Chapter 3335: Within the Books

Hearing Fang Yu's words, Gao Yang's face changed, and Dong Hegu on the side even widened his eyes.Clear all the berserk warriorsHan MiaoYi suddenly reminded.

Fang Yu stopped his movements and looked at Han Miaoyi.

He will proactively bring the book over, and there must be a problem with it. Han Miao frowned, saying, "Don't touch it casually."

A blank book just hovered before his eyes.

Listening to Han Miao Yi's words, Fang Yu's eyes flickered, and he said, "I understand what you mean, but at present, this book doesn't seem to have any other aura."

...his primary concern now is whether this book has been tainted by karmic power.

As long as there is no causal power, he can touch it.

Even if the book truly held some other kind of power, he was confident he could handle it.

However, Han Miaoyi wasn't wrong.

If this were really something good, how could the Ghostly Immortal possibly just give it away!

"Is this really a list of gods..."

Fang Yu stared at the blank book in front of him, his brow furrowed, still struggling internally.

"Aren't you wanting the List of Gods Open it! Open it and see! It can help you become the Immortal King! Hahaha…" The ghostly Xian laughed and urged from afar.

The more he did this, the more it showed that there was a problem with the book.

Yet, Fang Yu's heart was filled with curiosity toward her.

If this is really a list of deities, he must open it and take a look!

This is the legendary Book of Heaven!

Everything is laid out in front of you, yet you refuse to even take a look... This isn't like Fang Yu at all!

That's how Fang Yu fell into a dilemma.

"Master, I think we can open it and take a look! It'll be fine!"

At this time, Han Miaoyi spoke again.

This time, the one speaking was clearly Mo Xian Han Miao Yi.

"Or shall I help you open it" Han Miaoyi asked again.

Fang Yu glanced at Han Miao'yi and shook his head, saying: "If there is really something in there, you can't handle it."

"I can do it!" Han Miao Yi pouted and said, "Master, you have to trust me!"

"Open it quickly! Open it quickly! Then write your name on that page! You can become an Immortal King! Open it quickly!" Gui Zhe Xian shouted again.

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes, staring at the book in front of him, golden light flickering in his pupils.

With the perspective of the Great Way's eyes, it is not difficult to see that the book itself already possesses extremely powerful law power.

However, there is an outer layer of shielding surrounding it, concealing its internal structure completely.

To find out what's inside, you'll have to open the book first.

"Aren't you here to get the Heavenly List from me Open it, open it quickly!!" Guizhe Xian's eyes widened, his tone growing increasingly agitated.

"Just open it, do you think I wouldn't dare" Fang Yu glanced at Gui Zhexian.

Then, reaching out towards the blank book hovering before them.

The moment his hands touched the book, he immediately felt its weight!

The cover of the book remained blank.

But at this time, Fang Yu was already able to clearly sense the vast aura contained within the book!

Fang Yu's eyes flickered, and with his right hand, he opened the blank book!

At this moment, Han Miao'yi on the side nervously watched Fang Yu.

And even the Ghostly Immortal, already distorted in the distance, was staring intently at Fang Yu's movements.


When the book was opened, a brilliant white light emanated from the pages.

Brilliant light enveloped Fang Yu.

"Swoosh swoosh swoosh..."

In the blinding light, Fang Yu's vision was completely lost.

All that could be seen was an endless white glare.

But as time passed, the light before my eyes gradually faded away.

In its place, a scene entirely different from the previous one emerges.

Fang Yu found himself standing on a flat expanse of land.

But before him, floating in mid-air, was a stone tablet.

This stone stele is also blank, with no characters or markings.

And on either side of this stele, numerous other steles floated.

Fang Yu glanced at it and calculated.

This suspended stone tablet, there are a total of thirty-six!

Could this be... the Thirty-Six Divine Rankings!

Now, Fang Yu's heart skipped a beat.

It states that within the Sealed God List, you can write down thirty-six names to obtain the thirty-six inheritances left behind by that immortal Emperor!

And now, do the thirty-six stone steles he sees represent the thirty-six heir slots

The stele is still blank. Ghostly Immortal kept urging me to write my name on it just now. Could he want me to write my name on this stele

Thinking this way, Fang Yu turned his head to look at the stele beside him.

To his immediate front, on the right of the stone tablet, there were several luminous characters inscribed upon it.

However, the light was too intense for Fang Yu to see what name was written above.

As for the stone tablet on the left, it was also blank.

"The stele to the left might be blank, signifying the remaining vacancies. The ones on the right have names inscribed, representing those that have been filled."

Fang Yu's heart skipped a beat, then he calculated again and found that there were still twenty-eight steles on the left, while only seven on the right. The difference was quite the Tianhun clan like a nuclear bomb!In that instant, thousands of Skyhawk clan beings hadn't even had time to enter combat form before their bodies were shattered.And this... is just the beginning...