Chapter 1467

rash. Did you avenge yourselfbut suddenly he saw Wu Xin's face pale, his left hand grabbing his shrugged right wrist, and his heart thumped, and he couldn't help feeling that something was Li...Chapter 1467

however, Kaiko Ito's physical condition at this time is not enough to support her to stand up again.

she worked hard with pain and reluctance on her face, and the referee kept counting down.

Ito Kaiko persisted several times, but could not get what she wanted. until the moment when the referee finished reading the last second and officially blew the whistle to announce the official end of the game, all her strength seemed to be completely emptied at this moment, and the whole person lay down in the ring with a bang. Deafening cheers broke out from the


because they know that Qin Aoxue won the final and won the championship of this international competition.

the referee also raised Qin Aoxue's arm and exclaimed: "now I declare that the champion of this year's international college student Sanda competition is the native Chinese player Qin Aoxue!"

the cheers reached a peak in an instant, and everyone stood up and applauded at the same time.

Ye Chen also stood up and applauded, but in his heart he was worried about Ito Caizi.

at this moment, the team of doctors from the Ito family immediately rushed into the ring with a stretcher. After a simple examination of Ito Kaizi, the middle-aged female doctor immediately said to the people around her, "the young lady is seriously injured. We must go to the airport immediately!"

Ito Kaiko said weakly and difficultly, "can you wait a little longer"

the doctor shook his head in a tone of extreme seriousness and nervousness: "Miss, your injury is very serious now. Not only do you have multiple broken ribs, but your internal organs are also badly hurt. We must take you to the ambulance and start first aid now!"

"before we came, we had already put a lot of large first aid equipment on the plane. We will do further treatment for you later on our way back to Japan. When we get to Japan, we will immediately send you to the best hospital and receive the best treatment!" As soon as the

voice dropped, she immediately told her, "come on, let's go now!"

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Ito Kaiko is innumerably unwilling, but the situation is no longer beyond her control. These are all family doctors, all under the orders of her father.

as a result, Ito Kaiko was immediately put on a stretcher by the doctor, and then quickly left the scene of the game.

Ye Chen felt more or less worried when he saw that Ito Caicaizi was carried away, and now he doesn't know how much damage Qin Aoxue's all-out blow has brought to Ito Caizi.

I don't know if her life is in danger.

in fact, the safest way is for Ye Chen to diagnose her personally, to determine whether her life is in danger, and if so, to eradicate her with Reiki.

but now that the Ito family doctor hurriedly took her away, Ye Chen had no chance at all.

the moment Ye Chen chased out of the gymnasium, the Ito family doctors were carrying Ito Kaizi to the ambulance.

at this time, Ito Caizi suddenly saw the exit of the gymnasium and appeared a figure that was familiar and haunted her.

she recognized the figure as Ye Chen almost instantly!

as a result, Ito Caizi was very excited, but by this time, the door of the ambulance had been closed, so she could only take a look at Ye Chen from afar before closing the door and through the crack in the door.

she burst into tears as soon as the car door closed completely.

at the same time, she choked in her heart: "good-bye, Ye Chenjun, although I don't know if I will have a chance to meet you again."

Ye Chen watched the ambulance roaring away from the gym, then stopped and sighed helplessly.

there is no denying that he is very worried about Ito Caizi.

but there's nothing else I can do right now.

can only hope that Ito Kaiko will survive on her own.

as to whether she and I will have a chance to see each other again, we can only leave it to fate.ecame an one-armed warrior!what's worse, Ye Chen broke his jaw with a punch, and his lower lip was connected with a pile of rotten meat with bone dregs.Zhang Zizhou didn't come to a good end either. H...