Chapter 4248: Thus It Is

et Ginger Cloud die. If necessary, you can even kill Feng Qishan!""What!"Lu Baichuan suddenly raised his head, wondering if his ears were malfunctioning. The ancestor had actually asked him to protect...Although Jiang Yun was unable to enter that space, Emperor Xuanyuan's voice also echoed in his mind, saying: "He's fine, he just got hurt!"

This sentence finally put Jiang Yun's mind at ease, knowing that since Mo Qinghong and the others wanted to seek help from Emperor Xuanyuan, they naturally wouldn't dare to do anything to Xuanyuan Xing.

And Emperor Xuan Yuan also continued to say to Mo Qinghong and Mo Tong: “What serious business do you two want to discuss with me”

Though neither of them spoke, a powerful aura suddenly surged from the skeletal body of Mo Tong.

Within the closed hall, a sudden gust of wind arose, causing it to tremble slightly.

Just as an invisible mountain suddenly appeared within the hall, releasing wave after wave of terrifying pressure.

Even with Jiang Yun's powerful physique, he felt this oppressive force and his expression changed. His body staggered involuntarily, taking a few steps back as if unable to bear it.

The First Emperor Xuan Yuan exclaimed in astonishment, "You're about to breakthrough!"

Upon hearing this, Ginger Cloud's heart skipped a beat.

The cultivation of the Devil Sovereign had already reached the pinnacle among quasi-emperors. If he were to break through, wouldn't it mean that he was going to become an emperor!

Mo Tong's figure flickered, the powerful aura on his body once again dissipated without a trace, causing him to return to being like a lifeless sculpture. He faintly said, "Not bad!"

Then Emperor Xuan Yuan asked in confusion, "Since you are about to become the emperor, and there are already two emperors among the demons, what else could you possibly need my help with"

"Could it be," Jiang Yun frowned, "that the Cang Lao Hui forbids there to be two Empyreans within a single race"

This time, Mo Qinghong did not blame Jiang Yun for interrupting again, but nodded and said: "Yes, if Mo Tong becomes emperor, then one of us two must die!"

"Even, along with our respective clans, we will all die, just like the former Death and Life Demon Clan!"

"Why" Ginger Cloud frowned even tighter, saying, "Grand ancestor back then was targeted by the Hidden Elder Society because of the special abilities of his Deathly Magic Clan, which led to his misfortune."

And you, could it be that you possess some special ability that the Elders' Council covets

Otherwise, even if the demon clan had two emperors, they wouldn't be a match for the Zang Lao Hui, and couldn't pose any threat to them. Why would the Zang Lao Hui only allow you to have one emperor

"As for the reason, we don't know either!" Mo Qinghong replied coldly. "But the time that Si Jing Cang has existed is incredibly ancient."

Once upon a time, although the number of emperors here was not large, it wasn't small either.

However, the Elder Council inexplicably arranged an Imperial Battle, resulting in many Emperors dying tragically and causing a gap in the path to becoming Emperor.

"And since then, over all these years, among the four races of the Four Realms, including myself, only one emperor has emerged from each race."

"Don't you find this strange"

Even if the path of a great emperor is broken, there are many prodigies.

If one person can become emperor, then naturally there should be a second, and a third who can also become emperor.

"How is it possible that a race would only have one emperor"

"As for other clans, I won't speak of them. But within our Cangmo Clan, there was originally another quasi-emperor, my peer. His aptitude was even better than mine, and we both practiced the same cultivation technique."

After Emperor Cheng, I told him all my insights and hoped that he could also become emperor.

He passed a message to me after a hundred years of seclusion, telling me he might have broken through.

At that time, I was overjoyed and naturally protected him personally. However, the result was that he died in his secluded cultivation place.

"I thought he was too eager, going overboard and failing to break through, which led to his downfall. I didn't think much about it."

But later, through certain channels, I learned that it wasn't just my Cangmo clan, but almost every clan within the entire Si Jing Zang with quasi-emperor-level individuals that had experienced something similar.

Whenever a quasi-emperor shows signs of being about to break through, when there is a possibility of breakthrough, all sorts of accidents will happen. They will either die or fail.

All races, humans, demons, and spirits are no different!

Mo Qinghong's words shocked both Jiang Yun and the Emperor Xuanyuan. This was completely beyond their expectations.

Before this, Jiang Yun had always believed that the interruption of the path to becoming an emperor made it incredibly difficult to achieve the title in the present day. Therefore, among the four major races, there was only one emperor.

Unexpectedly, there is such a shocking secret hidden within.

Emperor Xuanyuan spoke, "So, you think all this is the work of Zang Lao That they don't allow for two Emperors to exist simultaneously among the four races"

Mo Qinghong fell silent for a moment before continuing, "There's one more thing. If I hadn't experienced it myself, I wouldn't even believe it."

Back then, there was a Human Race quasi-emperor. I won't say who he was. He was closer to becoming an emperor than my peer. He had almost successfully broken through and welcomed the Heavenly Tribulation.

"In order to help him weather the tribulation, the Human Emperor Bai Luofeng not only personally protected him, but also offered generous terms, inviting me and Jiang Wanyi to go there and protect him as well."

Hearing the name "Ginger Wanzhi", a tremor ran through Ginger Yun's heart, but her face remained impassive as she continued listening.

"Three Emperors protecting the tribulation of an Emperor-to-be, this shouldn't be possible for anything to fail."

"As a result, when the prospective emperor was about to successfully pass through the Heavenly Tribulation, our three were within the Heavenly Tribulation itself, and faintly saw a figure!"

That figure flashed away, but the last celestial tribulation it released strangely avoided our three Emperors. In the end, that Quasi-Emperor directly perished and vanished from existence.

"Later, the three of us discussed in private. That figure looked like...someone from the Zang Lao Hui!"

Mo Qinghong took a deep breath and said: "In the Four Realms Repository, unless an existing Emperor dies, it is unlikely for a new Emperor to be born from his race."

Just like a radish fits only one hole, each of the four races can only have one pit.

Moreover, I even suspect that Jiang Wanli risked his life to enter the Imperial Tomb precisely to relinquish the position of Demon King. He wanted to allow another Demon King, or perhaps a new Great Emperor from his own Mirage Clan, to emerge within the demon race!

Mo Qinghong closed her mouth and stopped talking, while Jiang Yun and Emperor Xuanyuan fell silent.

Ginger Cloud was thinking about her grandfather.

I didn't expect that Grandfather entering the Imperial Tomb could still have this purpose.

Entering the Imperial Tomb, while not necessarily a death sentence, made it highly unlikely to ever reappear. This meant that within the demon clan, there was still a possibility for the birth of another Emperor.

After a long time, Emperor Xuanyuan finally spoke: "You told us all this, but I still don't understand. What do you want from me"

"Although I am an emperor, I am now only a half-broken emperor. How can I help you How can I bring hope to the demon race"

This time, Mo Tong slowly opened his mouth and explained: "Because, you are already the Emperor!"

You no longer need to cross the Heavenly Tribulation. All you need is to break the seal and restore your power.

"But I'm different. If I break through now, I will also face a tribulation, and under the tribulation, I will be reduced to ashes!"

"Once you recover, then the Demon Clan will finally have two Emperors!"

Mo Qinghong continued, "We want to see what Lao Zang will do after you recover!"

After a long silence, the First Emperor of Xuan Yuan said: "No matter what Zang Lao does, whether he kills you or me, what difference does it make to us"

"Naturally meaningful!" Mo lightly said, "If all this is really done by the Zang Lao Hui, if the Zang Lao Hui does not allow more emperors to appear among us, then we naturally cannot sit idly by!"

You can rest assured, by then, you and I will have others around us, secretly protecting us. No one from the Zang Lao Hui will be able to truly kill us.

Other people!

These three words caused Jiang Yun's pupils to constrict suddenly!ly Xueqing, who resided in the mist but could clearly see this unfolding scene, had no disappointment on her face.Some were realizing, and even a hint of happiness.Because she remembered, when she too...