Chapter 185

y, gritting his teeth: "Qin Yi is mine, no one can stop her from returning to my side."As soon as Yang Chen left, a black Audi A8 pulled up to the gate of Yanci Group. Yang Wei hurried out of the car....Chapter 185

For a moment, all eyes turned to the speaker.

The speaker was the sales manager, named Peng Gang. He was in his forties, with a few sparse hairs on his forehead that were shiny and slicked back. He also wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

Among the company's several departments, Peng Gang is considered to have the most seniority. After the establishment of the Jiangzhou branch, he was appointed as a department head by the Yuwen family.

Before, the position of deputy general manager in charge of the sales department had been vacant. Many people thought that Peng Gang would be promoted to deputy general manager, but now Qin Yi has taken his place.

Luo Bin raised his eyebrows slightly and said displeasedly, "What's your opinion"

Peng Gang spoke first: “Since she joined the company, in less than two months, she was promoted to vice president, which doesn't comply with the company's promotion requirements at all.”


Being questioned publicly, Luò Bīn naturally wouldn't be happy. He coldly stated: "Qin Yī did enter the company recently, but half of the company's cooperation projects were won by her."

In just these two months, the value she single-handedly created for the company accounted for half of the company's total value. Who else is more deserving than her

Besides, the Yanchen Group has always been merit-based. When has it ever relied on seniority to determine promotions

Besides, I need to emphasize that the appointment letter came from headquarters and has nothing to do with me, Luobin. If you have any objections, you can file a complaint with headquarters. I am only responsible for notifying you of the appointment letter from headquarters.

Upon hearing Luo Bin's words, everyone present suddenly realized.

Although Qin Yi is new to the company, she has indeed secured many large-scale cooperation projects for the company. Especially in the last month, Qin Yi's performance has been even better.

This also gave many companies' lower-level employees a surge of strong confidence, especially Luo Bin's words "the capable should hold the position".

Qin Yi's story is a very inspiring one for low-level employees.

Alright, if there's nothing else, let's adjourn.

Luó Bīn swept his gaze over the crowd and spoke.

Yang Chen had completed the task he was given, and he was eager to report it to Yang Chen.

"Luò Bīn, since you are not righteous, then don't blame me for being unprincipled."

Peng Gang suddenly looked furious and, in front of all the employees, directly called out Luo Bin's name.

His words stunned everyone.

High above, the emperor is far away. Even though Luo Bin is only the general manager in this branch, he is the top leader here. Now Peng Gang actually dares to confront him publicly.

"Colleagues, I'm about to show you something. After you see it, you'll understand how Qin Yi was promoted to Vice President."

Peng Gang shouted loudly, and then suddenly took out a paper bag. He then pulled out a stack of photos from inside and threw them around him.

For a moment, the entire conference room was filled with photos.

Qin Yi also got a photo in her hand. When she saw the content of the photo, her face changed drastically, and at the same time, her face was full of anger.

Because in the photo, she was sitting in Luobin's arms, her hands were still holding Luobin's neck, and she had a smile on her face.

The whole place gasped when they saw the photo!

Everyone looked at Qin Yi in shock, even her best friend Sun Tian, who was beside her, looked astonished.

Even Sun Tian believed it, which goes to show that others were likely involved.eak to me like this" Qin Fei could only mention the magistrate to feel a little reassured."There are still five seconds!" Yang Chen said calmly."What the hell are you looking for!"As Yang Chen walked...