Chapter 1206: Don't Look If It's Improper

were frequent roars of wild beasts. The authorities sent people to investigate, but none of them came back. Later, they sent a group of soldiers in, and still no one came out… After that, the forest w...Su Changge, along with Yuan Sanquan and Murong Jian, arrived beside Fang Yu.

At this moment, Fang Yu had walked out of the bushes and stood outside.

"Boss, there are so many people outside, yet they couldn't notice the two of them... How did you do it" Su Changge asked curiously.

"The principle is similar to the formation Li Mo Fan set up initially. The reason they couldn't detect it was simply because they... were too focused on what was in front of them and didn't pay attention to their surroundings." Fang Yu replied.

To be honest, the formation Fang Yu set up was incredibly simple.

Li Mo Fan and Yang Qing'er, one in the Yin-Yang Realm and the other in the Great Ascension Realm, are both powerful cultivators above the Tribulation Period. Even with a slight observation, they could detect the presence of this formation.

However, the couple didn't seem to notice.

After setting up their Yin Yuan formation, they began a new round of "work".

At this moment, inside the Wang Jie's tomb, these two people have entered a state of oblivion, the scene is extremely intense.

As Yang Qing'er was naturally alluring with a stunning figure, many male cultivators around her couldn't help but stare.

Su Changge was no exception, his gaze couldn't move away.

Murong Jian, adhering to the moral principle of "not looking at what is inappropriate," turned his head away and looked in another direction.

"A cultivator with such high cultivation, it turns out he still has an interest in this aspect, I've learned…," Su Changge said with emotion as he stared at the grand performance ahead, "But it's normal, this woman truly is a stunning beauty."

"If I told you that the beauty you speak of... is likely over a thousand years old, would you still be so interested" Fang Yu said with a playful smile.

"Huh" Su Changge was taken aback, looking at Fang Yu in astonishment. "Boss, are you kidding me There's no way this woman is over a thousand years old…"

"If I remember correctly, she’s only six years younger than me. Now… she should be over a thousand three hundred years old." Yuan Sanquan said faintly from the side.

"Over a thousand years old" Su Changge turned his head again, looking at Yuan Sanquan and then back ahead. "Look at her skin, she doesn't look over a thousand years old at all..."

"What do you think she's doing setting up a formation in the cemetery for" Fang Yu said, "That so-called Yin Yuan Formation, it's probably the pillar that supports her fair and beautiful complexion."

Those over a thousand years old, who wish to maintain their youthful flesh, either possess others, thus changing their bodies, or use disguise techniques to alter their appearance.

But this approach does have a certain degree of damage to one's own cultivation.

So, most cultivators simply maintain a rather elderly appearance. As long as their physical functions are fine, there's no need to change bodies.

Of course, a considerable number of cultivators, just like Yuan Sanquan, appear remarkably youthful despite their lifespans reaching several hundred or even thousands of years.

Such cultivators are generally those with high talent. They reach a high level of cultivation in a short period, so their physical aging is very slow.

But even if Yang Qinger and Li Mo Fan had high talents, it would be impossible to maintain their current appearance of twenty or thirty years old.

Therefore, if they haven't possessed others, then they must be using the so-called Yin Yuan Array to absorb some kind of energy in order to maintain their youthful appearance and physical form.

"Over a thousand years old... She could be my great-grandmother many times over..."

As soon as he thought of the two people entwined in the air ahead, both over a thousand years old, he felt a strange awkwardness and shivered.

Several minutes passed, and Li Mo Fan and Yang Qing Er remained oblivious to the outside world.

They are still doing what they love.

And among the cultivators outside, some older cultivators could no longer hold back.

"To dare to do such a scandalous thing in Wanjie Tomb, within our great Xilin! How outrageous!" someone exclaimed angrily.

"These wretched men and women, they are desecrating the ancestors buried in the Wanjie Tomb!"

"Take immediate action, don't let them continue!"

A group of older cultivators, even with Yang Qing'er's allure, had no more heart to watch and charged forward angrily.

Fang Yu also felt that the time was about right.

Looking further down, there's really no point.

Therefore, he raised his right hand and removed the illusionary barrier he had set up around Wan Jie's tomb.

At this moment, both Li Mo Fan and Yang Qing'er, who were busy with their tasks, sensed the sounds around them, as well as dozens of auras.

Both of their faces changed drastically, and even their bodies trembled violently.


Yang Qing'er raised her head and saw more than a dozen cultivators. She screamed.

Put on your clothes quickly!

Li Mo Fan roared, his forehead bulging with veins.

Yang Qing'er let out a shriek once more, her right hand slicing forward, causing a wave of black qi to erupt and envelop her.

By the time the man and woman were flustered, a group of cultivators had already surrounded them.

The black mist dissipated quickly.

Li Mo Fan and Yang Qing'er's clothes were already put on.

But at this moment, Li Mo Fan's face was extremely ugly, his forehead veins were throbbing, and his fists were clenched tightly.

"What's going on What is happening!"

Yang Qing'er released her divine sense and discovered there were over fifty cultivators surrounding her, her delicate body trembling slightly.

"Who are the two of you To dare set up an array on Wan Jie's tomb and even defile this sacred ground! Your actions make you enemies of all in Da Xi Lin!" A white-haired elder, dressed in blue and white, glared at them with a face ashen with fury.

Li Mo Fan looked at the many cultivators around him, his eyes flashing with blood. He asked, "I only want to know, when did you appear"

"Fellow cultivators, I know these two. Let me speak with them and try to resolve this. You can also use this opportunity to find out what's really going on."

At this moment, a voice came from behind.

Then, a figure flew in from behind and landed in front of Li Mo Fan and Yang Qing'er, about fifteen meters away.

This man is Yuan Sanquan.

Yuan Sanquan was a well-known figure in Daxilin, and many cultivators in the area knew him.

While Li Mo Fan and Yang Qing Er saw Yuan San Quan, their faces changed again.

"We parted ways just this morning, and I didn't expect to see you again so soon." Yuan Sanquan looked at the couple in front of him with a playful smile. "Just now, with so many people present, you two really put on quite a show for us."

Li Mo Fan gritted his teeth and glared at Yuan Sanquan.

"You want to know when we all started being right next to each other Let me think..." Yuan Sanquan pondered for a moment and replied, "Oh, you guys had just finished setting up the formation and then hugged together... From that time on, we've been here."

Upon hearing this, Li Mo Fan only felt his brain 'boom' with anger.

What he and Yang Qing'er did... was actually seen by so many people.

This is simply humiliating!

His eyes were bloodshot, fixed on Yuan Sanquan.

And Yang Qing'er on the side, equally biting her red lips, was furious.

"Hey, you two lovebirds, aren't you the ones who always like to show off" Yuan Sanquan's smile widened. "You just put on a display of your love in front of so many people. Shouldn't you be happy Why are you both looking annoyed"

Li Mo Fan's killing intent grew even stronger, he stared at Yuan Sanquan, and asked in a cold voice: "Yuan Sanquan, you will regret everything you have done."

Yuan Sanquan narrowed his eyes slightly and said nothing.

"Qing'er, don't be afraid... As long as you kill everyone here, this won't get out." Li Mo Fan turned his head and said to Yang Qing'er beside him.

Yang Qing'er's eyes moved slightly, she nodded, and at the same time, her eyes became sharp, with a chilling murderous intent.

Li Mo Fan raised his head and looked around, a sneer appearing on his face as he said: "That's right, we are taking the Yin Yuan power from those skeletons underground... to replenish ourselves."

"You audacious wretch, do you know what you're doing!" The headmaster thundered.

"I know, and I will soon make all of you here become part of the bones in this tomb." Li Mo Fan said coldly.


As soon as he spoke, his aura exploded.

The cultivation of the Yin-Yang Realm is fully displayed!

The surrounding air pressure suddenly dropped!

And the group of cultivators surrounding Li Mo Fan and his wife changed color.

They all felt the terrifying pressure.

"This person is a powerful Transcending Tribulation cultivator!" someone exclaimed.

"You... knew too late." Yang Qing'er let out a silvery laugh and flung her arms wide open.

A wave of black energy emanated from Yang Qing' at the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. They betrayed his true feelings.I will definitely kill Fang Yu, I swear! Wu Ran's forehead bulged with veins as he roared.But the next second, his face...