Chapter 731: Facing Death with Life

d, but full of energy instead!"Hey, have you ever felt like you're bursting with energy""Yes! I thought my limbs were going to be broken before, but now that I've completely relaxed, I don't feel any...The Qin family's mansion wasn't particularly large, but besides the four buildings inside, most of the area from the main gate forward was occupied by a garden filled with plants. 。A lush vegetable garden, grasslands with grazing cattle and sheep, and a clear stream dug by hand. 。These landscapes make the Qin family mansion look less like a large family home and more like a park. 。Led by a servant, Fang Yu walked forward at an unhurried pace. 。Although it has been many years since I last visited, the changes to the Qin family's large estate are not significant. 。Fang Yu glanced at the vegetable garden and grass around him, and a picture of Qin Wu Dao's youthful appearance appeared in his mind. 。Back then, Qin Wudao was abandoned by his family at the tender age of just ten. 。He stood on the street begging, that stubborn yet resigned look etched in my memory. 。Only, Fang Yu took Qin Wudao away and lived with him for nearly ten years. 。In Fang Yu's heart, Qin Wudao is very similar to his personality. 。But unfortunately, Qin Wudao didn't have spiritual roots... which is to say he had no talent for cultivation. 。Those without spiritual roots are not necessarily unable to cultivate, but the difficulty of cultivation will be more than a hundred times that of others. Moreover, their efforts may not necessarily yield results. 。Therefore, Qin Wudao himself had no desire to embark on the path of cultivation. 。Over those ten years, Fang Yu spent more time teaching Qin Wudao about the principles of being a good person and the wisdom of handling affairs. 。Ten years have passed in a flash. 。When Fang Yu turned twenty, he sent Qin Wudao back to the capital, letting him do what he wanted. 。Later, Qin Wudao returned to the Qin family and punished those who had made him an abandoned child. He successfully took power and reversed the trend of the Qin family's decline, bringing it back to prominence. 。Today's Qin family, in the secular world of Beidu, has firmly stood at the top. 。This is the ultimate achievement Qin Wudao, as an ordinary person incapable of cultivation, could reach. 。Mr. Fang, sir... he is on the second floor of this house. 。The maid curtsied and said 。Fang Yu looked up at the building in front of him. It was a small, two-story house with an extremely simple exterior. 。

Fang Yu strode inside. 。

On the first floor, there was no one. Fang Yu walked directly up the stairs to the second floor. 。

Ahead is a living room, with two people standing in it. 。One person was Qin Lang, who had just called Fang Yu. The other person was Qin Yimo, whom he hadn't seen in a long time. 。Qin Yimo was wiping away her tears, while Qin Lang saw Fang Yu at a glance. 。"Mr. Fang!" Qin Lang rushed forward, his eyes bloodshot. 。"Where's your grandpa" Fang Yu asked. 。He was just on the balcony...he didn't want to see anyone but you anymore. 。"Qin Lang's eyes were moist, he said, 'We can stay here because we begged him several times before he agreed...'

'Well, I'll go take a look at him. You guys wait downstairs.'" 。"Fang Yu said" 。...good 。Qin Lang nodded and turned to look at Qin Yimo. 。Qin Yimo's eyes were red and swollen. She glanced at Fang Yu, shook her head, and said in a choked voice, "I want to wait here! What if Grandpa wants to see me later..."

"Go down first, I'll let you know if he wants to see you." 。Fang Yu said 。Qin Yimo bit her red lips, wiped away the tears from her eyes again, took a deep breath, and nodded. Then she went downstairs with Qin Lang. 。Fang Yu walked towards the balcony in front of him. 。Stepping onto the balcony, I saw Qin Wu Dao lounging half-reclined in a comfortable armchair, his gaze vacant as he stared out at the scenery beyond. 。His face was creased with wrinkles, his bones protruding, he looked incredibly old. 。Fang Yu's memory of Qin Wudao was still stuck twenty-four years ago, when Qin Yimo was one year old. 。At that time, Qin Wudao was in his early sixties. Among mortals, he was considered quite old. 。But at that time, there was no trace of aging on his face. 。Twenty-four years have passed, but Qin Wudao's face shows not even a trace of life. 。This change surprised Fang Yu. 。You're finally here.

Qin Wudao tilted his head slightly, looking at Fang Yu, the wrinkles on his face twitched, revealing a hint of a smile. 。I told you I would meet you before your life force runs out, and I never break my promise. 。"Fang Yu said," 。"Fortunately, I can still hold on until you get here" 。Qin Wudao's voice was hoarse. 。。"Fang Yu said, raising his right hand, "Do you see this ring on my finger This is called the Void Spirit Ring. I embedded a teleportation spell inside it, which can transfer over thousands of kilometers in a short period of time." 。"Haha... I'm almost dead, you're still poking at my weak spot about not being able to cultivate." 。Qin Wudao laughed. 。

"I didn't mean to" 。“Fang Yu also smiled and said,” 。Qin Wudao laughed twice, then coughed violently. 。"I remember when you called me earlier this year, your voice was so full of energy." 。"It's only been half a year, how come things suddenly became like this" Fang Yu asked. 。Qin Wudao shook his head, glanced at Fang Yu, and said: "You may not understand... But for mortals, aging is just a moment's thing" 。I truly didn't expect that. 。"Fang Yu said, 'I taught you a set of body-training exercises before. If you practiced them diligently, I estimate you could live to at least ninety-five.'" 。"But you're only in your eighties this year, aren't you"

"Since five years ago, I haven't been able to do that set of exercises anymore" 。“Qin Wudao said, “Those movements inside are a bit difficult for this old bones of mine.” 。"This is the problem." 。"Fang Yu said, “You should have persisted.” 。"

“Cough... that’s about it, lived eighty-seven years, that's about it” 。"Qin Wudao said, "To live by facing death, a person who lives too long will only increase pain. That's the truth you told me." 。That is relative. 。"For me, who has lived for thousands of years, immortality is indeed a painful thing," Fang Yu said. 。But for someone like you, living for eighty-plus years, extending to over a hundred, it can only be considered longevity, a blessing. 。Qin Wudao smiled, didn't speak, and looked at the scenery ahead. 。

Fang Yu also looked ahead. 。

This direction, you see mountains one after another. 。It was late afternoon, the sun slowly sinking towards the horizon, and the clouds in the sky were tinged with crimson. 。"Don't you really want to live a few more years" Fang Yu looked at the clouds in the sky and asked. 。"Forget it... If the Qin family hadn't had enough outstanding people grow up back then, I would have left with Qinglian forty years ago." 。Qin Wudao's face was withered, but his eyes were still clear and bright. 。At this moment, a look of reminiscence appeared in his eyes. 。The memory of that graceful figure has always beckoned him. 。This time, he didn't want to, and couldn't afford to disappoint the other person again. 。"The will... I've already made it. I will pass on the head of the household position to Yimo." 。"Qin Wudao said, "The Qin family is still in turmoil. If you are willing, please help." 。Speaking of this, Qin Wudao coughed violently. 。"Rest assured, from the moment you sent Qin Yimo to Jiangnan to see me, I knew what you had in mind." 。Fang Yu smiled faintly and said, "As for Qin Yimo, I will definitely help." 。"My efforts over the years haven't been enough, the enemies of the Qin family haven't been completely eliminated, and there are also problems within the family... This is what I worry about most." 。"Qin Wudao strained his neck and looked towards Fang Yu." 。Since I promised Qin Yimo help, I will naturally eliminate these enemies all at once. 。Fang Yu said. 。These things shouldn't trouble you anymore. 。“After Fang Yu agreed, Qin Wudao let out a sigh of relief and his voice lowered considerably, “It’s a pity that I have exhausted my energy.” 。"

Human energy is finite, there’s no need to blame yourself for that. " 。“Fang Yu said,” 。Qin Wudao's eyes were half-closed, as if he was exhausted to the extreme and about to fall asleep. 。But then, he seemed to remember something, tilted his head and looked at Fang Yu, and asked: "Can people really go to another place after they die" "Of course, as long as fate allows it, you will definitely meet Qinglian." 。"Fang Yu replied," 。That's good 。Qin Wudao turned his head and looked at the setting sun gradually sinking behind the hillside in the distance. He said softly, “Thank you, Brother Fang. Goodbye.” 。"

The nickname 'Brother Fang' instantly made Fang Yu feel that Qin Wu Dao had returned to his youth." 。But the next second, Qin Wudao's vitality completely dissipated, which made Fang Yu come to his senses. 。Qin Wudao closed his eyes, a faint smile on his face, as if he had only fallen asleep temporarily. 。I hope you can really meet Qinglian. 。Fang Yu patted Qin Wudao's shoulder and turned to leave the balcony. 。n Xin, his face equally pale, lips trembling uncontrollably, unable to utter a word."You guys are good at hiding, weren't you You were already hiding over there." Fang Yu looked at Si Nanxin and Si Na...