Chapter 4037: In His Own Home

their faces were contorted with horror.Because they simply can't stop it!Even from the front, the bloody aura emanating from Jiang Yun's body and the ferocious light in his eyes chilled them to the b..."Chief, should I go warn the Huai clan and tell them not to spread rumors"

"By the way, I'd also like to tell everyone that Jiangyun's true identity is actually the elder brother of a spirit maiden"

Just as Jiang Yun held the invitation and left this black building, an old man appeared beside Jiang Haochu and spoke.

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "No need. What I told Rou'er before wasn't a lie."

Over the past few years, several groups, including the Huai clan and even some subclans within my own Hai clan, have been restless.

"Speaking of which, a cold smile appeared on Jiang Haochu's face: 'As the saying goes, when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. But now, our Meng clan is still standing tall like that big tree, yet these monkeys are already eager to scatter.'"

"Originally, I could never find the opportunity to clean them up."

"However, since the arrival of this Jiang Yun has caused some people to become restless, let me see if I can take this opportunity to ring a warning bell for them!"

The old man nodded, hesitated for a moment, then continued, "Clan Head, forgive this old slave for being blunt, but it seems that Jiang Yun has no real intentions towards the Spirit Maiden."

Jiang Hao closed his eyes and said, "People's hearts are hidden behind their bellies. It's not so easy to see through them."

Although Ancestors, Jiang Mu, and Rou'er all believe in him, to me, he's just an outsider, a human cultivator. So, I also want to test him out and see what kind of person he really is!

The elder continued, "What do you think the chieftain thinks Will Ginger Cloud accept the invitation sent by the Huai Clan together"

This feast is not a good one. Those prodigies, inviting him was a lie; their true purpose must be to humiliate and belittle him!

"If he's going, do we need to send someone to protect him secretly"

"No matter what, he's still someone the ancestors favored."

"Especially the spirit maiden's feelings for him ran deep. If anything were to happen to him, it would be difficult to explain later!"

Jiang Haochu shook his head again and said, "Since we want to test him, this is also an opportunity."

Those boys invited him, though they would certainly humiliate and belittle him, even perhaps physically attack him. At most, they would only injure him; there would be no danger to his life, so there was no need to send someone to protect him.

The elder still wanted to speak, but Jiang Haochu simply waved his hand and said, "Let's not talk about Rou and Jiang Yun for now."

What do you think of the two solutions that Ginger Cloud proposed

Besides, it was obvious that Jiang Mu had known about this beforehand. But why didn't he tell me a word

Even if he wanted to use this as an opportunity for Ginger Cloud to meet Ginger Bright and the others, he should at least have told me!

"Over there, did something happen"

The old man frowned, pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't know why Jiang Mu would do this."

As for the two solutions proposed by Ginger Cloud, to be honest, they are not very realistic to implement.

"Millions of people, moving to the chaotic realms, even if we do our best to be discreet, it's still possible for others to find out."

Once it becomes known, it's like giving other groups, even the elders of the Hidden Leaf Village, a reason to attack us!

"And allowing Gingercloud to enter the forbidden land, even though he is the master of nine clans, but the forbidden land is not the territory of the nine clans, but the territory of ancient times, can he hide from the ancients"

"This forbidden zone, there's more than one emperor. His strength... I'm not belittling him, but the possibility of dying in this forbidden zone is very high."

Besides, how could our Merfolk family possibly place our hopes in a stranger!

After hearing the elder's words, Jiang Hao sighed and said, "But now, unless a great emperor is born in our clan, we must choose a way out!"

After finishing his words, Jiang Hao initially waved his hand. The old man bowed slightly and then disappeared quietly.

Jiang Hao lowered his head, with a wave of his sleeve, the floor beneath him suddenly became transparent, revealing Mirage City!

Overlooking the entire mirage city, Jiang Haochu's eyes gradually narrowed, muttering to himself: "Ancestor, ancestor, this time, are you betting a bit too much!"


Gingercloud returned to Ginger Village, and Ming Uncle and the others didn't ask him what he had said to Gingerhao.

Gingercloud naturally didn't tell them, but instead took out the invitation and showed it to them, saying: "Uncle Ming, what kind of people are these"

Jiang Ming looked at the invitation, smiling and saying: "They, are all underlings of our Mirage Clan."

Then, Jiang Ming introduced the general situation of the Shèn clan to Jiang Yun, especially mentioning the eight inside and four outside, twelve demon clans.

The Eight Inner Clans, with the Huái Clan leading them, and the Four Outer Clans, with the Yúlóng Clan at their head.

Although each of them is a warlord, they all want to rise higher. The simplest way to do that is to deepen their ties with our mirage clan.

Of course, Yue Rou became the bond that deepened their relationship.

The members of the Outer Four Clans came up short, after all, they weren't in Mirage City, so no one pursued Yue Rou.

But the geniuses of the Nei Ba Clan all had the idea of getting the moon first by being close to it, and they all launched pursuits towards Yue Rou.

Therefore, they must have mistaken you for Yue Rou's Dao companion brought back, wanting to use this banquet to give you a warning.

It has to be said, although Ginger Ming has lived in this Ginger Village for many years, he is extremely well-informed about the outside world.

Just by seeing this invitation, I could guess the whole story.

"Uncle Ming, then should I go or not"

Jiang Ming smiled and said, "Suit yourself. If you can beat them, then go ahead. If you can't, don't go!"

"Are you really going to do this" Jiang Yun frowned slightly. "I'm a guest here, and while I wouldn't say I'd kill them, if I injured them, it probably wouldn't be very good, would it"

"If they use these things as an excuse to attack the Mingshu people, wouldn't that make their situation even worse!"

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Jiang Ming sized him up and down for a few times before his smile widened. "I didn't expect you to be so confident!"

"It's fine, don't worry about getting hurt. Even if someone died, it wouldn't be a big deal."

Jiang Ming lowered his voice and said, "The fact that this invitation got into your hands means the Chieftain has already seen it and agreed to you going!"

Since you agree, that means no matter what the consequences are, he'll have your back.

Moreover, we are here too," Jiang Ming reached out and patted Jiang Yun's shoulder heavily. "Yun'er, remember this, the Xincheng clan is your home!"

"In your own home, how could you be bullied by outsiders!"

Jiang Yun smiled, smiling carefree!

That evening, in welcome of Jiang Yun's return, the villagers of Jiang Village specially held a family banquet for him.

Although Jiang Yueyou didn't come, everyone got drunk, including Jiangyun.

Having consumed quite a bit of ginger wine, Ji Yun stumbled back to his small cottage where he had lived for sixteen years. He lay down in the wooden tub that no longer held medicine and relaxed completely, enjoying a deep and restful sleep!

The next day, he spent the whole day with the people of Ginger Village, doing nothing but chatting about their past experiences.

Until dusk, a young man came from outside Ginger Village. He stood in the air and addressed Ginger Cloud: "In the mountains, people from the Hawthorn clan have arrived and are waiting outside their territory, saying they invite you to a feast!"

Ginger Yun smiled and stood up, greeting Ming Shu and the others. Just as he was about to leave, he heard Ming Shu's voice in his ear: "Yunwa, don't trust anyone from the Mirage Clan except us!"

Upon hearing Uncle Ming's reminder, Ginger Cloud glanced at the young man standing outside without making a sound and walked out.

The man, accompanied by Gingercloud, arrived at a spring beside it through a teleportation array.

That man pointed with his hand at the stream of water: "Jump into the water, and you can leave our tribe."

Jiang Yun glanced at the spring water, then gave a knowing look around before finally settling her gaze on the man. She said in a calm voice, "I don't know who sent you to play tricks on me, but remember this, this is just once, no more!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Jiang Yun stepped directly into the spring water and vanished without a trace.

And at that moment, a dozen or so young men suddenly ran out from all directions, each of them staring in disbelief at the spring that wasn't even near the exit of their village.nger nodded and said, "Since you refuse, don't blame me for being impolite!"Wen Xin's smirk deepened. "Then let me see how you plan to do it without being polite!"Ginger Cloud did not speak again. Wit...