Chapter 860: The Six Clans' Names

g Yun issued each order in an orderly fashion, and surprisingly, they effectively blocked the attacks of the Sen Luo Ghost Prison one by one.At this moment, the twelve figures with white ghost masks s...This man was unremarkable in appearance, nothing particularly special about him. The only thing that stood out was a bright red mole on his brow.

This mole, it seems to contain life itself. Its surface shimmers and sparkles, crystal clear.

Even if you stare at it, you can faintly see that within it seems to contain thousands of worlds, with countless Dao patterns!

The man stood in the dark void, motionless, with not a trace of breath emanating from him.

If you don't see him, he might as well not exist!

After a long while, the man slowly opened his eyes, but there was no ripple in them, like a stagnant pool of death!

After another moment, the man's body finally twitched slightly.

Shrugged shoulders, raised hands and feet, movements mechanical, then slowly took a step, another step.

Thus, the man walked step by step in the void, his movements stiff and robotic, giving the impression of a puppet being controlled by an unseen hand.

Not until the man had walked tens of thousands of miles did his body gradually become flexible.

Even, there was gradually a glimmer in his eyes!

And in the next moment, the blood mole above his brow suddenly emitted a red light, shooting forward, as if guiding him.

The man immediately quickened his pace and walked in the direction indicated by the red light.

In an instant, it vanished without a trace.

Of course, this man was the "newcomer" who had entered the realm of fallen stars that Lü Lún sensed!

Besides Lü Lun, Tiānluò in the Tianluò Realm also suddenly opened his eyes, feeling the arrival of this person.

But immediately following that, the color of the heavens changed because this person had vanished from his perception.

"What's going on Ever since that barbarian from the west arrived, things have been changing here constantly. First, two relics appeared suddenly, and now this mysterious stranger shows up."

But since it's already here, the more this dying world changes, the more opportunities we have!

After he finished speaking, Tian Luo's face regained its composure, and he closed his eyes.

Within the formation, hearing Lü Lun's two seemingly unrelated statements, Jiang Yun couldn't help but furrow his brow.

And Lü Lun apparently knew Jiang Yun's doubts, reaching out with a finger and pointing to a stone upon which another picture appeared.

Within the painting are the images of Jiang Yun and Nan Yunuo, figures visible to everyone in this world's doomed realm.

Next, the sound of heaven falling also echoed from within that stone.

After listening, a hint of sneer appeared on Ginger Cloud's face!

And Lü Lun also sighed: "Brother Jiang's luck is really good. If you hadn't entered my formation, I'm afraid even Tianluo wouldn't have gone to such lengths to catch you."

Implicitly, Lü Lun clearly believed that the reason why Tiānlòu couldn't find Jiāng Yún was entirely due to his formation taking effect.

However, Jiang Yun was well aware that although the formation they were currently in could shield them from Tianluo's pursuit, even if he left the formation, he would still be unable to find him.

Unless one is in a prison of sorts, where one's blood is drawn and combined with special artifacts, otherwise, the multitude of powers existing within one's body are beyond the reach of any individual.

Moreover, he has now drawn a wild line.

Although it's still quite a distance from being able to truly become like the members of the Wild Tribe, at least it allows me to completely abstain from using spiritual energy.

In that case, unless the divine consciousness of a fallen deity could cover the entire Boundary Falling Land and meticulously examine every corner, it would be impossible to find oneself.

However, Gingercloud certainly wouldn't tell Lu Lun about these things. Instead, she followed his lead and clasped her fists in a salute, saying, "Thank you!"

"Don't be polite, you and I are now in the same boat. Helping you is also helping myself!"

"However, I've been here for a while and it's not very safe. So let's leave here first. Once we reach a safe place, I'll tell you everything I know."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Lü Lun made no visible move. Yet, all the stones used to form the formation began to spin faster and faster. Under this rotation, the entire formation itself slowly shifted!

Although it seemed slow, Ginger Yun knew deep down that she was simply within the formation's influence, making her feel as though her speed wasn't remarkable. In reality, the speed at which this formation moved forward was incredibly fast!

This can also be considered as broadening Ginger Cloud's horizons, and once again raising her evaluation of Lu Lun.

This person not only possesses profound cultivation and is skilled in alchemy, but their mastery of formations is also exceptional.

"Lu Lun obviously saw through Jiang Yun's thoughts and smiled faintly, “If you could also have a life as long as mine, then you would be able to do it too!”

That's the truth. The reason most cultivators only focus on one path is simply because they don't have enough time, their lifespan is limited, and they can't afford to waste it.

If everyone could live forever, they could naturally do many things they didn't dare to do before.

However, Gingercloud still found it strange that Lu Lun's cultivation level remained unchanged. Since he had so much time, why not focus on improving his own cultivation first

After all, with a higher level of cultivation, no matter what you do, it becomes extremely convenient. Then you can consider other things!

"Well, we've changed worlds now, safe for the time being!"

Just a moment later, Lv Lun spoke again, and this sent another shock through Jiang Yun's heart.

From beginning to end, he never knew where this formation was located. Now, from what Lü Lun said, it wasn't difficult to hear his meaning. It should be within a certain world.

But now, formations can directly travel between worlds!

Although she was shocked, Ginger Cloud didn't ask any questions.

"This world's graveyard holds little else, but the number of worlds within it is as countless as hairs on a cow. Most are uninhabited and serve as the most suitable hiding places."

Let's start with the Land of Fallen Borders!

After a moment of silence, Lu Lun suddenly fell silent and a contemplative expression appeared on his face. After a long while, he finally spoke, "This place, the Land of World's End, although it is said to be a place where one arrives after the world's collapse, in reality, this is also the true origin of the world!"

Before heaven and earth were divided, it already existed here, but there's another place here as well, I think you should know about it, called the Nine Hells of Extinction!

"The reason for this name is that within the Nine Desolate Lands, nine clans were born and raised, known as the Primordial Nine Clans!"

That's the same as the Nine Extermination Clans I just mentioned!

After the birth of the Nine Tribes, they successively led their clans away from the Realm of Extinction and journeyed to the outside world.

"And now, all the worlds you know, be it the Dao Realm or the Desolate Realm, are actually all created by these nine tribes!"

"Even more so, there is a saying that even billions of lives and countless races were created by these Nine Clans!"

In short, the Nine Realms of Extinction are the origin of all things, and the Nine Extinct Clans are its creators!

Hearing this, Ginger Cloud's shock was beyond words!

For the origin of all things and the world, many people have pondered, especially some predecessors with great powers, who have sought answers. However, they never expected that they would now be within this answer itself!

The Nine Hells gave birth to the Nine Clans, nine ancient and powerful races. These clans opened up countless worlds and created billions of lives!

Ginger couldn't help but ask, "Which nine clans are these"

To date, no one has been able to know all nine clans. Only six clans have been known so far.

"The Wasteland Clan, the Demon Clan, the Ginger Clan, the Chaos Clan, the Soul Clan, and the Yin Spirit Beast Clan!"

First release on the Traditional Chinese Novel Networkals at the Reincarnation Realm, and twenty-seven at the Breaking Law Realm.It seems that the Dugu family's overall strength is weaker than that of the Yongxing Heaven, but in reality, their ancestral...