Chapter 164

with a complicated expression and said, "This time, it's my last time helping the family. As for the family's kindness in raising me, the moment they took Sanhe Group from me, it was already paid back...Chapter 164

The demolition crew were all terrified, was Yang Chen really going to kill someone

Zhou Y cuì was bombarded with visual stimuli, wave after wave, and she was so frightened that she couldn't utter a word.

Qin Yi, after a brief moment of stunned silence, suddenly panicked and rushed forward: "Brother-in-law, don't be impulsive! Let him go, killing him isn't worth it. Think about your sister, think about Xiaoxiao. If you're arrested for murder, what will happen to them"

Because he couldn't breathe, Qin Fei's lips and face had begun to turn purple, and his pupils were gradually dilating.

"Brother-in-law, you quickly let go! Qin Fei is almost dead!" Qin Yijian saw that Qin Fei was about to die, and she shouted out loud. She was truly worried that Yang Chen would be caught for murder.

Yang Chen naturally wouldn't easily kill Qin Fei, he just wanted him to feel the despair of facing death.


Yang Chen finally let go, and Qin Fei's body went limp on the ground, gasping for breath. The purplish color on his face finally subsided a bit.

Qin Yi was also frightened. Just now, if Yang Chen hadn't let go, even for ten more seconds, Qin Fei could have suffocated to death.

Zhou Yucui's legs also turned to jelly at this moment, who would have known Yang Chen would be so ruthless.

"Is there anything you want to say Say it now, and then I'll send you on your way!"

Qin Yi just breathed a sigh of relief, and Yang Chen repeated the sentence again, making her nervous: "Brother-in-law, you..."

"Xiao Yi, no matter how others target me, I can endure it, but only Xiao Xi and Xiao Xiao are my Achilles' heel." Before Qin Yi could finish her words, Yang Chen interrupted: "Whoever dares to harm them, I will not let them go, Qin Fei must die!"

"Yang Chen, you can't kill me. The Qin family is already on good terms with the government, and I am the only heir to the Qin family. If you kill me, my grandfather will definitely not let you go."

After going through the feeling of being on the brink of death just now, Qin Fei originally thought Yang Chen had let him go. Unexpectedly, he wanted to kill him again. He was instantly terrified, wetting himself and kneeling at Yang Chen's feet, begging for mercy.

Just now he was claiming to make Yang Chen kneel at his feet and beg for mercy, but now he's kneeling at Yang Chen's feet instead. It's a huge irony.

At this time, Qin Xi also sent her daughter back and saw Qin Fei kneeling at Yang Chen's feet begging for mercy. She was very surprised and didn't know what had happened.

"Sister, you must persuade your brother-in-law. He wants to kill Qin Fei." Qin Yi hurried over.

Qin Xi only then knew why Qin Fei would kneel before Yang Chen, her face filled with anxiety, she hurried to Yang Chen's face and pleaded: "Yang Chen, don't be impulsive!"

Yang Chen glanced at Qin Xi, then said with a stoic expression: "You know very well what kind of person Qin Fei is. He's prepared coffins for our family today and will dare to take our lives tomorrow. I absolutely won't allow this to happen."

“Yang Chen, I swear, from now on I will never bother you again.” Qin Fei immediately raised his right hand.

Yang Chen sneered: "If your words can be believed, pigs would climb trees. Today, you must die!"

Looking at Yang Chen's unwavering expression, Qin Xi felt for the first time Yang Chen's strength. This Yang Chen was completely different from the meek and submissive one he usually was.

"Yang Chen, you..."

Qin Xigang was about to speak, but Yang Chen stopped her: "Xiao Xi, whatever you want, I will agree to it. Only this matter, I cannot agree. As long as he is alive, my heart will be uneasy. Just for you and your daughter, allow me to make my own decision this once."

Just then, Qin Fei who was kneeling at Yang Chen's feet suddenly reached into his inner shirt with his right hand and pulled out a dagger that shimmered with an eerie light, charging straight towards Qin Xi.

He knew he couldn't kill Yang Chen, so he could only choose Qin with a sense of disbelief.And Yang Chen had already plucked dozens of leaves at random, waving them away casually."Pff! Pff! Pff..."A series of soft thuds echoed as the dozen or so gunmen, who had...