Chapter 1174: Annihilation of All Spirits

them be even more powerful than a martial arts grandmasterFan Yu turned his head to look at Chen Yi.Chen Yi shivered, turned his head to look at the white Daoist lying on the auction platform, spitti..."A nice blade." Mie Ling held the Zhanlong Blade in one hand, giving it a light swing.

Yuan Sanquan's face changed slightly upon seeing this.

Hwai Xu, who was on the ground, stood up, wiping the blood from his chin. He looked at Mie Ling, despair in his eyes.

The power of Dao Fa did not cause any harm to Mie Ling at all.

The current Mèilíng, whether it be its aura or its physical form, is identical to before.

Faced with such a menacing spirit, he really couldn't think of any other way.

Mèilíng turned her head and looked at Huái Xū.


It plunged downward, clenching the Dragon-Slaying Saber, and swung it in a single, devastating stroke!

Huixu took two steps back.

Just now, Mie Ling broke free from the power of Dao Fa, leaving him severely wounded.

Now he has no time to dodge at all.


The Dragon-slaying Blade slashed directly onto the golden Dharma Seal in front of Huixu's chest.


Within a radius of dozens of meters, the ground rumbled and collapsed, sending shards of stone flying!

This slash didn't injure Huixu, but the two outer layers of his golden protective seal burst apart!

Only three layers of Dharma seals remain!


Mie Ling tilted her head and suddenly raised her Dragon-Slaying Blade, bringing it down in another fierce slash!


The ground collapse became more severe.

The golden defensive qi layer outside his body, the Golden Armor Mantra Seal, shattered once again!

Just one more layer left!

Huixu gritted her teeth, releasing her qi, trying to dodge backward.

But at this moment, Mie Ling casually threw the Zhanlong Sword in his hand aside.

Then, it reached out with its right hand and lunged towards the void.


The final layer of the golden protective seal was directly pierced by the right hand of the being stripped of its spirit!

Mie Ling directly clamped Wu Xi's neck, pulling him in front of her.

"Tell me, where is Fang Yu" Mie Ling asked.

Looking intently at the terrifying apparition, Huixu's eyes showed no fear, nor did he utter a word.

The Soul Slayer's right hand tightened its grip.

"Click click click..."

Huixu's whole body was suppressed, her divine sense scattered.

"Save or escape…Darn it! Still gotta save him, all because of that good-for-nothing Murong Jian! Why did he have to owe someone a favor!” Yuan Sanquan cursed inwardly, then rushed towards Mie Ling.

He swiftly picked up the Dragon Slayer blade from the ground and swung it horizontally at the back of Melling's neck!


The spirit-extinguishing neck was cleaved solidly by the Dragon Slaying Blade.

But to make matters worse... this blade didn't sever the spirit-extinguishing neck, instead it got lodged in partway!

Yuan Sanquan gritted his teeth, releasing his true qi, wanting to pull the Zhanlong Blade out.

His arms, constantly dripping blood.

But at this time, the part of the blade that had fallen into the Spirit-Severing Neck was evaporated into black qi and dispersed.

Yuan Sanquan widened his eyes, watching this scene.

The blade of the Dragon Slayer... was just corroded away by a good portion.

The spirit-destroying fist slammed into Huixi's chest.



His empty body flew backward, crashing into the back wall of the large house. The impact caused the wall to cave in.

Mèilíng twisted her neck.


The Dragon Slayer Sword fell directly to the ground.

Yuan Sanquan gasped for breath, blood dripping from his mouth. He cursed helplessly: "Damn it, this Dragon Slaying Sword is all hype, completely useless."

"Are you not afraid" Mie Ling asked.

"I'm afraid, but it's useless. After all, I am the number one powerhouse on the Saint List now. Crying like a baby before I die, wouldn't that ruin my reputation" Yuan Sanquan said.

Mie Ling no longer spoke, directly reaching out and grabbing Yuan Sanquan's head, lifting his entire body up.

"Wait a moment, I have a request." Yuan Sanquan suddenly said.

Mèi Líng looked at Yuán Sānquán.

"Couldn't you kill me in a more dignified way Blowing my head off is a bit undignified, wouldn't you say" Yuan Sanquan said.

"I enjoy watching you bleed." Mie Ling said coldly.

"Well, that's just your personal preference, and there's nothing I can do to change your mind." Yuan Sanquan said helplessly.

Just then, several beams of true energy shot over from behind.


The back of the spirit exterminator was struck repeatedly.


Behind, dozens of black-robed cultivators flew over.

Yuan Sanquan heard the voice and turned his head, angrily shouting: "You damn brat, didn't I tell you not to come!"

Murong Jian's eyes narrowed, and he led his elite disciples towards Mie Ling.

“You humans are so interesting, always doing things that seem pointless,” Mèilíng said, raising his left palm.

"Get out of the way!" Yuan Sanquan roared again.

Murong Jian's face changed, and he immediately shouted, "Get out of the way!"


A crowd of Zhānlónggē disciples immediately dispersed to both sides.


A black beam shot out.

Among the disciples of Zhanlong Pavilion, several were caught off guard and directly swallowed by the black glow, disappearing without a trace.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the disciples were stunned.

Murong Jian's face was pale, but he still looked at Yuan Sanquan and shouted, "Master, you..."

"What are you doing here! Get lost! I'm risking my life to help you with your debt, and you come back here to join me in death… isn't that a blood loss!" Yuan Sanquan roared, "And besides, it's fine if you come to die on your own, but bringing all these junior disciples along What are you trying to do!"

"Master, my fellow disciples all volunteered…" Murong Jian said.

“They are childish, aren't you also” Yuan Sanquan’s eyes were bloodshot, he roared angrily.

For him, this was the worst-case scenario.

He was already dead anyway, just an old bone.

But Murong Jian, there are so many many young people, all going to be buried with him... Just thinking about it is not worth it!

Now is the era of spiritual recovery, and among this group of disciples, there might just be a prodigy who ascends to become an immortal.

"Master Yuan, we all came here willingly…" A chorus of voices responded from the disciples of the Zhǎnlónggé.

Yuan Sanquan's eyes were bloodshot, unable to speak.

"Are you afraid now" Mie Ling said.

Yuan Sanquan trembled all over.

Měilíng once again raised his left hand, facing the remaining disciples of Zhānlónggé.


Just at this critical moment.

A wave of light emanated from the ground.

Yuan Sanquan, controlled and subdued, lay on the ground. Huixu, nearly unconscious, along with the remaining disciples of the Zhulong Pavilion, were all enveloped by the radiant light.


Two seconds later, everyone, along with the light, vanished.

On the collapsed ground, only Mie Ling stood alone in the air.

Mèi Ling seemed to be stunned for a moment, then turned his head and looked toward the rear, the large house with its tightly shut doors.

It knew that everyone had been teleported inside.


Inside the mansion.

Yuan Sanquan and all the disciples of Zhanlong Pavilion were dumbfounded.

Huixu fell to the ground, panting, and looked up at the sky.


Zheng Ze immediately ran over.

A small wind chime appeared before everyone.

"Let's hide for a while, that ugly monster outside... might not be able to find us," Xiao Fengling said.

The faces of the crowd changed constantly.

"Little brother Murong, the situation isn't good..." Su Changge walked forward and said to Murong Jian, "The leader hasn't returned... These spirit exterminators have come right to our doorstep."

Murong Jian was just about to speak.


At that moment, the door burst open with a deafening roar.

The ground beneath, was shaking violently.

The little wind chime in the air, his face changed drastically.

Because of that, just one blow had already broken through her outer defensive formation.

Xiaofengling immediately wanted to set up another layer of barrier.

But at this moment, Mie Ling once again struck the gate with a powerful blow!


Two stone gates were blasted open!

The ground caved in along with everything on it.

All inside were aghast.

A shadowy figure flew from the smoke and dust, reappearing before everyone.

"I'll ask again, where is Fang Yu" Mie Ling asked.

Everyone's faces were ashen, but no one spoke.

“I'm fed up, you all die together.” Mie Ling said.

Then, it raised its right palm.


The little wind chimes in the air, were so flustered their tears welled up in their eyes.

This strike is so powerful it could destroy the entire mansion!

... Zhao Zinan, Ye Shengxue and others... they definitely wouldn't survive either.

"Master... please come back soon." Xiaofengling looked up at the sky, her eyes filled with tears.

As if in response to her wish, a blue aura suddenly appeared in the sky where she was looking.

An immense spatial force emanated from it.

Xiaofengling was stunned and immediately rubbed her eyes.


The next second, a figure flew out from it.

At this moment, everyone on the ground sensed the approach of an unusual aura and looked up together!ky!This is sixty floors up! Over two hundred meters from the ground.Seeing this, Tang Xiaorou let out a scream, and Zhao Zinan trembled all over, closing her eyes.……"My Lord, wasn't the original plan...