Chapter 3948: Arrangement Done (Revised)

.""The worship and the betrayal of the elders, the power of the Daoist, the decline of the clan, all left my father heartbroken. In the end, he used his last strength to send me and Yuan'er away from...While talking, Jiang Yun had already taken out three bamboo tubes and carefully placed them on the ground. "Grandfather, I have one more thing to ask you for, which is to take care of my three senior brothers and sisters."

Looking at the bamboo tube before him, Feng Ming Tian Zun couldn't help but frown and sighed, "You still insist on going to that so-called forbidden zone"

The Heaven Venerable would surely know, Jiang Yun was making the worst-case preparations for himself.

He was worried that he wouldn't be able to come back after entering the forbidden zone, so he entrusted his senior and junior brothers and sisters to himself and asked him to take care of them.

Ginger nodded and smiled, "As you just said, Grandpa, the Mirage Clan has raised me with kindness. I haven't repaid them yet."

"And this time, Grandfather entered the Imperial Tomb because of me. If I really ignored him, then I wouldn't deserve to be human. So, forbidden zone, I have to go!"

Feng Ming Tianzun stared deeply at Jiang Yun, and after a long while, he shook his head helplessly. "You child, you are too much like your mother!"

As he spoke, the Heavenly Venerable of Sealing Destiny rolled up his sleeve and collected the three bamboo tubes, saying: "Rest assured, as long as I am alive, they will be safe!"

It was obvious that the Celestial Venerable knew he couldn't stop Jiang Yun, so he could only agree to help take care of Dongfang Bo and the others. This way, Jiang Yun would have no worries and could go to the forbidden land with peace of mind. Jiang Yun smiled and said, "Then I won't be polite to my grandpa!"

Then, Ginger Cloud took out the death box and explained in detail to her grandfather how to use it and how often it should be replaced.

The Venerable Heaven Lord also knew how important Jiang Yun's senior and junior siblings were to him, akin to family. So he listened attentively.

"Now are you leaving" Feng Ming Tianzun looked at Jiang Yun and said.


Ginger nodded and said, "I also want to spend more time with you, but the situation in the mirage tribe is really too urgent. There is always a possibility of danger."

"Moreover, I still need to find Ji Kongfan. After finding him, I'll have to enter the Four Disordered Realms first."

Then we'll look for Zhu Shao Shao and see if he can help us enter the Four Realms.

All in all, even if everything goes smoothly, I'm afraid it will be several months before we enter the restricted area.

Jiang Yun returned from the Four Desolate Realms, and it had already been ten days.

The area of the Celestial Gathering Realm was simply too vast. He spent most of his time traveling, so he really couldn't afford any more delays.

Then, Fengming Tianzun continued to ask, "Are you going to look for Ji Kongfan so grandly"

Do you know where he is

Ginger replied, "He apprenticed under the Heavenly Refinement Godmaster. He should be at the Heavenly Refinement Heaven!"

"Should" the Venerable Heavenly Sovereign said, glaring at Jiang Yun.

What if not

If you run all the way there and he's not there, you'll have wasted even more time!

"With your restless energy, I almost want to lock you up in here. But forget it, I'll ask for you instead!"

Jiang Yunqian chuckled twice, not daring to speak. Meanwhile, Feng Mitian had already taken out a transmission jade slip.

The thirteen Great Celestial Lords have their own ways to contact each other at any time.

After a moment, Feng Ming Tianzun put away the transmission jade slip and said: "You're lucky, Ji Kongfan is in seclusion in Shenlian Heaven and won't be leaving for a while."

So, have you thought about how you're going to see him

Ginger Cloud shook her head and said, "I haven't figured it out yet, but I definitely can't go as myself. I'll wait until after the Divine Refining Heaven and then see what opportunities arise!"

Ji Kongfan wasn't actually severed from his connection with Jian Yun, but he pretended not to recognize her. If Jian Yun went looking for him so recklessly, it would inevitably raise suspicion from others, potentially endangering Ji Kongfan.

Fengming Tianzun glared at Jiang Yun once more and said, "Seize the opportunity!"

I've already told Shenlian that I hope he can help my clan forge a weapon, and Shenlian has already agreed.

"So, all you have to do is change your appearance and say that you are a member of my Fengming clan. Once you reach the Shenlian Heaven, you will naturally be able to see Ji Kongfan!"

Ginger excitedly exclaimed, "Thank you, grandfather! Thank you, grandfather!"

He really didn't expect his grandpa to consider him so thoroughly, saving him a lot of trouble.

But after thanking him, he worriedly asked, "Wouldn't the Heavenly Refinement God Venerable suspect you"

After all, if Ji Kongfan agrees to go to the Chaos Realm with me, he'll definitely disappear for a while.

"No way!"

The Heaven Venerable shook his head and said, "We several of us often ask each other for things on behalf of our disciples and clansmen."

"Ji Kongfan disappeared, and you disappeared with him. At that time, even if he wanted to suspect me, there would be no evidence."

Only then did Jiang Yun feel relieved. Just as he was about to take his leave, Feng Ming Tianzun continued, "When are you going to bring my granddaughter-in-law to me"

This sentence made Ginger Cloud's face turn red. Since he had already restored his connection with Xue Qing and the others, he had just told everyone about his marriage to please his grandfather.

I didn't expect that Grandpa would tease himself about this right now.

Jiang Yun reluctantly said, "That's... although I have recovered my Dharma Connection, Qing'er hasn't. She still doesn't remember me."

And she was training under the Heavenly Venerable of Red Dust, so with the Heavenly Venerable of Red Dust around, there was no need to worry about her safety.

"When I return next time, I will bring her here to meet you."

The Venerable Lord Fengming said with displeasure: "You don't need to take it. When I have nothing to do, I'll go and see for myself!"

Is there anything else I can help you with

"If there's anything else, just let me know and I'll do my best to help you with it."

Jiang Yun thought for a moment and said, "There are really three things. If Grandpa doesn't mind, could you help me with them!"


"The first thing is, I hope grandpa can help me find my master!"

Since Jiang Yun entered the Heavenly Gathering Domain, although he had heard news about his master from many people and knew that his master had fought against him and the celestial messengers, he still hadn't truly met his master until now.

It wasn't that he didn't want to find a master, but he simply didn't know where to begin his search! After all, the vastness of the Multiverse was truly immeasurable.

And the Imperial Source Stones and Imperial Artifacts he brought back were also prepared for his grandfather, Wàng Lǎo, and his master.

Nowadays, it's common to forget the elderly, Grandpa has benefited a lot. Jiang Yun naturally wants to know where his master is and see if his master can also gain something.

However, this time, he was not prepared to meet his master, but instead planned to wait until all three senior brothers and sisters were healed before the four of them went together to find their master, giving him a surprise. At that time, it would surely make his old man happy.

The Venerable Heavenly Lord nodded and said, "I'll keep an eye out for him. I think we should be able to find him."

Ginger then continued, "The second thing is that I hope Grandpa can secretly take care of Ye Guxin, the first Demon Tamer in the Dao Domain, at Lei Yin Tianzun's place."

I think he should be related to that Demon Emperor!

Jiang Yun took out the complete imperial artifact, the Demon-Slayer Whip, from the blood-sealed stone. Chi Yuezi told him that it once belonged to a night emperor who hated demons extremely and called himself the Demon Slayer Emperor.

Originally, Ginger Cloud didn't know who the Night Emperor was because his fate-binding had been severed. But now that he had recovered his fate-binding, he naturally thought of Ye Guchen.

Ye Guchen, sharing the same surname as Ye Di, was also a demon cultivator. And Jiang Yun remembered that Ye Guchen held some hatred towards demons too.

If it wasn't for the time constraint this return trip, Ginger Cloud would have wanted to personally visit Ye Guchen and verify his identity.

But now, I can only trouble Grandfather for help. At least we need to protect Ye Guchen's safety and make sure nothing dangerous happens to him.

The Heavenly Venerable, after rolling his eyes, said: "You really know how to command your grandfather! Let me, a great Heavenly Venerable, protect an old man!"

"Alright, I'll give Lei Yin a heads up and see how Ye Guchen is doing there. If not, I might just bring Ye Guchen here myself!"

Jiang Yun smiled and said, "Then just leave it to Grandpa. As for the third thing, there is a reincarnation heaven in the Ten Thousand Realms Gathering Region. I also want to know if they are really the reincarnation clan from the Four Boundaries!"

Feng Ming Tian Zun frowned and said, "Luan Hui Tian is under Lei Yin's command. Just wait, I'll ask someone!"However, the cultivation realm that Ginger Cloud displayed was only at the seventh level of Heavenly Blessing. Even if he had some hidden strength, it was hard to believe that he possessed the peak st...