Chapter 610: Ginger Cloud's Origin

yu. Such a foolish thing, she certainly wouldn't do.Jiang Yun nodded again, taking another step to stop just a short distance from Fang Ruolin. He looked at her intently and said, "Now you can speak!...Afterward, Uncle Ginger forbade me from telling anyone, so I kept the secret to myself. But now that I see you, and sense the seal Uncle Ginger placed on you, I believe that baby must be…

The transmission from Jiang Zhan ends here.

It was evident that his words were unfinished. However, just as he spoke, the golden light gate finally dissipated, taking Jiang Zhan and Jiang Yuewang within it, away from the Shan Hai realm.

However, Jiang Yun was like a statue, standing motionless in the air. In his mind, Jiang Zhan's last words echoed endlessly!

Although Ginger Zhan didn't finish his words, Ginger Yun knew what he meant. The baby placed in a swaddling cloth and sent to the Ginger Clan's Ginger Yaotian, into the hands of Grandpa Ginger Wanli, was himself!

To be honest, Ginger Cloud didn't care too much about her own origins.

Because he always believed himself to be an orphan, picked up by chance by his grandfather and raised as his own, that was all.

Only now did he realize that his origins were far more complicated than he had imagined.

If what Jiang Zhan said is true, then I may not even have been born in this Shan Hai Realm. Instead, I was taken to the Jiang Yao Heaven when I was still an infant.

As for the person who surrendered themselves to their grandfather, it's highly likely they were their own father or mother!

And what happened next, he could easily guess.

The grandfather must have taken himself in and even specially used the Taoist technique Qingming Meng for it. With nearly a hundred members of the Ginger Clan, he moved away from the Ginger Demon Heaven and came to this Shan Hai Realm.

He entered the Hundred Thousand Mountain, built Ginger Village, and disguised himself as a group of weak demon tribes, accompanying him.

After raising themselves, they quietly left again.

Although Gingercloud had figured out the events, countless questions kept popping up in his mind.

Why would one's own parents send them to their grandfather's care

Why did grandpa bring himself to this mountain and sea realm

Why is Grandpa leaving again without saying goodbye

Who are one's own parents Where is one's own home



Jiang Yun suddenly raised his head and let out a roar filled with helplessness!

The roar was like thunder, shaking even the clouds in the sky.

The icy rain fell upon Jiang Yun's face, blurring the line between the precipitation and his own tears.

Just like that, Jiang Yun stood there quietly for a long while before finally calming her emotions.

Although he had many doubts in his heart, at this moment, he was unable to find the answers.

He could only bury all these doubts deep in his heart, because what he cared about most right now was the whereabouts of his grandfather and the others.

No matter why his own parents sent him to his grandfather, at least Jiang Yun knew that sixteen years of life in Mangshan was definitely the happiest time for him. All the villagers of Jiangcun really treated him as family.

Since they are now trapped in some unknown place, he must find a way to rescue them.

When I was in the Netherworld, I heard my grandfather's voice. It wasn't an illusion, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted. It must have been some kind of mysterious force that stopped him.

"Is it possible that Grandpa and the others were trapped inside an illusory palace, or perhaps within a dimension inside a spirit beast's body That's how he could be sending his voice to my ears."

To find out the answer, it's simple. Just wait until the Mirage opens again, and I'll enter once more!

"Fortunately, it's almost time. In less than five years, the mirage will open again!"

"Besides, I also want to find a way to leave this Shan Hai Realm. In these five years, I will cultivate and strive to reach the Heavenly Blessing Realm as soon as possible."

"Only when my strength reaches the Heavenly Blessing Realm can I leave the Shan Hai Realm and go to another world!"

For other cultivators within the Shanhai Realm, cultivating to the Tianyou realm could only be a dream, but for Jiang Yun, it was not.

He was an alchemist and a demon cultivator, and he also had a black stone that could brand anything.

Although encountering the Ginger War Duo brought many doubts to Ginger Cloud's mind, it also allowed him to temporarily step out of his state of loneliness and sadness.

Therefore, Gingercloud finally turned around and looked at Wang Lin, saying: "We meet again, Boundary Town Envoy!"

At first, when the two met, Wang Lin's identity was that of a disciple of the Luohuan Sect. Now, Jiang Yun finally knew, he was the guardian spirit of the Shanhai Realm.

Wang Lin, however, had a gloomy expression as he looked at Jiang Yun for a moment. After a while, a resolute look flashed in his eyes. He said: "Jiang Yun, I'll give you one more year. In a year, the Shan Hai catastrophe will come early!"

After uttering those words, Wang Lin took a step forward, vanishing into thin air. However, his words caused Jiang Yun, as well as the big men below and Liu Tianren, to involuntarily change their expressions.

Especially Jiang Yun, he remembered that during the chaotic times of the Clear and Murky Realm, Wang Lin had told him that the Great Tribulation of Mountains and Seas would not come until three years after.

However, now only a year has passed, Wang Lin said the time for the great tribulation is coming, there is only one year left!

Jiang Yun didn't know that after Wang Lin learned the truth that Jiang Yun had been raised by people from another world, he decided in secret to bring forward the Sea-Mountain Realm catastrophe to cover up his own negligence.

After a great catastrophe, one world is experiencing. While it didn't completely destroy the world, it managed to erase a lot of evidence.

"Ginger Cloud!"

At this moment, a voice from behind Jiang Yun's back belonged to the Han.

While Jiang Yun also came to his senses, he hurriedly turned around and respectfully bowed deeply to the big man: "I haven't thanked my senior for saving my life. I was disrespectful before, I hope you will forgive me!"

"But Da Han just laughed heartily and waved his hand, saying, 'It's nothing! By the way, you don't have to call me senior. I gave myself a name, Fang Mang. From now on, just call me Big Brother Fang!' "

One hundred thousand, for Fang, Mangshan, for Mang!

The name "Fang Mang" suited him very well. After a slight pause, Jiang Yun nodded cheerfully and said, "Good, Big Brother Fang!"

At the same time, a voice transmission from Liu Tianren reached Ginger Yun's ear: "Elder Brother Ginger, you don't know this yet, Master Fang owes you more than just a life-saving grace."

"When you first left Mangshan, Fang Da had already discreetly informed some powerful demon tribes on Wushan Island to help take care of you."

For example, there's Lao Hei, the demon lord within the Beast Trap Forest, the elder of the Snow Clan, and even Jin Yi Fei from the Wan Yao Cave!


Jiang Yun was stunned once again. This was truly something he never expected.

However, he did remember that when he first met Lao Hei, Lao Hei had said he was a friend of his friend.

At that time, I thought the friend Lao He was talking about was my big brother Dongfang Bo, but it turned out to be Fang Mang!

Besides needing his help, the Snow Clan patriarch likely entered the Snow Clan holy land because of Fang Mang's instructions.

To sum it up, I owe much of my success today to Fang Mang's behind-the-scenes help.

But he didn't understand why Fang Mang would care for him so much.

"Ginger, little brother!" Fang Mang's voice rang out again: "Although it might be a bit inappropriate to say this now, I won't beat around the bush, so I'll just say it straight. I need your help with something!"

"Brother Fang, please go ahead!"

Fang Mang suddenly raised his head to look at the sky, and then with a wave of his sleeve, a powerful force burst out, enveloping both Jiang Yun and himself.

Then Fang Mang continued, "I want you to help me deal with this old heaven!"

First published on Traditional Chinese Novels Networkun now, Mei Yusheng's desire to kill him became even stronger.Because she became more and more certain that Jiang Yun's existence would seriously threaten the Yaosh Shenzong in the future!However, wit...