Chapter 1749

ingless."when he finished, he ignored Wu Donghai and said to Father Song, "Old Song, Huichuidan can at least prolong your life by more than ten years. I hope you won't forget to invite me when you cel...Chapter 1749

the hotel quickly found an anomaly.

it was the guests downstairs who found the problem at first. They found that there were two more ropes outside the window, so they told the hotel receptionist.

the front desk of the hotel found Su Zhiyu's room directly according to the room number protruded by the rope.

when they found that Su Zhiyu's room was empty and the scene was a bit messy, the person in charge of the hotel panicked!

the Su brothers and sisters are not only their distinguished guests, but also one of the shareholders of the Amann Hotel Group. Naturally, they dare not be snubbed when such a thing happens.

then they went to the room of Su's entourage, looking for someone to find out.

unexpectedly, there is not only a dead body in the room, but also a dead body!

all the attendants and assistants of the Su family died miserably in their respective rooms!

the death is terrible!

the manager of the hotel softened with fear on the spot and sat down on the floor with a puff, then wet his crotch!

in the hotel I managed, more than a dozen people died at once, and all of them were members of the Su family!

what is even more desperate is that Su Zhifei and Su Zhiyu brother and sister are missing!

this is Su's eldest grandson and eldest granddaughter.

is definitely the two most outstanding members of the Su family's generation!

unexpectedly, he was kidnapped in the hotel he managed!

if the Su family were to pursue the matter, they would not be able to absolve themselves of the blame even if they died.

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he hardly dared to delay and asked someone to call the police while personally calling his boss, the chairman of the Amann Hotel Group.

he would very much like to inform the Su family immediately, lest the Su family blame themselves for not reporting in time in the future.

however, in his capacity, he is not qualified to contact the Su family directly, so he can only call the boss and convey it on his behalf.

the chairman of Amann Hotel Group was in Dubai at this time. After hearing this, he almost had a heart attack on the spot!

Su Zhifei and Su Zhiyu have been kidnapped in their own hotel.

this is a great sin!

if something happens between them, the Su family will have to kill themselves!

so he immediately made a phone call to Su Shoudao in Yanjing!

after listening to the report, Su Shoudao suddenly experienced a surge in blood pressure and almost went into a coma.

thanks to the timely rescue of the Su family, they are lucky to be all right.

however, when I heard that Su Zhifei and Su Zhiyu had been kidnapped in Japan, the whole Su family was furious.

Father Su immediately asked all the hermit masters of the Su family to fly to Tokyo overnight and issued two iron lives in succession:

first, even if Tokyo was dug three feet, Su Zhifei and Su Zhiyu should be found and rescued alive!

second, find out who is behind this and dump all of the Su family, and be sure to punish the whole family!hers at the most critical moment.ordinary business jets fly at a maximum speed of 800 to 900 kilometers per hour, but Concorde airliners can reach 2.5 times its speed!(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle |...