Chapter 3945: We're Going Home (Revised)

At this moment, Hai Qingfeng's face was no longer sneering. Instead, his pupils contracted, and his breathing became rapid.He originally thought that relying on his own strength and the ability to com...Although Jiang Yun had experienced many things in the chaotic realm, for Yu Ji and others, he was only away for half a year. Therefore, when they saw Jiang Yun, Yu Ji did not show too much surprise.

Gingercloud didn't waste any words and directly handed her two storage artifacts.

Yu Ji took the storage artifact with a look of bewilderment. She infused her divine sense into it, and in an instant, she was dumbfounded.

Because each of the two artifacts contains tens of millions, if not more, of heaven and earth stones, as well as some red water divine wood and Tianzhu magical stones!

All of this together is worth almost as much as billions of Infinity Stones!

Although Yu Ji was the leader of her clan, she had never seen so many Heaven and Earth Stones in her life. She couldn't believe her eyes.

After she came to her senses, Jiang Yun smiled and spoke, "Two artifacts, one is for Yu Zongzhu, and the other is for Ru Huo and their group."

Of course, this is just a portion for Lord Yu Zong. There will certainly be more in the future."

As for Yu Ji, Jiang Yun was also full of gratitude. Not only did she bring them, Yue Ruhuo and the others, out of Linggu Realm ahead of time, but she had always protected them. Moreover, the entrance to the entrance of Si Luan Jie belonged to Dan Ling Zong.

Ginger Cloud had already told Yu Ji that if they found anything in the chaotic world, they would split it evenly.

However, things like the Emperor's Origin Stone belong to the chaotic realm. Jiang Yun wouldn't dare, nor could he give it to Yu Ji, let alone Yue Ruhuo and the others.

Now, the Danling Sect is no longer the obscure small sect it once was.

The Dan Ling Sect has received the care of the Linglong Pavilion, even that of the Red Dust Great Heavenly Venerable. There are always powerful Heavenly Venerables from the Linglong Pavilion stationed within the sect.

If Yu Ji and they really used the Imperial Source Stone to practice, it would be easy to be discovered.

>But once others, especially powerful celestial beings, know the effect of the Emperor's Origin Stone, it will only bring endless trouble to Yu Ji and the Dan Ling Sect.

Therefore, Gingercloud could only take out all the heaven and earth stones and materials on his body first to fulfill his promise.

Hearing what Jiang Yun said, Yu Ji hurriedly returned the storage artifact in her hand to him, shaking her head repeatedly. "As for the items belonging to Ruhuo and the others, I'll keep them for them. But the ones given to me are simply too many, I can't accept them."

Ginger smiled and said, "If you don't want it, then I'll take Yue Ruhuo and the others away."

"This..." Yu Ji pondered for a moment, then somewhat embarrassedly withdrew the storage artifact and said: "Then I'll decline your kind offer!"

"Besides, these are already more than enough. From now on, Young Master Ginger, please don't give me anything else."

Yu Ji wasn't stupid, although she claimed to have protected Yue Ru Huo and the others, in reality, it was Jiang Yun who had protected Dan Ling Zong.

If there were no Ginger Cloud, Linglong Pavilion, or Red Dust Heaven, it would be impossible to even bother with the Danling Sect.

Even so, in the end, even that passage to the outer realm would surely be snatched away by others. How could it possibly be left for me

Therefore, it was a pleasant surprise that Jiang Yun could give himself such a huge fortune.

If you are still greedy and continue to demand wealth from Gingercloud, the final result will only be to incur her displeasure, and you will end up losing more than you gain.

Ginger smiled and said, "We'll talk about that later."

"Master Yu is busy first, I'll go see Ruhuo and the others."


Yu Ji called out to Jiang Yun, "Young Master Jiang, about that entrance, could you take it away"

"Jiang Yun said in confusion, "What do you mean, Lord Yu"

Yu Ji said: "During this time, the seniors from Linglong Pavilion have asked me several times if I am willing to lead Danling Sect to a better environment."

"Young Master Ginger also knows that this place is not very suitable for living, so I want to agree."

"And that's how the entrance..."

Ginger knew full well that while Yu Ji did want a change of scenery, the real reason she was doing this was to give her complete control over that entrance.

However, the environment where Dan Lingzong is now located is indeed harsh.

> And if one could take that entrance away, it would be much more convenient.

Therefore, Ginger Cloud nodded and said, "Okay, I'll try. I'll take that entrance with me."

As soon as the words left her mouth, Jiang Yun had already returned to the entrance.

He didn't know how to take the entrance with him, but unexpectedly, the Nether Sand within him seemed to know what he was thinking and automatically flew out, enveloping the entrance.

Just after a few breaths, the entrance vanished, as if swallowed by an abyss, leaving Jiang Yun greatly surprised.

And when the Extreme Yin Sand returned to his body, he could clearly feel that as long as he was willing, the Extreme Yin Sand could spit out its entrance.

This was naturally much more convenient for Jiang Yun, as he could enter the Four Disordered Realms anytime, anywhere, without having to specially go to Danling Sect.

After settling the entrance matter, Jiang Yun immediately sent a voice transmission to Yu Ji: "Yu Sect Master, you can leave with the Dan Ling Sect at any time!"

Yu Ji let out a long sigh, feeling a mix of disappointment and relief. At last, the heavy stone that had been weighing on her heart for so long finally lifted.

That entrance, though it is the hope of the Dan Ling Sect, could also be its undoing.

Now, it's finally completely solved.

Once the sect relocated here, with the support of Linglong Pavilion and the abundance of wealth given by Jiang Yun, the next thing Danling Sect needed to do was cultivate in peace. After gaining enough self-defense power, they could leave Linglong Pavilion and become independent!

In short, Yuji believes that the Danling Sect will not fall in her hands, but will rise again under her leadership!

Gingeryun arrived at the place where Yue Ruhu and others were cultivating. He didn't go in, but just stood outside and used his divine sense to scan everyone.

Because he hadn't been gone for long, things hadn't changed much for everyone.

Before, Jiang Yun had given them the Heaven and Earth Stones, and they hadn't finished using them. Moreover, Yu Ji still had a large amount of Heaven and Earth Stones in her hands, at least enough for them to use for a hundred years.

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not go to bother them, but was thinking: "Using Tiandi Stone for cultivation, the speed is still too slow, far inferior to Emperor Source Stone."

Perhaps, I should consider creating my own territory in the Celestial Gathering Domain, gathering everyone I want to protect, providing them with ample Emperor Origin Stones, and accelerating their cultivation speed!

"However, with my current status and abilities, I'm unable to do that."

I wonder how many people are watching me secretly!

At the very least, wait until I attain the strength of a Heavenly Venerable!

After staring at Yue Ruhu and the others for a moment, Jiang Yun and Yu Ji exchanged a greeting before quietly leaving, appearing in the space between realms. They took out a communication jade slip and crushed it with force.

"Grandpa, I want to see you!"


When the Heavenly Mandate Lord heard the voice of Jiang Yun from within the transmission jade slip, he was initially taken aback. However, he immediately burst into laughter, laughing until his sides ached with unrestrained joy!

This call of "Grandpa," he had waited far too long, yet he never expected it to come so soon.

"Come here!"

After finally stopping his laughter, Feng Ming Tian Zun just opened his mouth, wanting to call someone to bring Jiang Yun here.

But as soon as the words left his mouth, he shook his head vigorously and said, "My grandson wants to see me, how could I let someone else pick him up I'll go myself!"

The Venerable Lord of Sealing, who had not left his family's land for countless years, suddenly stood up and continued to laugh as he took a step, leaving the Sealing Heaven and going personally to pick up Jiang Yun, his own grandson!

Therefore, when days later he saw the heavenly sovereign standing before him, Jiang Yun was truly dumbfounded, wondering if he had seen things wrongly.

Even the Venerable Heaven's Mandate didn't speak, he just smiled and looked at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun finally came to her senses, looking at him with a mixture of surprise and joy. "Grandfather, how..."

Before Ginger Cloud could finish her words, the Heavenly Venerable of Sealing Destiny laughed and interrupted, "Cloud-er, can you call Grandpa again for me to hear"

Although the Heavenly Venerable was beaming, Jiang Yun clearly saw the tears glimmering in his eyes.

With a "thump," Jiang Yun knelt directly before the Heavenly Venerable of Envoys without any hesitation. "Yun'er greets her grandfather!"


The Exalted One laughed heartily once more, then with a flick of his sleeve, summoned a swirl of clouds. "Grandson," he boomed, "let us return home!"d suddenly appeared.Gu Qingqiu was also slapped awake, staring straight at the figure in front of him.But in his eyes, there was not a trace of anger. On the contrary, there was only powerlessness and...