Chapter 1162

our master! My name is! Ye! Chen! ""Boom!!"when this came out, Feng Xueru was struck by lightning!she stared at Ye Chen as if she saw a ghost."you. You. Are you Master Ye No way! How could Master Ye b...Chapter 1162

so the Wu family thought that the next time should be the time for the eight Heavenly Kings to rob people, so they dared not disturb them too much.

seeing that almost an hour had passed, Father Wu calculated that the eight Heavenly Kings were so strong that one hour should be enough for them to kill each other, and then rescued the Wei father and son.

so he said to Wu Donghai, "Donghai, call Mr. Fan and ask them how things are going."

"good!" Wu Donghai nodded immediately, took out his cell phone and called Fan Linyuan.

the cell phone rang for a long time, but no one answered it.

he opened his mouth and said to Father Wu, "Dad, there is no answer. Can you still be on business"

Father Wu nodded: "it's possible, let's wait patiently."

10 minutes later, Father Wu said, "Donghai, call Mr. Fan again!"

Wu Donghai immediately followed suit.

but this time the phone still can't get through.

Father Wu frowned, "that's not quite right. With their strength, how could it take so long" There are only some second-rate bodyguards. For Mr. Fan, it is no problem at all. I still remember that when I fought in all directions, Mr. Fan followed me into his opponent's lair, with more than 20 people on the other side. however, he was killed by Mr. Fan in a short period of time. This kind of strength is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people. "

Wu Donghai comforted: "Don't worry, Dad. Changbai Mountain is remote, the weather is cold, and the place is isolated, so you can't guarantee what kind of small situation will happen."

Father Wu nodded gently: "then wait a little longer!"

Ten minutes later, Father Wu continued to urge: "Donghai, keep fighting!"

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Wu Donghai did it immediately, but nothing changed.

Father Wu was in a bit of a hurry, and he felt more and more that something seemed to be wrong.

so he urged Wu Donghai to call Fan Linyuan again and again.

Fan Linyuan couldn't get through, so he asked Wu Donghai to call other people of the eight Heavenly Kings.

but several others still can't get through.

to be exact, the phone can get through, but there is no answer.

I couldn't get in touch with the eight Heavenly Kings for nearly an hour, which made everyone in the Wu family feel a chill in the back.

how can the eight Heavenly Kings all disappear at once This is not realistic either!

even if the eight Heavenly Kings encounter strong opponents, with their strength, it is impossible that none of them can escape.

after all, just a few hours before them, one of the sixteen people who went to Changbai Mountain escaped.

those people are ordinary second-rate masters, who are good at using guns rather than fists, and are not martial arts masters at all.

there is no reason why super martial arts like the eight Heavenly Kings cannot escape even if they go.

Father Wu was so nervous that he became extremely short of breath.

he grabbed Wu Donghai's hand, looking pale and whispering to himself, "something's wrong, something's really wrong this time."

Wu Donghai can only comfort: "Dad, don't be in such a hurry, just calm down and wait!"

Father Wu said earnestly, "Mr. Fan has followed me for so many years and has never had such a situation, so something is really wrong this time. I even suspect that something may have happened to them!"e in Jinlingwas thinking, Ye Chen took Shi Tianqi to her and said, "at first, this is a famous doctor. Shi Tianqi is old. He can cure our father's injuries."when Xiao Churan and Ma Lan heard this, the...