Chapter 349: Heaven Cannot Be Without

g everyone's faces change again.The sacrifice is meant to utterly destroy this space. Once that space is gone, it will be like the world exploding. Everyone inside the space, except for a few powerful...Just as Jiang Yun's face showed a look of surprise, the storage ring he had already thrown out exploded, transforming into a phantom figure about half a person tall. It was Mei Yu Sheng.

It should be said, it's her spiritual guide!

At this moment, Mei Yu Shang's face was no longer cold as before, but instead was beaming with smiles. She seemed like a different person entirely, walking towards Jiang Yun calmly and gracefully.

Looking at Mei Yu Shan, who was getting closer and closer, Jiang Yun's expression had returned to calm, with not a hint of surprise.

In fact, he had long guessed that Mei Yusheng would definitely not let him go!

Because Mei Yu Sheng had previously used the power of the sect-protecting formation, it was clear that she intended to kill herself.

If I hadn't been able to control the Heaven Refining Furnace and gotten inside in time, I would probably be dead by now.

Even though Mei Yu Sheng changed her attitude and took the initiative to apologize, Jiang Yun still never let down his guard against her.

He would never believe that someone who had just tried to kill him would suddenly have such a complete change of heart.

Therefore, he directly refused to accept the storage ring given by Mei Yu-shang.

Although he eventually accepted the ring to avoid having an excuse to attack Mei Yushang again, he didn't intend to keep it on at all.

So, at this moment, after getting away from the Yaoshensong Sect, the first thing he did was throw away the ring.

But what he hadn't expected was that Mei Yusheng's spirit would be hidden inside the ring.

Mei Yusheng also noticed the fleeting surprise on Jiang Yun's face, which made her heart skip a beat. In an instant, she released her divine sense, covering an area of at least a thousand miles.

Until she was certain there was nothing else amiss, she finally relaxed and smiled faintly at Jiang Yun: "Young one, you were in such a rush to leave. I still have several questions I didn't get to ask!"

Ginger nodded and said, "Master Mei, please!"

Looking at Jiang Yun's calm face, Mei Yu Sheng couldn't help but furrow his brows in secret.

She believed that with Gingercloud's intelligence, he would surely have guessed her true purpose for coming as a spirit apparition.

But he was not nervous at all, on the contrary, he was so calm and collected, as if he had nothing to fear.

Could it be that, besides the Heaven Refining Cauldron, the God of Medicine also bestowed upon him other protective treasures as a means of defense

Although she harbored doubts in her heart, Mei Yu Shang's face remained impassive. With a smile, she asked, "How did you come to know about the things you just said regarding spirits"

"On the Sky Refining Furnace, a senior pharmacist left behind a message."

Ginger Cloud was telling the truth.

When he completely integrated the runes into the surface of the Heaven Refining Furnace, he saw a passage on it.

The text is naturally left by the Divine Craftsman, it records things about artifact spirits and runes condensed into spells. It's said to be controlling the Heaven Refining Furnace, but in reality, it's used to control artifact spirits.

Otherwise, Gingercloud wouldn't be able to make the spirit obedient.

Mei Yusheng smiled and said, "Apart from the writing, did the Medicine God leave behind anything else"

"No more!"

"Okay, I believe you."

However, although you left behind the Heavenly Refining Furnace, didn't you forget something else

"Is this the complete legacy of the Pharmacy God"

"If I gave it to you, would Master Mei truly let me go" Ginger Cloud laughed.

"As long as you abolish your cultivation, destroy your memories, and from then on become an ordinary person, I will not only let you go but also grant you a long life, free from illness and disaster!"

Ginger Yun gave a cold smile and said, "Master Mei, I had no intention of being your enemy, but you keep pushing me. Since that's the case, there's no point in talking anymore. Just make your move!"

Upon hearing this, Mei Yu Sheng's smile instantly froze on her face.

Because this seems like something I should be saying, why is it now coming out of Jiang Yun's mouth

However, Mei Yusheng's reaction was also extremely quick. After only a slight pause, his figure immediately retreated backwards, wanting to increase the distance between himself and Jiang Yun.

However, at that moment, she heard a voice in her ear: "Master Mei, since you were injured last time and your voice was damaged, how come you haven't learned your lesson The only way you can remember is if you become mute!"

The sudden sound caused Mei Yusheng's face to change drastically.

Even the figure of the retreating expert suddenly stopped, his eyes revealing intense hatred as he gritted his teeth and said, "Gu Bulao, you dare to come to my Yaoshenzong!"

Now, Mei Yusheng finally understands why Jiang Yun remained so calm in the face of her pursuit.

Because his master, Gu Bulao, had actually come.

The ancient voice rang out once more, “Do you think I wanted to come I came to fetch my disciple. I didn't expect to run into you again!”

“Last time I spared you because I saw it on your face, but this time I won't let you off so easily!”

Mei Yu Sheng's face changed again, and she said: "Gu Bulao, you wait! I will not let Jiang Yun off!"

After uttering those words, Mei Yusheng suddenly raised her hands and flailed them wildly in the air. As she did so, beams of light shot towards her from all directions.

The light, like ribbons, instantly enveloped her body, which was about half a person's height, and carried her directly away from where she stood.

Jian Yun, who had never spoken again, was now dumbfounded.

He hadn't expected Mei Yusheng to be so afraid of his own master.

He had only heard his master's voice, and hadn't even seen his shadow yet, but he immediately activated the protective formation and fled the scene.

He didn't even bother to continue killing himself, seizing his own complete inheritance.

However, from their conversation, Ginger Cloud did hear something.

Mei Yu Sheng was beautiful, but her voice was incredibly unpleasant. This was all due to her master's influence.

As for why Master would attack Mei Yu Sheng, according to Jiang Yun's guess, it was most likely related to Mei Bu Gu.

Although he didn't dare to ask, he was truly curious about his master's skill and past experiences.

Not only did he sever half of the ancestor Luo's horn, but he also destroyed the Pharmacist Sect master's voice.

It seems that even my master is a person who does things his own way, and perhaps even goes beyond the bounds of propriety.

Just then, Gu Bulao's voice rang in his ear: "What are you still doing Hurry back to the sect!"

"By the time Mei Yu Sheng comes to her senses, she'll realize I was only my voice, not my true self. At that point, you truly won't be able to leave."

Ginger hurriedly nodded and said, "Yes!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't dare to delay any longer and immediately continued flying towards the City of Heavenly Medicine.

Actually, Gu Bulao never came here at all. He just sent his voice to this place.

...because the appearance of mirages and shimmering lights, the Wen Dao sect also has to start preparing for the final stage.

Of course, with Ginger Cloud's current strength, he fully meets the requirements to enter the Mirage Tower. Therefore, he must return to the Wudao Sect as soon as possible.

Although this is what Gu Bulao said the reason was, Jiang Yun knew deep down that this wasn't the real reason his master sent his voice here!

The real reason is that he's worried about his own safety!

Actually, if it wasn't for Master's voice, I'm afraid this time I might have been in real danger.

Because he had no more reliance on himself, it was impossible to be Meiyusheng's opponent.

This naturally also filled Jiang Yun's heart with warmth.

As he left, Jiang Yun asked himself how two years had already passed since he joined the sect. Thinking about being able to see his fellow disciples and master again soon, Jiang Yun felt a surge of longing in his heart.

Finally, Jiang Yun stepped onto the teleportation formation heading to Nanshan Prefecture. The moment the teleportation formation's light flared up, Mei Yusheng's voice rang in his ears once again: "Jiang Yun, this isn't over!"

"Don't forget, Xiao Zheng and your godfather Han Shizun are both still at Yaoshén Sect!"

First Release on Popular Novels Network kind to be seen everywhere at all times.Over time, this place has become a popular tourist destination, attracting many cultivators. In particular, many couples choose this place as their romantic s...