Chapter 200

ve the private room, he saw Su Chengwu and his expression changed slightly. He hurried forward and said, "Mr. Su, it's nice to meet you. I am...""Get out of my way!" Su Chengwu shoved Wang Yanzhong as...Chapter 200

And in the center of the crack, there was also a hole, and bricks had flown into the car.


The tires screeched against the pavement, a jarring sound as the Lexus came to a slow stop at the curb.

A middle-aged figure stepped out of the car, fixing his gloomy gaze on Samba with a menacing look. He then strode towards him.

This middle-aged man was the first expert sent by the Yang family to assassinate Yang Chen, Qian Biao.

Just as he got out of the car, Samba felt a powerful and sudden killing intent. Samba's expression became very serious in an instant, and he understood in his heart that this middle-aged man was a master.

"Are you sent by Yang Chen"

Qian Biao easily guessed Samba's purpose.

samba gave Qianbiao a cold look: "Do you even qualify to kill Mr. Yang"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Samba had already launched a punch towards Qian Biao.


Out of one's depth!


qian biao said coldly, without feeling samba's killing intent at all, he just took slow steps forward.

The next second, Samba had already charged over, throwing a punch.


In the blink of an eye, Qian Biao suddenly reached out an arm and grabbed Senba's fist with a fierce grip.

Sambo's face turned pale. He knew exactly how much power he had put into that punch, yet it was effortlessly blocked by the opponent. This clearly showed that the other party's strength far surpassed his own.

"With only this much strength, you dare to stop me"

Qian Biao let out a cold snort, and in his other hand suddenly appeared a dagger that shimmered with silver light. Without any hesitation, he thrust it directly toward Sanba's neck.

Samba didn't expect the other party to use cold weapons right from the start. A strong sense of crisis washed over him, and he swung his other fist out with all his might.


Samba's fist struck Qian Biao's wrist, but it only slightly altered the trajectory of the dagger, still unable to stop his killing blow.

Just as the dagger was about to pierce Samba's neck, a figure suddenly appeared.

"Get out of here!"

Ma Chao, who had always been hiding in the shadows, emerged like a wild beast, and punched Qian Biao's chest with one blow.

Qian Biao only felt his chest hit by a powerful force, and he stumbled back seven or eight steps before stopping.

Samba saw Ma Chao and started breathing heavily. He had almost been killed just now.

You are not his match, get out of the way!

Ma Chao said something to Samba, his eyes fixed on Qian Biao.

Even Ma Chao, facing Qian Biao now, could feel a hint of crisis. This just shows how powerful the other party is.

Qian Biao's qi and blood surged within him, his eyes filled with shock. Ma Chao's punch had actually sent him staggering back seven or eight steps.

"Who are you"

Qian Biao adjusted his state slightly and suddenly spoke.

"A mighty warrior of the North, reduced to assassination You don't deserve to bear the name 'North'."

Ma Chao's face was cold. From the moment Qian Biao made his move, he had recognized the assassination technique used by the other party – it came from the Northern Border.

Hearing Ma Chao's words, Qian Biao trembled all over and was shocked: "You, who are you" it. He was completely unharmed in such a serious car accident, not even a scratch on him."Mr. Xiong, a Bentley just crashed straight into the hall!" Bo Ren Entertainment's manager, his face pale wit...