Chapter 964: It's Ginger Someone's

gyun, he already knew that someone from the ancient clan could transform into an ancient demon.Originally, he still thought that the ancient tribe had only obtained a demonic thought and thus embarked...At this moment, the current chief of the Barbarian Tribe's face was incredibly calm, as if everything that had happened was within his expectations.

He just stared deeply at the sacrificer and said: "I am very disappointed!"

The sacrifice hesitated, a bit afraid to meet Ao Junyan's gaze, and turned her head slightly. "You know it's me"

"Originally, I only suspected it was you!" A faint voice came from Huang Junyan: "But now, I know!"

After a pause, Huang Junyan continued, "And you really think that I, the chief who practically never interferes, would not take precautions against you and let you destroy this space"

Their conversation was unintelligible to everyone else, only Huang Qinglan knew what was going on.

The sudden rebellion in the savage world made her aware that there were traitors within her own tribe who colluded with the Temple of Godslaying.

Although she didn't know who the traitor was, and although she told the chief about it, the news wasn't spread because the military competition was about to take place.

Now, Huang Junyan apparently not only knows that the sacrifice is a traitor to the clan, but also anticipated that in this military merit competition, the sacrifice might secretly take action.

The priest's gaze flickered, and he shook his head. "Impossible, I've never shown any flaws, you couldn't possibly know!"

"Then watch closely!" said Ao Junyan with a cold smile.

As soon as the words left his mouth, Huang Junyan suddenly lifted his foot and stomped heavily on the ground.

A palpable wave of terror, visible to the naked eye, swept outward from his feet, engulfing the entire space.

Wherever they passed, the entire earth, along with the surrounding space, turned into fragments. Beyond the fragments lay a dense and boundless expanse of arcane runes.

This space, it's entirely formed by the condensation of arcane patterns!

Moreover, if you look closely, you'll find that these pervasive and vast desolate patterns are startlingly connected to the body of the Desolation Monarch.

It is obvious that these ravines were created by his hand.

In short, unless Hou Junyan dies, these Houwen will not dissipate.

Though this scene surprised the shaman, he was not flustered. A cruel smile still played on his lips: "I didn't expect you to be so prepared."

"Well, the surprise I've prepared for you isn't just this!"

"My second surprise is coming soon!"

As the ritual speaker began, the faces of the gathered crowd shifted once more.

As everyone could clearly feel, a tremendously powerful presence was hurtling through immeasurable distances at an astonishing speed, heading towards the space that this nomadic tribe had hastily carved out.

Even some people have faintly begun to see, it is a hand!

A colossal hand, gigantic to the extreme, filled the entire space.

Seeing this hand, A-huang, Lü Piāomiào, and Lü Zé almost simultaneously spoke out the same two words!

"Way Venerable!"

Hearing the word "Dao Zun" uttered by three top-tier powerhouses, and seeing the gigantic palm getting closer and closer like the sky, everyone understood.

The light emanating from the barbarian shaman's body wasn't meant to destroy this space. Its true purpose was to summon the Daoist Sovereign's hand!

The Dao Sovereign, the founder of the Slaughter God Hall, is a top-tier powerhouse among countless Dao realms, no weaker than the head of the Nine Clans. His feud with the Nine Clans is naturally well-known to all.

...Nobody expected that the esteemed shaman of the Wild Tribe would secretly collude with the Daoist master, betraying and selling out his own people!


The sacrificer looked up at the hand about to enter the space, a crazed laugh erupting from his mouth.

"Huo Junyan, Huo Lao, even if this palm doesn't kill you, everyone else will die."

Then, I shall see how you will explain today's events to all the foreigners.

The sacrificial words shook everyone to their core, sending chills down their spines.

Indeed, this palm strike originates from the Dao Sovereign, but even if his true self were here, it would be impossible to kill figures like Huang Junyan with a single blow.

However, this palm strike would exterminate most of the foreign cultivators, including even members of other Annihilation Nine Clans.

And once these people die, the tribe will truly be isolated and helpless.

Even, those who have died's relatives and friends, may conversely join the Pantheon of God-Slayers, becoming enemies of the Wild Tribe.

I have to say, this sacrifice plan is truly ruthless.

"Huang Junyan, I have a third surprise for you. Kill me!"

In the midst of the sacrificial roars, many tribal members from the wasteland tribe, even including that Huang Yongfeng himself, all suddenly rebelled and charged outwards, killing anyone they saw!

Evidently, the sacrificial ritual not only betrayed his own clan but also secretly transformed many clansmen, just like Huang Yongfeng, into his subordinates.

Right now, even if they don't want to listen to the shaman, there are marks left by the shaman on their tribal tattoos. They are powerless to resist and can only follow him with unwillingness and resignation.

Seeing their once familiar kin wielding blades against them, the many members of the Wild Clan's faces instantly changed. Those from outside clans were equally taken aback.

For a moment, the situation became chaotic.

However, the sacrificial means were not over yet. He coldly looked at Huang Junyan and said, "Huang Junyan, I have one last biggest surprise for you!"

On top of the five peaks of that vast wasteland, nine desolate patterns suddenly blazed to life one after another.

That is the sacrificial archaic pattern, like a summons, it actually caused the sacrificial figure to surge into the sky and fly towards the five peaks of the Great Wilderness.

"Oh no!"

This time, Huang Junyan's face finally changed color.

Because he knew that the ritual at this moment required him to completely merge himself with the five peaks of Dahua.

In short, it is to become the spirit of a barbarian holy artifact, thus gaining complete control over the artifact.

"Hahaha, Huang Junyan, are you going to try and intercept me now, or are you planning on resisting the Dao Sovereign's palm"

"Or perhaps find a way to stop the bloodshed among your own people!"

The sacrifice had also considered the consequences of exposing their identity, so they had made thorough preparations and were fearless.

Indeed, if Huang Junyan were to go against the Dao Sovereign's palm, he could only watch helplessly as the sacrificial ceremony took away the holy artifacts of the Huang Clan.

And since the sacrificer dared to seize the sacred artifact at this time, it shows that he has a certain degree of confidence.

Once a priest bearing the sacred relics of the Barbarian tribe defected to the Temple of God Slaughter, it would pose an enormous threat not just to the Barbarian tribe, but even to the entire Nine Tribes of Extinction.

If Huang Junyan went to stop the sacrifice, then Dao Zun's this hand, although Huang Lao had already prepared to take it hard, he was very clear that even if Huang Lao could take it down, he would be seriously injured if not killed.

Now, with the loss of one priestess, the tribe is in a dire situation. If Old One becomes gravely injured as well, there's no need to speculate – the armies of the Pantheon will surely arrive immediately!

As for Lü Piaomiao and the others, Huang Junyan couldn't possibly place his hope on them at all. Therefore, he could only roar out, "Huang Lao, hold on! I'll catch the sacrificer first, and then come to your aid!"

The old man's face was grave, he didn't even have time to answer, he just nodded heavily.

Having no more time to waste, Huang Junyan turned and charged towards the Five Peaks of Great Wilderness, charging towards the sacrifice.

No matter what, he absolutely cannot let the priest leave with the sacred objects from the clan.

The figure of the priest had arrived above the Five Peaks of Dahuang. Turning his head to look at Huang Junyan and the chaotic scene behind him, he let out a booming laugh and said: "The sacred object is mine!"

However, just at that moment, a calm voice suddenly came from the depths of Wufeng Mountain: "Great Priest, don't forget, your life belongs to Jiang!"

First published on Traditional Chinese Novel Networkike translated!All the Mirror Spirit clan members appeared all at once.Every one of them has a mirror under their feet.Ginger Cloud naturally already understood that after the Mirror Spirit people fol...