Chapter 1402

aid, "now that everyone is here, let's take our seats quickly."President Pei also nodded and said, "all right, everybody sit down!"at this time, a middle-aged man behind President Pei suddenly snorted...Chapter 1402

Ye Chen said awkwardly, "Auntie, I have a very stable relationship with your sister-in-law. You can't get a third party involved!"

"do I have a third party to intervene" Gu Qiuyi said angrily, "Ye, when I was four or five years old, I was promised to you by my parents!" You've only been married to your wife for three or four years! "

"also, you have been missing for so many years, I not only did not forget you, but also lived up to my engagement and gave up all of a sudden! I have been brainwashing myself for so many years. No matter how good a man I meet, I always tell myself that I have a fiance and I will find him. Now that I have finally found you, how dare you say that my third party is involved "

Gu Qiuyi is getting angrier and angrier at this time.

she didn't want to argue too much with Ye Chen, saying that he let herself down, but she just subconsciously wanted to act coquettish with him.

however, she did not expect that Ye Chen unexpectedly said that her third party had stepped in.

this really ignited the resentment in her heart at once!

originally sat with Hsiao Chu-ran for dinner, and Mrs. Ye shouted one mouthful at a time, which already made her very depressed. when it came to a third party, it was Xiao who first intervened in his engagement to Ye Chen.

now, this Ye Chen actually put the cart before the horse, saying that she is a third party, which makes her grievance come out all of a sudden.

then she cried and said, "Ye!" When you arrive in Yanjing, I will show you dozens of diaries I have written in the past ten years. You read one article after another from the day you disappeared. If there is no you in your diary one day, I will lose Gu Qiuyi! You big pig, you've hurt me for so many years, and now you're still doing this to me. Do you still have a conscience "

Ye Chen felt a big head.

people respectfully call him a real dragon in the world, but this girl is nice. She doesn't give herself face at all and calls herself a pig!

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but he doesn't dare to be angry, nor does he have the face to be angry. On the contrary, he still feels guilty.

although he is ruthless and ruthless in the face of the enemy, he has always been very grateful and grateful to those who are grateful to him, and Gu Qiuyi is no exception.

when she heard her crying, Ye Chen hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing. I apologize to you."

Gu Qiuyi asked him, "what about my stomachache"

Ye Chen immediately said, "just a moment, I will personally deliver the medicine for you!"

Gu Qiuyi asked, "do you have any ready-made Jiuxuan stomach Powder"

Ye Chen said, "No, but I can pick it up from the pharmaceutical factory and deliver it to you to the hotel myself. Are you satisfied now"

Gu Qiuyi said: "never mind, the pharmaceutical factory is quite far away, it is so late, do not bother you, you'd better arrange for others to send it, although I have a great opinion on you this pig, but after all, I still feel sorry for you"

Yechen suddenly thought, this spleen and stomach disorder, although taking stomach powder has a good effect, but stomach powder, its own positioning is more inclined to alleviate symptoms and discomfort, rather than immediate cure.

this medicine is a bit like throat candy for a sore throat. Some throat candy is very comfortable, and the throat pain can be relieved immediately. However, the root cause of throat inflammation and anger may not be a good cure.

Wei San is a drug of this nature. If Gu Qiuyi's spleen and stomach have really left some hidden diseases, it is still necessary to get to the root of the problem in order to solve the problem once and for all.

when he thought of this, he immediately said, "wait for me at the hotel. I'll go over and give you a systematic treatment."轉碼失敗!請您使用右上換源切換源站閱讀或者直接前往源網站進行閱讀!