said, "it doesn't matter whether you eat or not. I'm already very happy to see everyone. There are so many people here who haven't seen them for a long time."

Jiang Ming, who has been neglected by all kinds of people, immediately lit up when he heard this.

he immediately stepped forward and blurted out, "Aunt Li, I'll arrange dinner for everyone this evening."

as he spoke, he immediately took out his cell phone and made a phone call. Then he said to the crowd, "ladies and gentlemen, I have booked a seat at our five-star Hyatt Hotel in Jinling. Let's hurry over there now."

everyone present was surprised to hear that Jiang Ming had booked a seat in the five-star Hyatt Hotel.

someone said awkwardly, "the Hyatt Hotel is a five-star hotel. Isn't it too extravagant for us to eat there" If you eat a meal, it won't be more than twenty or thirty thousand "

"Yes! If you aa, everyone will have to split it equally for one or two thousand, and our wages can't afford such a high consumption! "

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hearing this, other faces can't help but show their approval.

people who go in and out of five-star hotels are basically upper-class people, and only they have the strength to go to such a place to enjoy.

these people present, because they are orphans, generally do not have a high education, and do not have much background, so they are not successful in their careers.

most of the jobs we are looking for are at the bottom, and many people's monthly salary is not enough to meet their daily expenses, worrying about fuel, rice and salt all day long.

therefore, as soon as I hear that I am going to eat in a five-star hotel, everyone is worried that they will be stretched because of their lack of financial resources.

Jiang Ming smiled at this moment, patted his chest generously and said, "Don't worry, everyone. I'll give you half of this meal, and all of you will give the other half, and it's estimated that each person will only pay a few hundred yuan."

many people were relieved to hear what he said.

Jiang Ming offered half of it himself, which really relieved everyone of the pressure.

some people can't help saying, "Jiang Ming, how embarrassing it is to let you pay half by yourself!"

Jiang Ming waved his hand carelessly and said with a smile, "Today is mainly for Aunt Li. It doesn't matter if I spend more money!"

as a matter of fact, people do not know that Jiang Ming happens to have a budget for the company to entertain clients. What he thinks is that he will pay 20,000 to 30,000 yuan for this meal, and let others give him the other half on the surface.

at that time, I will issue an invoice and go to the company for reimbursement. Not only can I get back the half I spent, but also I can earn back the half given by everyone!

for example, if you pay 15000 yuan for a meal and 15000 yuan for everyone, and then go to the company and reimburse you for 30,000 yuan later, you will not only earn face and favor in front of everyone, but also make a net profit of 15,000 yuan!

Why not do itng, "the house doesn't look any bigger, does it"(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | | []). Ush ({});Xiao Churan said, "their house is a two-bedroom apartment, which adds up to more than 60 square meters...