Chapter 689: Take Care of Yourself

iang Yun was speechless at what Lu Qingcheng said, knowing in her heart that the other party was telling the truth. So she could only sigh helplessly and say: "They all entered safely""Yes!" Tang Yi n...Although Yueqing's strength was astonishing, in order to prevent the collapse and destruction of the Shanhai Realm, he had to suppress his cultivation level to the late stage of Tianyou Realm.

Although this realm was already extremely powerful, through the joint attack with Heaven just now, Hai Changsheng gained confidence.

If both myself and Heaven's Path truly gave our all, even if it's impossible to kill Yue Qing, we could at least hold him off for a while.

Because his daughter's cry for help led Hai Changsheng to decide to lend a hand to Jiang Yun, but this help doesn't mean saving.

Moreover, he was well aware that he couldn't possibly save Jiang Yun.

Even if Heaven and oneself joined forces, even with the addition of Fang Mang who was sleeping, their combined might as three powerful demons would still be no match for Yue Qing.

All he could do was buy some time for Jiang Yun.

If Ginger Cloud could take advantage of this time to nurture her nascent spirit, then that would be best. If not, she could also consider herself to have done her utmost.

Of course, even if it was just to buy some time, it would be difficult for him to do it alone, so he wanted to bring Heaven Dao on board.

As for Hai Changsheng's words, Heaven didn't give an immediate response, apparently he also needed to think carefully about it, whether helping Jiang Yun was worth the effort.

After a while, Heaven's Dao finally spoke: "No war, war is useless!"

By this time, Heaven itself had already known that Yue Qing had come for Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun was the body he had his eye on, even if he and Hai Changsheng could delay Yue Qing for a while, even if Jiang Yun could nurture a Dao spirit, he would still not be Yue Qing's opponent.

Ultimately, Jiangyun will still be killed or captured by Yueqing.

Therefore, this battle was pointless and might greatly anger Yue Qing.

If Yue Qing, in a fit of rage, releases the suppression of his cultivation and displays his full power, then both I and Hai Changsheng could very well lose our lives!

"I didn't expect you to be so cowardly!"

Hai Changsheng spat out a contemptuous sneer from his mouth, his form once again transforming into seawater, merging into the Sea of Boundaries. In an instant, he appeared beside Jiang Yun.

Actually, Haichangsheng didn't want to fight either. But since he had already promised his daughter, no matter what, he had to give it another try.

Looking at Jiang Yun, who was still enveloped in blue light and completely unaware of what was happening outside, Haichangsheng suddenly felt a little nostalgic for Fang Mang.

The three great demons, along with the master of Senro Ghost Prison, had actually known each other's existence for a long time and were aware that everyone shared the same goal.

However, due to various reasons, they did not erupt into a real conflict. Otherwise, the cataclysm of mountains and seas would have arrived long ago.

They are four powerful figures, and each of them has had an intersection with Jiang Yun. Among them, only Fang Mang and Jiang Yun have a very good relationship, being wholeheartedly protective of Jiang Yun.

If Fang Mang were still conscious, he would certainly step forward to help Jiang Yun at this time.

It's a pity that Fang Mang doesn't know when he will wake up.

He shook his head, Hai Changsheng stopped thinking about these useless thoughts, and instead frowned and muttered to himself: "With my own strength, I can't fight against the other party at all. Since I can't win, I can only hide!"

"Fine, I'll use my own blood to buy you some more time."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hai Changsheng suddenly spat out a mouthful of blue blood from his mouth, completely engulfing Jiang Yun's figure.

But beneath this bloody shroud, Ginger Cloud's form, along with his breath, vanished instantly, truly becoming one with the surrounding seawater.

Hai Changsheng serves as the spirit of the sea, wrapping Ginger Cloud with his own blood. This is similar to how Gu Bulao protected Ginger Cloud back then with a single breath of Qi, evading the interference of heaven.

But the blood of Hai Changsheng's life essence is naturally incomparable to the ancient Dao energy, and it cannot last for too long.

Though in any case, his goal has been achieved.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, causing Hai Changsheng's face to pale considerably.

Looking at Jiangyun once more, Haichangsheng let out a sigh and said, “Jiangyun, considering that your letting my daughter call me father, there's only so much I can do for you!”

"May you be well!"

After he was finished speaking, his figure flickered and disappeared back into the depths of the boundary sea.

Above the sky, Yue Qing, who was rushing towards Jiang Yun's location, suddenly stopped.

Because in front of him, the sculpture of Ginger Cloud had already stopped flying and stood back in its original place. Apparently, it could no longer sense Ginger Cloud's aura.

"Huh It just vanished"

Yue Qing's eyebrows furrowed slightly, but she immediately let out a cold snort and said: "It must be the work of two big demons again!"

"Damn it, if I wasn't restricted from moving you, I would have killed you all by now!"

"But, you think that paltry hiding technique can fool my divine sense!"

Yue Qing closed his eyes and stopped using the sculpture to guide his direction. Instead, he released his divine consciousness and began carefully searching for Jiang Yun's whereabouts.

He also knew that the distance between him and Jiang Yun was no longer far. Even if someone helped Jiang Yun conceal his aura, with his powerful divine sense, it would be a matter of time before he could find him.

Meanwhile, outside the world of the Mountains and Seas, the young woman from the Questioning Dao sect had also made her appearance.

Her feet stepped on a golden lotus, and she glared at the middle-aged man blocking her path with raised willow eyebrows. "Mu Tian, I ask, Daozong and your Daozong have always had no grievances. Why do you block my way"

The man named Mu Tian must naturally be from the Qidao Sect.

He sneered coldly: “My disciple is within this Shan Hai realm. Back then, when my sect sent people to welcome him back, you, from the Wen Dao sect, had that ancient one, Gu Bulao, drive us away for no reason. So today, I can't let you enter the Shan Hai realm either!”

"Is that even possible"

The woman couldn't help but be slightly taken aback. She really didn't know that this had happened in between.

But then she shifted her gaze and said, “Since Elder Gu prevented your sect from entering the Shan Hai Realm, there must be his reasons. If you’re not convinced, you should go find him to discuss it!”

"To stop me, a mere weak woman, what kind of ability do you possess!"

Mute Tian couldn't help but laugh heartily and said, "What a weak woman!"

"Dao Lian'er, as the heaven's pride of the Wenda Sect, you had a Daolian by your side since birth and possess the innate Nine Paths Heavenly Body."

"At the age of nine, she opened up a heavenly cave. At eighteen, she conceived a spiritual being. Now, she has even stepped into the realm of Dao nature. If you were still just a weak woman, then who would dare call themselves a strong one!"

With Mu Tian's words falling, Dao Lian'er's face instead bloomed with a blush. "Mu Tian, you know so much about me, could it be that you have intentions towards me"

Mu Tian coughed and said, "Dao Lian'er, you don't need to pretend here anymore. Before that Yue Qing completes the mission, I'm impossible to let you enter this Shan Hai realm!"

"Then don't blame me for not being polite!"

Da Lian'er's bashful expression instantly transformed into killing intent. She stomped her foot with force, and the golden lotus beneath her exploded with a deafening boom, turning into countless golden rays that rained down on Mu Tian.

Mu Tian had been prepared for this, and a folding fan appeared in his hand. He opened it, and with a light sweep, a strong wind erupted, rushing towards the golden light.

Just as Dao Lian'er and Mu Tian were about to fight, Jiang Yun, enveloped by the natal demonic blood of Hai Changsheng, suddenly felt the blue light within him surge to its peak.

Even directly piercing Hai Changsheng's natal blood, it converged above Jiang Yun's head.

There you are!

A cold light flashed in Yue Qing's eyes, he took a step forward, and vanished from his original position, appearing above the sky of Wendaomen.

And above Jiang Yun's head, the blue light finally condensed into a palm-sized blue figure above Jiang Yun's head.

First published on [Traditional Chinese Novels Website]w words with the appraiser standing beside him.It was evident that they were verifying the results predicted by the gemology experts before.Gem appraisers hold a high position in the chaotic world. Th...