Chapter 2800: Unacceptable

ment."What's going on"Fang Yu was very surprised.First, the location of this watchtower is very strange. It appears in the center of this murky lake, surrounded by nothing but water and silence....whi...Above the Emperor's Magic Hall.

A crystal ball, radiating a brilliant light, hovered in mid-air.

At this moment, ghosts still lurk within the hall.

This kind of conversation, he shouldn't be present.

But Chi Xing left the ghost behind, keeping it within the main hall and forbidding its departure.

Therefore, the spirits stood beside the main hall, silently watching this scene.

His heart was filled with both anticipation and nerves.

He had long been curious about what kind of demeanor the current Demon Emperor Chi Xing would adopt when facing the Celestial Race...

This is quite crucial for him.

The Demon Emperor Chi Xuan of that year wished to befriend the Divine Race, but ultimately met a tragic end, even pushing the Demon Clan to the brink of collapse.

Now, the ghosts hope that Chi Xing can learn from this and take a tougher stance towards the gods.

Otherwise...the demon clan might repeat the same mistakes.


The crystal ball in the hall shimmered with light.

Soon, a buzz.

The crystal ball emitted a spectrum of colors.

This means that contact has been made with Linglang the Holy Mother, one of the Celestial Venerables of Tian Shen Gong.

But at this moment, the other party did not speak up proactively.

"Lady Luminary, I have something to tell you." Acrimon's voice was level, devoid of any emotion.

"What is it" The voice of the Mother of Light echoed from within the crystal ball.

The tone was still like most of the protoss, with a nameless arrogance, a feeling of being high above.

"Yemo, whom you sent to meet me, is dead." Chi Xing said, his tone still as flat as ever.

But at this moment, the other party fell silent.

The great hall suddenly fell silent.

Even if it was just through the use of a device to transmit sound, one could instantly feel the oppressive atmosphere that had descended.

The apparition's eyes glared fiercely.

Judging from the reaction of Mother Linfeng, this conversation is definitely not going to be easy!

"Is Ye Mo dead"

After a moment of silence, the Virgin Linlang spoke, her voice now laced with evident anger.

"He's dead." said Acrimon.

"Who killed him" the Mother of Pearls asked.

“He was surrounded and killed by a horde of Red Demon warriors.” 赤刑 replied.

"Being besieged" Linlang Saint Mother's tone grew heavier.

"Yes, only one skull remains." Chi Xing replied calmly, "The death was gruesome."

Such an answer caused the ghosts in the hall to change color.

Already furious, the Mother Linlang hearing such an answer... would only become even angrier!

Doesn't this equal to admitting that Ye Mo was killed by the demon race! And it even describes his tragic death, this sounds like a provocation!

The ghosts looked towards where Chi Xing was standing, their faces showing confusion.

Before his conversation with the Virgin of Jewels, he still felt that Chi Xing was too afraid of the Divine Race and didn't want to fight them at all.

But now, this conversation, while dangerous, seems to show that Chi Xing fears the Divine Race not at all.

Your Majesty... what kind of result are you trying to achieve through this kind of conversation

The ghosts were filled with confusion.

But upon hearing Chi Xing's reply, Ling Lang Mother fell silent once more.

"When Ye Mo left the Tianmo Clan, he refused my emissaries who were sent to see him off and chose to leave alone. Afterward, he mistakenly entered the Red Demon Clan's war zone and was besieged by them," Chi Xing said. "He was then rescued by a mysterious force and returned, killing 100,000 Red Demon soldiers, beheading the four generals, and finally breaking into the Red Demon Clan's main residence, hanging their four heads on the top floor."

"You've said so much, are you trying to tell this one... that Ye Mo has sought his own death" Linlang Saint Mother's voice was extremely cold.

"He is courting death," Chi Xing replied. "If I wanted to kill him, I wouldn't need to concoct such elaborate reasons."

"Ye Mo is dead, this is the result. He was a Divine General of the Heavenly Palace and my adopted son." Lin Lang Saint Mother said coldly, "He died within the Demon Clan, the Demon Clan is responsible for his death."

Now, the tone of Lady Linglan's voice was laced with palpable killing intent!

This is going to be a showdown!

Within the hall, the ghosts wore grave expressions.

Although he harbors hatred for the divine.

But he was also very clear.

Even at its peak, the demon race was no match for the gods. Now, the demon race... the gap between them and the gods will only widen further.

If war truly breaks out, the Demon Clan will undoubtedly be defeated.

"Linlang, why are you so angry Ye Mo's death is shrouded in many mysteries," Chixing said.

“In my presence, there are no doubts. I only look at the results!” Lin Lang said in a cold voice, “As an envoy of the Heavenly Palace, he went to the Demon Race. Even if you secretly sent your subordinates to protect him, you must ensure that he leaves the Northern Continent unharmed!”

"Such an outcome... This deity will not accept it, nor will the Divine Race."

"If you fail to fulfill your obligations, then... prepare for the wrath of our divine race. Do not think you can escape punishment!"

In the shadows, a red glint flashed in Chi Xing's eyes.

And the ghosts in the palace looked even worse.

The words of the Blessed Mother Mary can be said to completely disregard the demon race.

She didn't care at all about Chi Xing's claims, nor did she care about the so-called doubts!

She was convinced of only one thing: that Ye Mo died within the territory of the Demon Race, killed by them in a siege!

Just that, and she's unacceptable!oosh!"As soon as the ring of inscription appeared, it unleashed a powerful spatial force.Fang Yu glanced at Han Miaoyi and took the lead to dash into the circular inscription.Han Miao Yi quickly caugh...