Chapter 813: Make Your Own Judgments

but a smile appeared on his face instead."Gingercloud, you finally appeared!"Even Zheng De's desperate face turned from sorrow to joy at the sound.This is exactly Ginger Cloud's voice!But regardless o...To know, the fight between Jiang Yun and this powerful Taoist master only lasted a mere few moments, yet now half of these sixty-three Imperial Guards are already dead.

And even after their death, their corpses were enveloped in that murky River Styx, and in turn continued to attack those guards who were still alive.

True fratricide!

Although he did capture Jiang Yun and accomplished great deeds, he was after all the commander of the guard. Under his personal command, so many executioners died. When he returned, he would inevitably be punished.

The best outcome at this point would be a wash, meaning I wasted half the day for nothing. How could he not be angry about that!

However, despite the burning hatred in his heart, before Jiang Yun was completely absorbed into the painting scroll, he didn't dare to slack off even for a moment.

I can only hope that the guards who are still alive will have the courage to hold on, at least for a few more moments, until I can come and save them.

Just then, as everyone’s eyes were fixed on Ginger Cloud, who was now nothing but a head, he suddenly spoke: “Ding, Cang, Hai!”

With the utterance of these three words, the painting that was about to close completely stopped!

The stillness of the scroll caused the spatial power shrouding Jiang Yun to dissipate instantly. The next moment, his body, which had vanished without a trace, suddenly reappeared.

"This painting is good, I'll take it!"

Next, Ginger Cloud suddenly reached out and grabbed the painting directly.

The guard captain was stunned for a moment, then instantly came to his senses, roaring and charging towards the scroll as well.

He never expected that, even with half his body being pulled into the scroll, Jiang Yun could still cast such a strange technique that immobilizes everything.

In fact, how could he possibly know After all, Ginger Cloud is the master of the Blood Dao Realm. Even if he could only barely fight to a standstill with the power within that painting scroll, he could always unleash the Skill of Calming the Seas at any time. He's just been waiting for the perfect opportunity.

When the squad leader looked at those guards, Ginger Cloud seized the opportunity.

Even, if it wasn't for Jiang Yun coveting this painting and wanting to possess it, even if he was sucked into the painting itself, he would still have a way to break out of it.

Because his Thunder Dao Body was already hidden in the shadows, as soon as the Thunder Dao Body appeared, countless tribulation thunders would strike this scroll, easily breaking it open.

Although the squad leader reacted extremely quickly, he was still no match for Jiang Yun, who was so close. He could only watch helplessly as Jiang Yun's palm grasped the painting and unceremoniously absorbed it into his body.

"Jiang Yun, I want to kill you!"

The captain of the guard was furious, his hands flailing wildly. The space between him and Gingercloud began to crackle and shatter layer upon layer, like a giant maw ravenously devouring everything in its path.

He lost both men and horses this time. Not only did he fail to capture Jiang Yun, but almost all of his executioners were killed. Now, even his own magic weapon was snatched away by Jiang Yun.

In his rage, he hadn't realized that losing this spatial artifact had weakened him considerably. How could he possibly be a match for Jiang Yun!

And seeing the opponent's attack, Jiang Yun secretly nodded his head. The opponent's mastery of the law of space was indeed extremely profound. Even a casual strike contained powerful law power.

"Too bad, you already lost!"

Ginger Cloud flipped her wrist, and the hidden Dao sword was already in her hand, stabbing straight at the opponent's brow.

The Daoist sword's razor-sharp sword energy also cleaved the space apart, fragmented and broken. With unparalleled speed, it arrived at the opponent's brow.

However, just as the Dao Sword was about to pierce the opponent's brow, a cold voice suddenly rang out from above the sky: "Enough!"

With the sound came a thousand-zhang long beam of cold light, descending from the heavens like a waterfall, heading straight for Jiang Yun.

That cold light was a dagger magnified countless times, and the material of the dagger, as far as Ginger Cloud's eyes could see, was bone!

As for this human bone dagger and the sound it made, Jiang Yun was not surprised at all. He let out a cold smile: "Xíng Mó, you finally appeared!"

Shang Si Xing and Lei Ling were both strong individuals in the late stage of Daoist Realm.

Although Gingercloud had successfully killed Lei Ling, Gingercloud knew very well that besides the help of Xue Dongliu, the reason he was able to do so was because he possessed the Thunder Body, fearless of tribulation thunder!

While he was evenly matched with Lei Ling in terms of strength, he was completely unaware of the power of Xing Mo. He truly didn't know if he was even a match for him.

After all, even though I can now borrow the power of the Blood Dao Realm, at most, my strength can only be comparable to that of an early stage Daoist.

The early and late stages of Dao nature, differing by only one character, are separated by at least three minor realms in between. The strength they possess naturally differs greatly.

Although he still had thunderbolts to use, facing someone whose power far surpassed his own, the effectiveness of those thunderbolts would undoubtedly be greatly diminished.

Moreover, just like Soul Lock Incense, there is nothing in this world that possesses absolute power, as everything can be defended against.

At this moment, facing the bone dagger wielded by the demonic cultivator, Xing Mo, feeling the terrifying power within it that seemed capable of piercing through the entire Blood Dao Realm with ease, Jiang Yun's face was not filled with fear, but rather a strong fighting spirit.

He wanted to see, now with the identity of the Blood Dao Realm Lord and all his cards in hand, if he could defeat this Execution Demon.

A boundless scarlet filled Jiang Yun's eyes in an instant, a massive aura surged from his body, and with a sudden gesture, he pointed at Huangquan.

The boundless Netherworld suddenly contracted, and within it, whether it was the already deceased Executioners or those still struggling desperately, their bodies all exploded with a deafening boom under this contraction. The blood inside them surged out frantically.

The squad leader, who had been closing his eyes and waiting to die, couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he saw Xing Mo finally make a move, thinking that he was saved.

But the Daoist sword, nonetheless, remained unceremonious in piercing his brow.

As the blade was drawn, a jet of blood shot out from its brow, mingling with the blood of those executioners.

Nearly a hundred prison guards' blood filled the air, coagulating once more into a nine-tiered Blood Tower, facing towards the bone dagger wielded by the Execution Demon.

Just as the Blood Tower and the Bone Dagger were about to collide, outside the resplendent Palace of Three Palaces, a short and stout old man stood by the closed palace gate, cupping his hands and bowing: "Please enlighten me, sir. As for Jiang Yun, should he be killed, released, or captured"

The old man, of course, was Xing Mo, the former official!

His true form was nowhere to be found within the Blood Dao Realm, but rather beyond the Dao Prison.

Xing Mo had served in the Dao Three Palace for countless years, but in all that time, this was the first time he received such an ambiguous order from Dao San.

Just like the execution guards who were killed by Jiang Yun, Xing Mo had the same confusion in his heart.

To this day, he still doesn't understand Dao San's attitude.

Is it about killing Jiang Yun, or is it just a show for Lei Jiutian Or are they going to capture Jiang Yun and torture him with cruel methods

Now, seeing that Gingercloud has appeared and his one hundred men have all been killed in battle, it's time for him to make his move. So before he acts, he must consult with Dao San.

Although in the eyes of others, Xing Mo is Dao San's right-hand man and capable assistant, Dao San actually has a clear understanding of himself.

If Dao San could not care about Lei Ling's life and death, then he could also not care about his own. And himself, did not want to become a sacrifice.

After a brief silence, Daosan's voice finally echoed within the Three Palaces: "You, ponder this yourself!"

First Release on Traditional Novels Websitelion foreign cultivators were divided into thirteen alliances in total, with twelve of them naturally led by the twelve major forces of the Zhutian Jidi.And another alliance is the lower realm cultiva...