Chapter 2876: One Punch, One

s is best!"Upon hearing the conversation between the two, Wang Yan's face turned as pale as paper, and she almost fainted."I'm afraid your wife wouldn't agree to that," Guangbin said, stroking his chi...Therefore, Chi Xuan was never able to research the way to break the Yuan Shi Mie Mo Jue.

So, even after seeing powerful humans, there is still a shadow in his heart.

The pain etched into his memory made him incredibly wary.

This newly appeared human, named Fang Yu... Is he related to the Primordial Supreme Does he possess the Primordial Annihilation Demon Art!contrast to the cloudy cover that had been present when we first entered."You're finally out. I thought you'd only be gone for fifteen minutes or so, but it took much longer than that…"Lin Batian walk...