Chapter 548: Sealing the Demon Monument

d."Big Brother Yun, shall we go find powerful demon clan members now, leave the ruins, and return to the Four Realms""As long as we reach the Realm of Chaos, we'll be safe."Ginger nodded. "Of course w...Ginger's feeling was right. The Blood Robed man wanted to be alone with him precisely because he wanted to pass on some knowledge about demon refining as a demon refiner.

And once mastered, when Jiang Yun returns to the Shan Hai Realm afterward, it will truly be of great help.

After all, the Shan Hai Realm has a large number of monsters!

Especially the Wan Yao Ku and the Sea Race, are entirely composed of demons.

If Jiang Yun could wield the Seal of Demon Subjugation, then his return would be a nightmare for all demon clans!

"By the way, there's one more thing!" The blood-robed man continued.

"What's up"

"When I saw you using the Fuyin and Jieyin, I didn't see you use the Lianyao brush on your person. Could it be that the Lianyao brush wasn't made by you yourself"

Jiang Yun was taken aback at first, then nodded and said: "That brush for refining demons was given to me by a descendant of a demon refiner. Senior, why use a brush for refining demons to cast the Nine Arts of Refining Demons"

This question caused Xue Pao to involuntarily frown. He looked at Jiang Yun and said, "How did you become a demon tamer Who taught you everything about demon taming"


Jiang Yun scratched his head, a little embarrassed to speak up.

He embarked on this path of being a demon slayer, strictly speaking, thanks to Bai Ze.

In addition to the dao demon he mastered and the harvest from the Luo Family's reverse demon bridge, this made him a spirit tamer.

After hearing Jiang Yun's account, Xue Pao's brows relaxed, but a wry smile appeared on his face.

"Following a demon to learn the art of refining demons, you'd be considered the first in my line of demon refinement!"

Then, the Blood Robe withdrew his smile and said with a serious expression: “If you don't mind, I can give you some pointers on my demonic refinement lineage, including some knowledge and techniques!”

Although Ginger Yearns to return home, she also knows that this opportunity is extremely valuable for her.

A Blood Robe is truly considered the top-tier of alchemists. Having him guide you would definitely be incredibly beneficial.

Moreover, one's own skill in refining demons would also affect whether Grandpa and the others could transcend into immortals in the future. So, Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Then I would trouble you, Senior."

Let's start with the Demon Refining Pen!

"The Rejuvenation Brush is an indispensable magic tool for us!"

"The materials used don't matter, but a Refining Demon Pen must have at least one demon, and no more than nine!"

"And these nine demons, you must choose carefully, because they are of utmost importance to us. We call them Demon Guards!"

"The Demon Guard will grow alongside the Demon Cultivator. They will not only protect you, but the stronger they become, the stronger you will be; and the stronger you become, the stronger they will be!"

"The demon guard and you, your relationship is one of mutual benefit!"

Xue Pao's words shocked Jiang Yun!

He originally thought Bai Ze and the others were imprisoned in the brush of refining demons, only to find out now that it wasn't true at all!

Being able to enter the Rebirth Pen is not harmful to demons, but rather beneficial, even a great opportunity for them.

But Jiang Yun suddenly thought of the Feng family's formation tablet and the formation tablet in the Refining Demon Pen that imprisoned Bai Ze, so he brought up this doubt.

The Blood Robe's face once again wore an expression of amusement tinged with disbelief. "What formation stele That's the Stele to Seal Demonic Beasts!"

"It was left behind when I first arrived in this world to uphold justice and order. They found it, but I didn't care."

Jiang Yun widened his eyes and asked, "What is the Seal of Righteous Demons Monument"

The "Fèngzhèng Yāobēi" is similar to a "Fēngyāodàojiǎn," but it doesn't have the same powerful effect.

"The Seal of the Demon Dao is to seal the path of demons, while the Seal of Righteous Demons is to seal the righteous demons."

“Be true to your name, fulfill your duty, and do your best!”

Seeing that Jiang Yun still didn't understand, Blood Robe stopped and pondered for a moment before saying: "Simply put, you can regard the Seal of Zheng Yao as a secret technique that can temporarily increase demon power."

A sealed demon will fall into a coma for a period of time. Once they wake up, they can temporarily gain an increase in strength or master corresponding spells based on the demonic patterns you left on the Demon Sealing Tablet.

The more "Seal of the Demonic Monster" tablets there are, the stronger this demonic beast can become!

"The celestial demon Bai Ze you mentioned, being able to possess six Seal-Zheng Demon Steles, indicates that the demonic cultivator who captured it and imprisoned it within the Demonic Pen back then still valued it quite highly."

Jiang Yun understood a little, and casually took out his own demon-subduing brush and said: "Senior, can you release the demons inside"


The Blood-robed man didn't reach out for the Refining Demon Pen. He just glanced at it and shook his head, saying: "The Sealing Demon Tablet must be crafted by a Refining Demon Master using their own demonic patterns. It also requires their blood essence and even some of their unique skills!"

For example, I have some knowledge of陣法 formations. So when I set up the Sealing Demon Tablet, I incorporated formations into it. That way, the demons I seal will also have a basic understanding of formations!

This is also why the Feng family, after obtaining the demonic tablet, was able to study the formations on it.

Therefore, even if they are both alchemists, they cannot use an alchemy pen that was not made by themselves.

By this time, Jiang Yun had gained some understanding of the Sealed Demon Stele. It could actually imbue demonic artifacts with his own abilities.

This is somewhat similar to the Refining Demon Seal that Hun Tian taught me.

However, the Lian Yao Yin absorbs the talents of demon races for human use, while the Feng Zheng Yao Bei does the opposite.

As for Xue Pao's claim of having a slight understanding of formations, it is naturally his humble words.

Otherwise, how could the Feng clan have become a prominent array clan by relying solely on a demonic tablet

What is that demon pattern

"My lineage of demon cultivators has a unique script. I'll teach you, it's not difficult!"

By now, Jiang Yun could roughly guess what was going on.

The ancestor of the Lu family, a demon-refining master, had captured eight demons, including Bai Ze, with his demon-refining brush. After sealing them properly one by one, something unexpected must have happened to him, leaving no time for them to awaken before he left behind the demon-refining brush.

It is also estimated that no more demon cultivators will be born in the future, and this demon refining brush will not be able to be used. Therefore, Bai Ze believes that he has always been imprisoned.

For the time being, Jiang Yun chose to put aside thoughts of going home and stayed by Xue Pao's side, learning about demon patterns and the art of opening one's acupoints.

And the simplest method of sealing demons was to divide the Sealing Demon Talisman into nine parts and seal each demon's nine orifices with one part.

With Ginger Cloud's current strength, he is capable of sealing the Three Apertures!

In the blink of an eye, ten days had passed. Although Jiang Yun hadn't fully mastered everything Xue Pao had taught him, he couldn't afford to stay here any longer.

Xue Pao naturally saw that Jiang Yun's mind was elsewhere, so he stopped pressing him.

"What I've taught you, you now have a basic grasp of. In the future, you just need to practice more, and naturally, you'll become more proficient with practice. The more you practice, the more skilled you'll become. Well, that's all I can do to help you for now!"

Jiang Yun nodded, a trace of hesitation suddenly appearing on his face, as if he had something to say, but in the end, he didn't say anything. Instead, he bowed deeply to the Blood Robe.

The Blood Robed one smiled and said, “Don’t make it so sad. Although by the time you come back to this realm next, perhaps we won’t be here anymore, I think that in the future, you should have a chance to meet our true selves.”

Jiang Yun nodded vigorously and said, "As long as I don't die, I will definitely do it!"

The Blood Robed man laughed loudly, "Young man, don't speak of life and death so lightly. Now, are you still going to the Summer Palace"


"Okay, then when you leave, I won't see you off. Have a safe journey, and we'll see each other again if it's meant to be!"

This novel is first published on the Traditional Chinese Novel Network.d on Jiang Yun's face. With his back to Emperor Xing and Leng Yichen, he stood there motionless, as if he had completely forgotten about resistance, allowing that palm to fall upon him."Boom!"The palm...