Chapter 1913: Ultimate Measures

ular aristocratic houses, including Chen Yi himself. 。Seeing Chen Yi, Fang Yu deliberately smiled at him. 。Chen Yi shuddered all over and immediately turned his head, not daring to meet Fang Yu's gaze...The elder was enraged by this attitude.

He doesn't believe that there are people in this world who aren't afraid of death!

And, this person is only a mere cultivator of the Qi Refining Realm!

What gives someone the right to speak to him like that!

He is the chief executive officer of Tiange!

However, no matter how strong his murderous intent was, he could never truly kill Huai Xu.

If Huixu were to die, it would only be detrimental to Tiange's current strategy, with no benefits whatsoever!

Therefore, Huai Xu cannot die yet!

The elder's face darkened, and he loosened his right hand.

Huai Xu sat back down in the chair again.


At this time, the old man waved his right hand upwards, and the silver needles stuck in Huixu's body flew out.

And the moment the silver needle was withdrawn, the blood wouldn't clot, flowing out incessantly.

The pale upper garment was quickly stained crimson with blood, a truly gruesome sight.

"I'll be back in an hour. If you don't want to speak by then, I'll have to use other means." The old man gave Huixu a cold smile and turned to leave the room.

Huixu sat in a chair, breathing heavily.

He lowered his head and saw blood constantly seeping from his upper body.

In a dying state, a person's willpower collapses like a cliff.

When truly facing death, no one can remain calm.

The old man, obviously, wanted to force Huixu to surrender by letting him bleed.

Wai Xu understands this.


After a period of rapid flight, Fang Yu finally saw the Thousand Shadows Lake.

Right before him, as far as the eye could see, lay a vast expanse of lake.

If you don't know its name, you should think of it as a sea rather than a lake.

And as they got closer to Lake Chiyo, the crowds started to increase.

Buildings can be seen everywhere, and there are well-built roads.

"This is the southern district of Thousand Shadow Lake, and in the center lies the Wan Dao Pavilion." Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked around.

He wanted to search for the Wandao Pavilion, but he couldn't alarm the snakes.

Therefore, the best way is to stay away from Wandoge.

He just needs to release his divine sense and use it to search for the Wan Dao Pavilion.

Thinking this, Fang Yu walked into a narrow alley, closed his eyes, and released his divine sense.


The speed of consciousness diffusion was astounding, instantly spreading to a radius of ten kilometers.

Ten kilometers, thirty kilometers, fifty kilometers, one hundred kilometers……

A torrent of information rushed into Fang Yu's mind like a whirlwind.

The entire situation of the Qianying Dahunan region was displayed before Fang Yu's eyes.

From a grain of sand on the ground to various buildings and mountains, he could see them all clearly.

In a short while, Fang Yu's attention focused on the three-story Wanda Pavilion in the center of the south district!

On the first floor, there is a large hall. On the second floor, there are several rooms. The third floor is where the pavilion master and the chief steward usually reside.

There are no cells in this building, the Wandao Pavilion.

...and beneath the earth, it was also empty. ...

As for the third floor, no trace of Huixu was found.

It is obvious that Huixu is not in this Wanda Pavilion.

But the search is not limited to Wǎndào Gē just.

It's very possible that Wandao Pavilion has set up dungeons in other nearby locations.

Fang Yu closed his eyes, his divine sense surging, rapidly searching for all kinds of information.

Soon, the entire South District was searched by him.

A cell was found, but it wasn't set up by the Wando Pavilion, and Wei Xu wasn't inside.

"Not in the south district, then it must be in another area, seven more..." Fang Yu opened his eyes and was about to head to the next area.

Just then, inside the third floor of the Wan Dao Pavilion, both the pavilion master and the head steward abruptly rose to their feet.

The master took out an item similar to a jade pendant.

At this moment, the jade pendant is glowing.

The master of the house immediately lifted his head and looked around.

And even the Grand Master was on guard.

"Master, this jade pendant has lit up, indicating that a divine consciousness has invaded our Wandao Pavilion!" The chief steward stated.

"I know." The Lord said, his expression grave.

Just a week ago, an important directive was passed down.

That is a must to prevent the leakage of intelligence!

And this piece of common sense jade is used to defend against the invasion of hidden divine consciousness!

Now, the jade pendant glows, indicating that a divine consciousness has invaded their Wan Dao Pavilion and is even monitoring them!

The master's face shifted constantly.

"Immediately inform the other Wan Dao Pavilion masters and tell them to be cautious!" the master said coldly.


Upon hearing this, the head steward's face changed, and he turned and ran out.

And the reactions of these two people have already been seen by Fang Yu.

"It seems that Wandaoge was well-prepared..." Fang Yu's brow furrowed, his eyes turning cold.

If the Wangu Pavilion was already on alert, then even if Huixu was truly captured in the Qianying Lake area before, there is a high possibility that he has already been transferred.

The possibility of finding Huixu in the eight Wandaoges at Qianying Lake is extremely slim.

But, since I'm already here, I might as well search thoroughly before leaving.

Now, the other party has discovered Fang Yu's divine sense and intends to notify the rest of the Wandoge.

Even if Huixiangzhen was truly in one of the other seven Wan Daoge,

now that news had gotten out, he would be swiftly transferred or hidden away.

Therefore, there is no time to react to the other party.

It's no longer safe to release one's divine consciousness in such a casual manner.

Use other means!


Fang Yu leaped, surging toward the Thousand Shadow Lake ahead.

He rushed to high altitude at incredible speed, then entered above the Thousand Shadows Lake.

From this point onwards, one can only see the emerald green lake surface.

Here, Fang Yu stopped, raised both palms, and brought them together in front of his chest.

The laws I comprehended under the Tree of Laws are finally ready to be put into practice.

Merge your consciousness with space.

This way, one's divine sense can encompass a larger area. And... it can also bypass the spreading process and directly envelop the targeted space!

And Fang Yu was going to use this method to shroud the entire area of Qianying Lake with his divine sense in the shortest possible time.

Doing this not only requires a sufficient understanding of the laws of space, but also an unparalleled psychic power and an extremely terrifying brain capacity.

Fang Yu didn't know who else could do this, anyway he could.

Fan Yu thought the incantation, closed her eyes, and a faint light flickered in her palms.


Two seconds later, a ray of light flashed in his palms!

At this moment, the entire space where Chiyo Lake was located trembled slightly.

But this vibration was very subtle, perceptible only to those with extremely acute senses.

Meanwhile, consciousness has spread throughout the entire space of Qianshen Lake.

The amount of information that flooded Fang Yu's mind was beyond measure!

Even if others could do the same as Fang Yu, they would be overwhelmed by such a massive amount of information and faint instantly.

Even Fang Yu, at this moment, his head was dizzy.

But... he held on.

A flood of information poured in, but he calmly captured every detail.

One minute later, everything was back to normal.

Let me know if you have other text you'd like me to translate!im, and smiled: "When facing a behemoth, you've always used various immortal arts. When fighting actually get close It seems like you underestimate me."This blow was dodged by Fang Yu, a hint...