Chapter 4162: Uneasy Heart

ly different from before."Under this form, his physical strength became even more formidable. His entire being exuded an evil aura, as if he had become a demon!The scholar's face also showed a thought...Although Jiang Yun did mention the ten years of turmoil in the Imperial Tomb earlier, he didn't specify any particular time. Yet, Dongfang Bo was able to tell it.

Without waiting for Dongfang Bo's reply, Jiang Yun immediately followed up, "Senior Brother, could it be that even in the Zhutian Gathering Region, you can still sense the situation at the Imperial Tomb"

Since the Oriental Treasure and Emperor's Tomb are related, Ginger Cloud naturally already knows this.

Initially, when Eastern Bo's soul was separated from Jiang Yun's soul within the Chaotic Realm, Di Ling emitted a slight tremor. This caused Jiang Mu to mistakenly believe that Jiang Wanli was returning from within Di Ling.

Dong Fangbo himself even admitted that the tremors of the Imperial Mausoleum were caused by him, and he felt that he seemed to come from the Imperial Mausoleum.

But Dongfang Bo had already left the Four Realms of Chaos.

Even when there was chaos in the imperial tomb, his soul should have still been soaking in the Primordial Crystallization Fluid.

Therefore, it was truly unimaginable for Jiang Yun that under such circumstances, Dongfang Bo could still sense a connection with the Imperial Mausoleum.

"In the East, Bodian nodded. 'I wasn't sure at first, but your question makes it clearer to me now.'"

About sixteen years ago, when I was still in a coma, I suddenly woke up and felt uneasy.

At first, I thought it was because of my soul wound and didn't take it to heart. However, after I completely healed, this feeling persisted for almost ten years and then suddenly disappeared.

"Having just heard you talk about the Ten Years' Turmoil at the Imperial Tombs, I felt a kinship with your unsettled state of mind. It seemed to be lingering for as long as mine. So, out of curiosity, I asked and was surprised to discover there might actually be a connection between us."

After hearing Dongfang Bo's explanation, Jiang Yun was truly taken aback!

The Celestial Realm and the Four Desolate Realms are fundamentally located in two different spaces, and the Four Desolate Realms and the Imperial Tomb can also be considered as two distinct spaces.

Dongfang Bo, being in the Zhutian Gathering Realm, could still sense the Imperial Tomb. This means his perception spanned across three spaces continuously. Even an Emperor would struggle to achieve this.

Naturally, Jiang Yun didn't know how to explain the situation.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Yun continued to ask, "That kind of feeling, doesn't it pose any harm to your elder brother"

"Of course not, I gradually got used to it later," said Dongfang Bo with a smile.

Only then did Jiang Yun slightly put his heart at ease: "As long as it's not dangerous, then when we have the opportunity, let's go to the Imperial Tomb together and see if we can find the reason within."

"Good!" Dongfang Bo nodded with a smile. "That's right, Fourth Brother. Since the crisis of the Mirage Clan hasn't been resolved, how come you suddenly came back"

"Regarding this issue, Ginger Cloud had already thought of the answer on her way back. She said, 'It's not sudden at all. I've been away from the Ten Thousand Heavens Realm for over a decade, and I was worried something might happen here.'"

Besides, now that three Emperors are stationed in the Mirage Clan, the Mirage Clan should be safe for the time being. So I came back to take a look.

"After a while, I'm still going to the Four Realms!"

"Oh!" Toufang Bo glanced at Jiang Yun and said, "Then how long are you planning to stay this time when you return"

Jiang Yun smiled bitterly and said, "I'm afraid it won't be too long. I'll stay here for a maximum of three days, then I'll go around and try to bring all my senior brothers and sisters-in-law here."

"If there is nothing else, I will enter the Four Realms Cave again later!"

"You worked hard!" Tooru stretched out his hand and patted Yun's shoulder. "My senior brother and sister are useless, not only could they not help you at all, but they also dragged you down!"

Ginger quickly waved his hand and said, "Senior brother, you're too underestimating me!"

"Without you, I wouldn't be who I am today."

Moreover, we are family to begin with. How could there be any burden

"However," said Dongfang Bo with a slight smile, "you can rest assured that we will catch up to you very soon."

"From then on, I will never let you fight alone again."

"That's definitely true!" Jiang Yun suddenly slapped his forehead and said, "Right, I almost forgot, I have a lot of Di Yuan Stone here. This thing is even better than Tian Di Stone, and it will be extremely helpful for cultivation."

Gingercloud took out two storage magic tools and handed them to Dongfang Bo and Situ Jing respectively.

Both of them were not polite to Ginger Cloud, and they both smiled as they reached out to take

That's it. Gingercloud stayed in this world for another three days.

For three days, he did nothing but chat with his grandfather and senior brothers and sisters.

Three days later, just as Gingercloud was preparing to leave, the Heavenly Venerable Fengming addressed him, "Gingercloud, come with me for a moment. I have something to tell you!"

Jiang Yunyi followed the order of the Heavenly Sovereign and saw her grandfather actually stepping into the Dream Abyss filled with endless seals.

This made Jiang Yun's heart skip a beat.

Obviously, grandfather wanted to tell something important to himself. To prevent others from hearing, he even had to delve into the depths of his dreams.

Looking at Jiang Yun also entering the Dream Abyss and standing before him, Feng Ming Tianzun's face showed a hint of hesitation.

He stared straight at Jiang Yun, without speaking for a long time. Finally, Jiang Yun couldn't help but laugh and said, "Grandfather, is there anything you want to say to me"

"Alas!" Feng Mingtian, the respected elder, sighed heavily. "I wasn't planning on telling you this, but after hearing about your experiences in the Four Realms Hidden Ground, I decided to tell you anyway."

Ginger asked curiously, "What's the matter"

Feng Ming Tian Zun fell silent for a moment before speaking, "Do you hate your uncle"

This statement instantly left Gingercloud speechless!

Although there is no concrete evidence to prove that his father's defeat back then was caused by Dao Wuming secretly sealing him, weakening his strength.

But, relying on his sharp intuition and some external hints about Dao Wu Ming, he was almost certain that this must be true.

But in front of my grandfather, I deliberately avoided mentioning Wu Ming, just worried that it would stimulate him.

I just didn't expect that my grandfather would bring this up on his own at this moment.

Ginger Cloud smiled and said, "It's not that I hate them. After all, we're family. At most, I just have some resentment."

Jiang Yun's answer caused a hint of relief to appear on Feng Ming Tianzun's face as he said, "Good child, if your uncle can still come back alive, then I will definitely let him give you an apology, along with your parents."

"Are you back alive" Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly. "Grandfather, did Uncle get into some trouble"

The Venerable Heaven's Mandate shook his head and said, "I don't think it's a big deal."

"I only know that within your uncle's soul, there lies an incredibly powerful presence!"

"What!" Jiang Yun's eyes, which had just narrowed, suddenly widened. He repeated, "There's a powerful presence within Uncle's soul"

"Yes!" The Heavenly Venerable, Feng Ming, nodded. "The first time I went to find your uncle, hoping to bring him back to the Zhutian Gathering Domain, that presence within his soul appeared."

Although he didn't lay a hand on me, I could feel that his strength was incredibly powerful. Even at my peak, I might not have been his match.

He warned me not to tell you about his business, or else he would kill me.

"Yun'er, I'm sorry. For Wu Ming's safety, I didn't tell you, but I was also worried about what he might do. That's why my avatar has always been by his side in the Sea-Mountain Realm, watching him."

"And just a few years ago, one day, I actually discovered that an emperor suddenly appeared in the Shan Hai realm. After talking with him for a while, he left."

I pondered, could the mighty being from that emperor and the nameless soul both originate from the Realm of Four Borders

Jiang Yun was completely stunned. The news that the public announcement brought him was simply beyond his imagination.

In the nameless soul, there was hidden a powerful being who was very likely an emperor.

Beyond the small world of mountains and seas, an emperor has descended!

What are they going to do Why would it be the Shan Hai Realm

At the same time, on top of the mountain peak, Dongfang Bo stood there, watching the direction where Jiang Yun and Feng Ming Tianzun were heading. Suddenly, he turned to Situ Jing and Xuanyuan Xindao beside him: "Master, something's wrong!"overwhelmingly vast.Dao patterns are ever-changing and countless, with various grand principles emerging endlessly, and diverse visions also appearing continuously.And those lines, they can even chang...