Chapter 613: A Sinister Smile!

plummeted downwards from the sky."The Venerable One... has fallen!"There was a gasp from the crowd.Nobody would have expected that the ancient dragon would fall!At this moment, a figure darted out fr..."...Understood." Zhao Xuan replied immediately.

Fang Yu nodded, no longer saying anything. He turned and walked to the bed, taking Zhao Zinan, who was still in a coma, into his arms with one hand, and activated the Kong Ling Ring.

A burst of light flashed across Fang Yu and Zhao Zinan, and the two vanished together.


Nandu Ecological Park, at its deepest point.

Fang Yu took Zhao Zinan's hand and opened the fence in front of the vegetable garden, walking into it.

Just like last time, as soon as Zhao Zinan entered the vegetable garden, the vitality within the entire garden surged!

Fang Yu led Zhao Zi'nan to the center of the vegetable garden.

Here, is the location of the Star Fruit, and also the entire source of life, the most central place.

Fāng Yǔ placed Zhào Zǐnán, face up, on this empty space.

Normally, even if this place has a strong life force, progress would be very slow relying on the body's own absorption. Guidance is necessary to introduce the life force into the body, only then will the recovery speed increase.

But Zhao Zijun's body, however, remained as peculiar as ever.

Fang Yu merely placed her on the ground, and immediately he could feel the life force of the entire vegetable garden surging towards her body.

Zhao Zijian's body was like a black hole, greedily absorbing life force.

In the process, her skin, which was originally pale, gradually regained its color.

The withered face, too, gradually regained its radiance.

And Fang Yu once again opened the Eye of Insight, observing Zhao Zi Nan's body.

As before, there’s nothing to see.

These insightful eyes could see through everything, yet they couldn't pierce Zhao Zinan!

"If what He Chenchen said is true… the Demon Sect wants to take Zhao Zinan away in order to use her body to revive a thousand-year-old vicious soul…"

Even I can't see any mystical qualities in her body, so why does the Demon Cult believe she is a perfect vessel

Fang Yu scratched his head, utterly baffled.

For him, many things he might not know, but if he wants to understand, he can usually find the answers.

Present-day Zhao Zi'nan, however, left Fang Yu completely bewildered.

The peculiarity of her physique was the first Fang Yu had ever seen in his many years of life.

Meanwhile, Zhao ZiNan, who was absorbing a large amount of life force, was getting better and better.

After about five minutes, her long eyelashes quivered slightly.

Soon, she opened her eyes, revealing clear, bright orbs.

Seeing Fang Yu kneeling in front of him, staring straight at him, Zhao Zinan was startled and thought he had seen things wrong. He rubbed his eyes.

After confirming she hadn't misread, a blush, like that of a ripe red apple, appeared on Zhao Zinan's cheeks. She softly called out, "Fang Yu..."

"How are you feeling" Fang Yu said.

Zhao Zi'nan slowly sat up and looked down at her body, replying, "I... feel fine."

Now she is clear-headed and full of energy.

This stands in stark contrast to the past two weeks, when I felt sluggish and lacked energy every day.

"Fang Yu, it was you who saved me..." Zhao Zijun looked at Fang Yu and said gratefully.

"No, you just got lucky. I happened to be fired today and ran into your brother right at the door, otherwise you should have died." Fang Yu said.

"But you still saved me," Zhao Zijian said in a low voice, leaning forward as if wanting to bow to Fang Yu.

But the back of her dress had been ripped open by Fang Yu.

So, as she bent over, her dress slipped down in front.

Fortunately, she had sleeves, which exposed only her snowy shoulders.


Zhao Zinan let out a soft cry and quickly pressed down on her clothes.

She looked at Fang Yu, her face red as if it was about to bleed.

Fang Yu stood up and said, "If you feel okay, I'll take you home."


Zhao Zijian bit her lower lip, covering her clothes with her hands, and stood up.

Fang Yu saw that she was extremely shy. He took out a shirt he usually wore from his storage bag and handed it to her.

Put this on.

Zhao Zijian took the clothes and immediately ran upstairs.

Now she finally let out a breath of relief, but the blush on her cheeks remained.

This is her first time wearing someone else's clothes, ever since she was born.

"He's gone."

Fang Yu grabbed Zhao Zi Nan's shoulder with his right hand, causing the latter to tremble.

Then, the empty spirit ring flickered with light.

The two teleported away together.


The standalone villa of Zhao's family, where Zhao Zijian resides.

"Xu'er, are you insane! That person beat Master He into serious injuries and made us send him to the Martial Arts Association! Isn't this outrageous" A middle-aged man with thinning hair roared angrily.

His name is Zhao Zuyao, and he is Zhao Xuan's biological father.

"That's right, Xuer. Master He only saved Zinan the other day! How can we repay kindness with vengeance!" A nearby noblewoman also looked displeased and spoke up.

This is Zhao Xuan's mother, Jiang Lan.

The couple had originally planned to come and see Zhao Zi'nan for one last time, but they unexpectedly ran into this.

"Mom and Dad, listen to me. Zinan got into trouble because of this He Chenchen! It was him who cursed Zinan!" Zhao Xuan explained.

"Don't talk nonsense! If Master He wanted to kill Zinan, why would he bother with a curse He could have just not come to save Zinan that day, or even attacked him directly!" Zhao Zuyao angrily said, "I think you're an idiot! You believe everything other people say!"

"Xuan'er, you are too naive! How can you help a stranger against your own benefactor! This Master He is so young, who knows what kind of powerful forces he has behind him... If we offend him, the consequences will be unimaginable!" Jiang Lan said.

Zhao Xuan's temples were throbbing with anger.

He just witnessed Fang Yu and He Chenchen confronting each other with his own eyes.

And He Chenchen also admitted with his own mouth that he wanted to kill Zhao Zinan.

My parents in front of me, just don't believe it!

“We must take remedial action now! First, we must send Master He for treatment…” Zhao Zuyao said.

"Treatment I said, he wants to kill Zinan!" Zhao Xuan couldn't take it anymore and roared.

"Zhao Xuan, what attitude is this! You know you've done wrong and yet you refuse to change!" Zhao Zuyao's eyes were bloodshot as he glared at Zhao Xuan angrily.

"Xuan'er, how could you yell at your father Calm down quickly!" Jiang Lan advised from the side.

Zhaoxuan was breathing heavily, no longer speaking.

He knew that arguing with his parents now was pointless.

When Deng Fangyu brought back Zhao Zinan, who had fully recovered, everything was resolved.

Zhao Zuyao wanted to say something more, when a servant came running in from outside.

"Mr. Zhao, Mrs. Jiang, the master is back!" the servant said joyfully.

Is Zhao Jidao back

Zhao Zuyao and Jiang Lan looked at each other, their faces beaming with joy.

Zhao Zuyao glared at Zhao Xuan and said, "Do what I say! Otherwise, if this gets to your grandfather's ears, you'll be in even more trouble!"

After that, Zhao Zuyao and Jiang Lan left the small building to greet Zhao Jidao.

Zhao Xuan watched his parents, who were leaving happily, with sorrowful eyes.

This couple, from beginning to end, hadn't paid any attention to Zhao Zinan's situation, as if she had already died.

This made Zhao Xuan feel very heartbroken. You see, Zhao Zinan had always been very filial and had never disobeyed her parents on a daily basis.


Zhao Xuan sighed and sat on the sofa, waiting for Fang Yu's return.




“Dad, you’re back...”

In the hall, a group of core members, like stars surrounding the moon, surrounded Zhao Ji who had just returned, forming a circle.

Zhao Jidao is the mainstay of their Zhao family. His safety represents the safety of the entire Zhao family.

Without Zhao Jidao, many of the fat and oily industries under the Zhao family would suffer.

"Dad, have some tea," Zhao Zuyao offered, holding out a cup of freshly brewed red tea to Zhao Ji on the sofa.

Zhaozhi stood with a smile on his face, accepted the tea offered by Zhaozuyu, and took a sip.

"Dad, you… shouldn't be in any trouble, right What about the Beidu Martial Arts Association Did anything happen to you…" Zhao Zuyao asked cautiously.

His question is also a concern for everyone in the Zhao family.

For a moment, the entire hall was silent. Everyone looked at Zhao Ji intently, eager to know the answer.

Zhao Jidao wore a somewhat eerie smile on his face.

This kind of smile was rarely seen on Zhao Jidao in the past.

But about two months ago, Zhao Jidao suddenly started smiling frequently. At the time, many family members found it strange, but now they are gradually getting used to it.raight towards the cave opening."Miss!" the entourage shouted.Yu Shijie gritted his teeth and said, "Come on, follow Nan'er!"A group of people quickly left the front of Fang Yu and Ye Shengxue, enteri...