home Science fiction The Rebirth of a Phy
  • The Rebirth of a Phy
  • author: <p>Chinese Win update: 2024-09-22
  • state: serialized
  • "I bet he got beaten up again Oh well, he's such a pathetic son-in-law. His wife ignores him, and he has to serve his crazy father-in-law every day.","Not optimistic, several times the heart stopped beating, now in intensive care, I suggest you be mentally prepared." The doctor was saying this when the head nurse rushed over, "Doctor! You have to see, the victim who just jumped from a building has woken up and is demanding to be discharged!",It seems the original owner was truly pathetic. The person before me is undoubtedly a top-notch adult and should be properly cared for by me. It's unbelievable that the original owner hasn't even held their hand!。

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