Chapter 4078: Spirit Tree Becomes a Demon

ally myself with the God-Slaying Temple!""Stubborn as you are, I give up. Let's just capture you first and talk later!"Man Shang obviously also lost his patience. With a wave of his sleeve, the multic...Mu Ming let out a muffled grunt from his mouth, no longer able to withstand the appearance of such a large amount of wood power. His eyes closed and he fainted.

"Not good!"

Having always kept an eye on Ginger Cloud and Mu Ming's Wood Zhengjun, they naturally saw the scene just now. Their heart cried out in dismay, and a look of regret appeared on their face.

But he had to comfort Jiang Yun and said, "It's okay. I told you to be wary of the Ling Shu root that he once consumed."

"Last time, when the five of us made a move, we encountered a similar situation. However, it wasn't as powerful with wood power as this time."

Although that section of the spirit tree root is now unseen and cannot be found, it still truly exists within Ming'er's body.

It probably saw that the life essence's heart was almost restored, so it erupted with a large amount of wood power.

For Mu Zhengjun's comfort, Jiang Yun was like she hadn't heard it at all, still sitting there dumbly, not saying a word.

This, in Mu Zhengjun's view, naturally thought that Jiang Yun was unable to withstand such a blow.

However, this is understandable. After spending nine days, just about to succeed, but ultimately falling short at the last moment. This would be hard for anyone to accept.

Mù Zhèngjūn did not go to comfort Jiāng Yún either. Instead, he walked to Mù Mìng's side and checked on his condition.

He believes that if you give Jiangyun some time, she will definitely see things clearly.

However, just then, Jiang Yun suddenly spoke up and asked, "Master Mu, since that spirit tree among the nobles existed before the nobles themselves, hasn't it already given birth to its own spirit"

Upon hearing Jiang Yun's question, Mu Zhengjun couldn't help but be taken aback. After a moment of thought, he replied, "Of course."

"Not to mention spirit trees, even ordinary trees that live for thousands or tens of thousands of years can give birth to spirituality."

Then Gingercloud followed up Mu Zhengjun's words, "Ordinary trees, even if they live for thousands or tens of thousands of years, are not just about being born with spiritual energy."

"A chance encounter, it could even give birth to sentience, open one's spiritual eyes and become a spirit!"

Mu Zhengjun became even more puzzled by what Jiang Yun was trying to say, but he followed along with Jiang Yun's words and said, "Yes, many of the demon races are born this way!"

Jiang Yun suddenly raised his head, his gaze fixed deeply on Mu Zhengjun and said: "That noble's spirit tree, has it become a demon"

To be honest, Jiang Yun's question made Mu Zhengjun feel a little uncomfortable.

The Mu family are humans, and they exist in the world by relying on medical arts. Many of their medicinal herbs come from monsters, so the relationship between the Mu family and the monster race is not harmonious.

While the Spirit Tree is a sacred relic of the Wood Clan, it serves as their spiritual anchor and faith.

Now Jiang Yun is actually asking Ling Shu if she has become a demon, this is simply sacrilege towards Ling Shu.

However, Mu Zhengjun naturally couldn't let his displeasure show. He replied faintly, "No!"

Ginger Cloud did not continue asking any further questions. He redirected his divine sense back into Mok Min's body.

After a long time, he suddenly raised his palm again and pressed it against Mo Ming's back who was in a coma. The power of the Five Elements had already poured out wildly.

"What are you doing"

Jiang Yun was actually going to help Mu Ming reshape his body again. This startled Mu Zhengjun, who hurriedly opened his mouth to dissuade him: "Eastern friend, I know you're feeling unhappy, but you just..." Before Mu Zhengjun could finish his words, Jiang Yun rudely interrupted him: "Father-in-law, I need to verify something."

If you believe in yourself, then this time, you will also mix your earth power with my power.

Mo Zhengjun's face was puzzled. 【Heavenly Sounds fo】 He really didn't understand what Jiang Yun was trying to verify, and why he needed his earth power.

And the difficulty of having one's own power flow in and reshape the body is also greater.

"Father-in-law, if you want to make your wooden life into a normal one, just do what I say," said Ginger Cloud again.

Moreover, I have just taken Mu Ming as my disciple. How could I harm him!

After a moment of hesitation, Mu Zhengjun finally chose to trust Jiang Yun. He gritted his teeth and said, "Fine, I'll see what you want to verify."

As soon as his words fell, he pressed his palm against Mokuren's back. A surge of potent earth power flowed into Mokuren's body.

Then, he also felt the earthy power of Ginger Cloud enveloping his own power.

And next, Ginger Cloud still chose to change the properties of Mu Ming's heart.

The whole process was the same as before, except that Ginger Cloud sped things up. Within Mu Ming's tolerance, it only took three days for her to make his heart almost completely red.

Just then, Mu Zhengjun, who was still bewildered, heard Jiang Yun's voice transmission in his ear: "Father-in-law, pay attention, listen carefully!"


Mu Zhengjun was first taken aback, but the next moment, his expression changed abruptly.

A surge of immense wood power erupted from Mu Ming's body, rendering Jiang Yun's previous efforts futile once again.

Jiang Yun looked at Mu Zhengjun and said, "Did you hear that just now"

Mu Zhengjun's face was pale with shock, he nodded.

He finally understood what Ginger Cloud was trying to verify.

Because, he also heard a cold snort! Jiang Yun said in a deep voice: "I heard it for the first time, so I asked those questions."

"Excuse me, but I'm afraid that spirit tree in the noble family's garden has probably become demonic!"

It should have hidden a strand of its divine consciousness within the root tendrils beneath Mu Ming's clothing, and it has remained within Mu Ming's body ever since.

Even through its divine awareness, it could clearly know the state of Mu's physical body.

Once someone tries to help Mokujin reshape his body, he appears and unleashes a massive amount of wood power to stop them.

At this point, Jiang Yun glanced at Mu Zhengjun, who was dumbfounded. Then he said, "But I don't understand why it would do such a thing"

As for the demon race, Jiang Yun could be said to understand them extremely well.

And yet, a tree demon, although it gave Mu Ming a chance to be reborn, why would it leave its own divine consciousness within Mu Ming's body and prevent outsiders from helping Mu Ming return to normal

Mo Zhengjun finally came to his senses, the astonishment on his face replaced by confusion.

Hearing that cold snort with his own ears, he no longer doubted Jiang Yun's words. He believed that the Mu family's spirit tree should have become a demon.

But, Jiang Yun's doubts were also his own.

"If you want to know the answer, it's actually very simple. Just ask the Spirit Tree yourself, and you'll understand!"

Mu Zhengjun nodded and said, "Alright, I'll go back to my family right away and bring that piece of spiritual tree root back with me..." He abruptly closed his mouth here, looking at Jiang Yun with a wry smile.

Before, he gave Jiang Yun the Lingshu root for him to ingest and see if he could comprehend the essence of wood.

But now that the spirit tree has become a demon, it is even more possible for the spirit root to contain the spirit of the spirit tree. After ginger cloud takes it, wouldn't it be very dangerous

Jiang Yunshen pondered for a moment, then said, "Master Mu, we don't need to rush about the matter of the Spirit Tree Root."

"Is there any way I can get into the Mu family estate, so I can take a closer look at it up close, ideally even touch that spirit tree"

Jiang Yun didn't look down on Mu Zhengjun, but she really couldn't see the point of him going there.

You can be different, you are a demon cultivator, and by personally contacting the spirit tree, you should gain something.

Mu Zhengjun thought for a moment and said, "There is a way, but you need to fight for it yourself!"

Ginger Cloud asked in confusion, "What do you mean by that, Father-in-law"

In three months' time, it will be the 9,999th birthday of one of our tribe elders.

Therefore, the gates will be wide open to welcome guests from all directions.

To entertain the guests, there will be competitions about medical arts. As long as you get in the top three, not only will you receive a generous reward, but you will also be allowed to visit the Spirit Tree!

Ginger furrowed her brows and said, "Is there no other way besides this"

For this kind of competition, Jiang Yun wasn't saying he lacked confidence, he was simply not interested at all! Now that he's reached a level comparable to a celestial being, going up against others in a medical arts competition would be akin to bullying.

"There's really no other way," Mu Zhengjun shook his head.

Ginger Cloud fell silent for a moment, then suddenly changed the subject and said, "Master Mu, how much do you know about the heavens beyond the heavens"imilative power was his first encounter with it, he did not feel at all strange about it.The power of the annihilation domain, outsiders wanting to master it, must have a medium, something like a bait...