Chapter 4275: Thirty-Eight Houses

diately.After finishing his speech, Huangkun coldly glanced at Yi Zheng and the others, then led his men towards the center of the platform.Then Huang Ning fell silent, walking forward alone with his...Ginger, Mo Ze, Fang Ming, Lu Wenlin, even adding the cold and aloof Heavenly Marshal Leng Yichen.

The successive statements of these few individuals have finally piqued the interest of the many spectators who had previously been indifferent to Jiang Yun's challenge.

Of course, they could easily tell the relationship between these people.

Mo Ze and Jiang Yun are on one front line, Fang Ming and Lu Wenlin are on another, and they all belong to the same level!

While Leng Yichen, as the Heavenly Marshal, might have wanted to favor Mo Ze, he could only act strictly according to regulations in front of so many people and couldn't show any favoritism.

However, now there are others who have joined this dispute, and they are clearly on Jiang Yun's side. This has caused everyone to turn their attention to this supporter of Jiang Yun - who is this person

The sound doesn't come from the First Heaven, but from the region where the Three Heavens Guardians gather.

The speaker was a young man.

Although he was now clasping his hands in front of him and bowing his head, he was still facing Leng Yichen and performing a deep bow.

Although his features were obscured, most people still recognized him.

Even Ginger Cloud recognized it.

Shen Zhaozhun!

When the hunt was on, Ginger Cloud saved this guard as his first rescue!

To recognize Shen Chaozhou, Ginger Cloud was truly quite surprised.

Although he saved Shen Chaojun at the time, it was just a random act. And while Shen Chaojun was indeed a good person, Jiang Yun hadn't expected him to step forward and speak up for himself at this moment.

Leng Yichen stared at Shen Chaojun, also somewhat surprised. He just wanted to speak.

But behind Shen Zhaochun, there stood a burly middle-aged man who bowed to Leng Yichen and said, "Lord Tianshui, although this old man is not from the heavens beyond or know Mr. Fan Xiao, nor do I have the qualifications to speak out, but since my master Zhaochun is willing to plead for this person, then this old man dares to speak up, hoping Lord Leng will show mercy and make an exception!"

After finishing his words, the man put down his hands, closed his mouth, and didn't even glance at Leng Yichen again. It was as if he hadn't spoken just now.

But seeing this man, even Leng Yichen's eyes flashed.

Shen Zhaozun was just an ordinary guard in Tianwai Tian, but his family, the Shen Family, possessed considerable power and influence within the Sijing Cang. They even had a quasi-emperor protecting them.

And that man was Shen Zhaozun's uncle, a powerful imperial-level expert!

Obviously, Shen Zhaozhi was also one of the guards participating in this large-scale competition. He invited his uncle and other relatives to come and watch.

When both Shen Zhaozhun and his uncle spoke up, it was not merely the voice of a humble guard. To some extent, it could even be considered the voice of the Shen family itself.

Before Leng Yichen could make a decision, another person coldly said, "Shen Zhaojun, it's fine that you speak up, but what does your uncle mean when he speaks"

"How dare you, is your Shen family trying to interfere in our affairs of the Heavenly Outer Heaven"

Speaking now is Lu Wenlin himself!

This person clearly has a connection to Bloodless, but in order to conceal their identity, they deliberately pretended to be an army general who was ambushed by Bloodless and escaped unscathed. They stared coldly at Shen Chaojun.

Just as Mo Ze told Jiang Yun back then, Lu Wenlin also had a powerful emperor backing him.

Not even Moze, let alone Leng Yichen, would dare to touch him.

Therefore, hearing that Ginger Cloud was challenging him, he was completely fearless.

But Shen Zhaozhi and the Shen family still came out to speak up for Jiang Yun, which made him very dissatisfied.


Meanwhile, in another space, the Emperor Xuan showed a rare smile.

Before the match began, he had discussed with Lao Song about finding an opportunity to eliminate Lu Wenlin by involving someone completely unrelated to him.

But he didn't expect that Jiang Yun would actually come out and challenge Lu Wenlin!

Although besides Lao Song and himself, no one else knew that Jiang Yun was his person.

But if Ginger Cloud really killed Lu Wenlin, what if the person behind Lu Wenlin wants to pursue this Then, it's very likely that I would be implicated.

Therefore, Emperor Xuan did not want Jiang Yun to challenge Lu Wenlin.

However, he was also displeased with the arrogant attitude Lu Wenlin had displayed at this moment.

Just as he was pondering how to counter Lu Wenlin's arrogance, he suddenly heard someone else speak up from below: "My lord Tian Shuai, although Fan Xiaozhi's actions indeed violate the rules of the competition, they are understandable. Therefore, I, Li Modou, dare to plead with my lord to make an exception this once!"

Following Shen Zhaozun, someone dared to speak up for Jiang Yun.

And as everyone followed the sound, they saw that it was a guard from the Fourth Heaven!

Behind Li Mo stood an elderly man with white hair.

After Li Mo's words fell, he also took a step forward and bowed to Leng Yichen: "My Li family does not dare to interfere with the rules of Tiangoutian. I only think that waiting for another hundred years is a bit long for young people, so please, sir, make an exception this time!"

Li Mo, similarly, was also someone rescued by Jiang Yun during the encirclement hunt!

Lu Wenlin's face suddenly darkened.

If the Shen family's statement just now was relatively reserved and didn't directly target themselves, then the Li family's statement now clearly states their attitude: they want to confront them head-on.

"You..." Lu Wenlin spoke again.

However, before he could utter a single word, another voice cut him off: "Lord Tianshui, I, Wang Yu, dare to request that you make an exception this time and allow Fan Xiao to participate in the grand competition!"

And after that sound, one by one, voices began to rise from all directions, incessantly echoing.

"Heavenly Marshal, my subordinate Lin Wenzheng dares to petition. I hope that Sir will make an exception and allow Fan Xiao to participate in this grand competition."

"My Lord Tianshuai, I am Jiang Chengdou, a humble subordinate. I beg you to make an exception this once…"

"Zhao Feng under his command..."

"Under my command..."

Finally, Shen Zhaoyun and Li Mo, who had spoken first, joined the other thirty-six Heavenly Guards. Together, they pleaded with Leng Yichen, hoping he would make an exception and allow Jiang Yun to participate in the grand competition.

As the thirty-eight voices fell one after another, the entire competition venue once again plunged into silence.

At first, Lu Wenlin's face was still filled with anger, but as the sounds grew louder and more numerous, the anger on his face gradually diminished.

To the very end, it became even more gloomily oppressive.

As for those spectators, whether they were guardians from the Heavenly Realm or outsiders, they were all dumbfounded.

No one had expected that this guard named Fan Xiao, within the realm of Heaven Beyond Heaven, would actually possess such a vast network of connections and have so many people pleading for him.

And of these thirty-eight people, not one was from the first heaven; they were all from other heavens.

Even the esteemed Emperor Xuen, was left wide-eyed with surprise at Jian Yun's immense influence.

Only Ginger Cloud knew for sure, these thirty-eight people were the thirty-eight heavenly guards she had saved during the hunt all those years ago!

Ginger Cloud saves people, never expecting anything in return.

Saving these people back then was just a small favor.

But he hadn't expected that out of these thirty-eight people, not a single one would be ungrateful. Not a single one would fail to stand up at this moment and plead on his behalf, repaying the life-saving grace he had shown them!

Jiang Yun turned around and, facing the direction where the thirty-eight people were, bowed in respect.

Then, turning around to face Leng Yichen, Jiang Yun spoke again: "Please, Heavenly Marshal, make an exception this time and allow your subordinate to participate in this grand competition."

"Challenge, Lu Wenlin!"

As Jiangyun spoke, the thirty-eight people also simultaneously cupped their fists and bowed to Leng Yichen. They once again spoke in unison: "Please, Lord Tianshui, make an exception this time!"this humanoid figure, some couldn't help but murmur in shock and awe, "This is the true embodiment of the Dao!"Excellent, a body completely condensed from the power of the Dao. This is what a true Dao...