Chapter 1415: Strange Dream

imself, the moving sedan suddenly braked hard."What's wrong!"Kishida's hand tightened on the glass bottle, nearly flinging it away as he demanded angrily."Mr. Miyajima, this..." The driver's face was...Upon hearing this, Fang Yu's face changed slightly, and his heart skipped a beat.

Although he had expected it, he really didn't expect that Ji Rumei's first words would be this.

If someone else stood before Fang Yu and said this, Fang Yu wouldn't have much of a psychological reaction.

She could hardly believe it, but Ke Bi Ji's face... was so similar to the woman she remembered.

"What do you mean by that" Fang Yu asked after a moment of stunned silence.

"I, I am..."

Just stating those words drained Ji Ruimei of all her courage.

Faced with the question from Meng Fei, she was so shy that her brain went blank and her heart pounded wildly.

"I actually said it out loud..."

Ji Rumei could only feel her cheeks burning, and she lowered her head once again.

Fang Yu had now regained his composure.

The person before him was Ji Rumei, he should not have any emotional fluctuations.

"Why do you like me I want to hear the reasons." Fang Yu looked at Ji Rumei and asked calmly.

Upon hearing this, Ji Rumei slowly raised her head and looked at Fang Yu.

Fang Yu's expression was very calm.

This slightly calmed the turmoil in Ji Ruimei's heart.

"Mr. Fang...what I'm about to say is all, you must not laugh at me, and please...don't look at me with strange eyes." Ji Ruomei said in a voice as soft as a mosquito.

Fang Yu looked at Ji Ruimei and nodded, saying, "Go on."

Ji Rumei turned her head, glanced around, then bit her lip and said, "Mr. Fang, shall we talk in the back garden..."

What's going on Why all this secrecy and hushed whispers

Fang Yu frowned slightly, but still stood up and said, "No problem."

Then, Fang Yu followed Ji Ruimei out of the hall and into the back garden of the Ji family's mansion.

In the center of the garden, there is a small tea pavilion.

Ji RuMei brought FangYu to the small teahouse and sat down.

The surroundings were very quiet, with only the sound of leaves rustling in the breeze.

Ji Ru Mei had just sat down when she suddenly stood up again, nervously saying, "Mr. Fang, I, I'll go make you some tea first."

"No need, just say what you want to say." Fang Yu waved his hand and said.

"...Hmm." Ji Rumei sat down again, then bit her red lips and took a deep breath, as if she had finally made up her mind.

I have to say, her performance actually made Fang Yu a little nervous.

"Mr. Fang, for a very long time... almost every night I would dream." Ji Ruomei lowered her head, her hands clasped together in front of her legs, and said softly, "And within the dreams... your figure always appeared, Mr. Fang."

At this, Ji Ruomei's ears turned red, obviously shy to the extreme.

"...Continue," Fang Yu said.

“In the dream realm… Mr. Fang, your attire resembles that of a long robe worn in ancient costume dramas, and I am also wearing a similar robe.” Ji Ruomei’s voice became softer as she spoke, “The scene where we meet keeps changing. Sometimes we are on a mountain shrouded in mist, sometimes by a clear spring…”

Even Mr. Lin, whom you introduced me to before, sometimes appears in my dreams.

"Within the dream... we were laughing and talking, you know I've never seen Mr. Fang smile so much in real life..."

Ji Rumei blushed more and more as she spoke, her voice getting quieter and quieter.

In her dreams, she and Fang Yu could chat and laugh freely, even do some slightly intimate actions, without any awkwardness or restraint.

But once she woke up and returned to reality... she would realize that her relationship with Fang Yu was far from that point.

Therefore, whenever she recalled the events within her dream, she would feel incredibly embarrassed.

She's really become obsessed with handsome guys...

Daydreaming, she dreams of Fang Yu every night... She truly dreams about him every day.

Although a long time ago, she was impressed by Fang Yu's powerful strength and secretly developed a good feeling for him.

However, she knew deep down that someone as powerful as Fang Yu was from a completely different world than her, an ordinary girl. There was no chance they could ever be together.

Therefore, although she had a good impression of Fang Yu at the time, she never dared to overstep any bounds. Fang Yu was always very respectful.

Perhaps she still couldn't suppress the unconscious fondness within her.

The appearance of these dreams made her feel both incredibly embarrassed and yet again fueled fantasies about him.

If she could really get along with Fang Yu as closely as in her dreams, that would be so wonderful...

In reality, this possibility is still very small.

But even though Ji Ru Mei kept telling herself not to fantasize anymore, not to become a lovestruck fool, the dream kept appearing again and again.

And the contents of dreams are different every night.

The only thing that was always the same... Fang Yu had always appeared in his dreams.

These dreams, had so often, even made Ji RuMei once produce hallucinations, a little unable to distinguish reality from dream.

Therefore, upon seeing Fang Yu this time, Ji Rumei could no longer hold back.

She wanted to tell him all of her thoughts and what had been going on lately.

Even if Fang Yu saw her as a lovesick girl, even if Fang Yu looked at her with strange eyes, she had to say it!

Otherwise, she might really lose touch with reality, and if this continues, she'll go crazy!

Right now, let's just lay it all out. Even if Fang Yu refuses me outright or scoffs at me, it's better than letting her hold onto this fantasy any longer. After this, she should stop dreaming about things like this.

However, Ji Rumei didn't get a response from Fang Yu after she finished speaking.

Ji Rumei raised her eyes and looked at Fang Yu.

At this moment, Fang Yu's eyes were wide open, staring straight at her with an unusual look in his eyes.

Ji Ru Mei lowered her head like a bashful flower.

"Mr. Fang, I don't know why I keep having dreams about you... Please don't think less of me because of this, I really don't..." Ji Ruomei explained in a low voice.

Ji Ruomei's words didn't register with Fang Yu at all.

At this moment, he was lost in shock and endless bewilderment.

If Ji Rumei only dreamt about him purely, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Ke Ji Ru Mei said, the man in her dream was wearing ancient robes... Even Lin Ba Tian, whom she had only met once, often appeared in her dreams!

This is more than just a dream!

"You... Can you tell me about a dream that both you and Lin Battian have been in" Fang Yu looked at Ji Ruimei in front of him and asked.

Upon hearing this, Ji Ruomei slightly lifted her head, a blush creeping onto her cheeks as she recalled something.

After a while, she remembered a vivid dream.

In this dream, she, Fang Yu, and Lin Batian weren't chatting and laughing like most of the time, they seemed to be in a state of escape.

The three of them sat inside a golden chariot that sped through the air at incredible speed.

If she were actually sitting in such a car, Ji Rumei would certainly be terrified and completely paralyzed with fear.

But in her dreams, she was very happy, without any fear at all.

When Ji Ruomei spoke about this dream, Fang Yu's expression of shock became even more pronounced.

“At that time, Mr. Lin seemed to be holding a very thick notebook in his hand, and you, Mr. Fang, took the book into your hands and started flipping through it on the car…” Ji Ruomei continued recalling.

"...The people chasing us from behind... aren't they all wearing deep blue robes" Fang Yu asked, his eyes wide with fear.

"Hmm..." Ji Rumei recalled for a moment before answering, "Yes! There was indeed a group of people in dark blue robes chasing after us, but we didn't seem to be very afraid..."

Then, Ji Ruimei realized something strange and asked, "Mr. Fang... how did you know about my dream"

At this moment, Fang Yu's brain buzzed, and he could no longer hear what Ji Ruomei was saying.

His heart was pounding wildly!

Because, Ji Rumei's memory of this dream moment... is the true experience of the three of them going to Dahanzong to steal the Hengxuan secret art!

This experience was very memorable for Fang Yu.

Because the incident caused a huge stir, Lin Batten was severely punished after returning and confined for nearly a year.

and the stolen Hengxuan secret art was forcibly taken back.

Of course, before the withdrawal, Fang Yu and Lin Batian, as well as Leng Xunduang, had all memorized the Heng Xuan Secret Method.

However, at this point... these things don't matter.You have fought against the plane laws, it will definitely not let you...""You don't have to worry about those. I can pass the final hurdle of the planar law on my own," Fang Yu said, "All I need is f...