Chapter 3941: Dreams Within Dreams

Lü Lun, Jiang Yun asked word by word: "Senior Lü, how did you know that the breath of the Sacred Artifact of the Wilderness Clan remained in my body"How did you know that when the Nine Hells of Extin...Jiang Yun didn't hear what Shen said about giving him a gift at all, nor did he notice the other's gaze falling on his soul.

Because he was amazed by the first half of the mirage's sentence.

One's own parents, as it turns out, have indeed gone to the Four Realms Hidden.

Grandfather even secretly visited them to make sure they were safe for the time being.

Gingercloud has been searching for her parents' whereabouts for centuries. Now, she has finally heard concrete news about them.

However, after the surprise, Ginger Cloud's heart sank again and she said, "Senior, are my parents' safety related to grandfather becoming an Emperor"

In Jiang Yun's opinion, it was possible that his grandfather, relying on his status as the Emperor, had secretly arranged for people to take care of his parents, which allowed them to live peacefully.

Now that Grandpa has entered the Imperial Tombs, wouldn't this news, once spread, cause our parents to lose their protection and suffer ill treatment

"Don't worry," said Shen with a shake of his head and a smile. "Your grandfather would never let anyone know about any relationship he has with you and your parents."

"Besides, you should already know your own background, right!"

"Your parents are safe and sound because, at the end of the day, it's all thanks to your Jiang family!"

Hearing this, Ginger Cloud suddenly realized.

The Four Realms Hidden Realm, it is said, was opened up by some powerful individuals who had a grudge against the Ginger Clan and others.

And since the Ginger Clan had a powerful Emperor protecting them, even if people from the Four Realms captured his father, they wouldn't dare kill him.

"Senior, where are my parents being held in the Four Boundaries'..."

"I shook my head. "I don't know about that, after all, I've never been to the Four Borders Cache."

Jiang Yun was taken aback and asked, "What"

As the guardian demon of the Mirage clan, how could it be possible that a mirage hasn't been to the Four Realms Treasury

Then, Shen smiled, but in his smile, there was a trace of melancholy. "I didn't lie to you," he said. "I can only exist within this chaotic realm."

For a moment, Jiang Yun didn't understand what Shen meant by that.

Mirage, it is apparently the being that secretly monitors the entire chaotic realm.

Whether it's the seemingly silent and invisible transformation of this mountainous Ginger Village or the ability to subtly alter the memories of cultivators from all realms, his power must undoubtedly be extremely formidable.

Then why can't he enter the Four Realms

Chen hesitated for a moment, then said: "Actually, I didn't want to tell you, but since you asked, I might as well.

"Haven't you noticed, these four chaotic realms are actually a colossal... dream of clarity conjured up by the Mirage Clan!"

And I, was born as a demon in the dream of Qingming!

Once I leave this dream of clarity, I will cease to exist. Therefore, I can only exist here and cannot go anywhere else.

Jiang Yun suddenly widened his eyes and stared fixedly at the mirage in front of him.

For the dream of Qingming, he naturally knew it very well. But he had entered the chaotic realm twice in a row and stayed there for quite some time, yet he didn't feel anything at all. He couldn't believe this place could be a dream of Qingming! However, Ginger Cloud suddenly remembered that when he entered the chaotic realm from this Chi Shui, he felt like being born from his mother's womb.

The mirage seemed to know what Ginger Cloud was thinking, and laughed: "When you entered the Realm of Chaos, did you feel like being reborn"

"Because, you have gone from one dream into another!"

> "It's not just you, all cultivators who came from the myriad celestial domains would feel this way."

"However, the memories of other cultivators will be tampered with by me, so they won't remember this feeling."

Shén's words struck Jiāng Yún like lightning, causing her to stagger back two steps uncontrollably.

And his mind was instantly flooded with countless thoughts, becoming incredibly chaotic, yet he also had a vague feeling that he seemed to have discovered something.

Many had told him before, that the entire celestial realm was just a dream made by a nightmare beast.

All creatures living in the Celestial Realm appear in nightmares as demons.

For this claim, Jiang Yun remained half-believing and half-doubting.

But what Chen said today actually confirmed this statement.

But he was even more confused. If everything was a dream, and he was just a phantom born within the dream, why could he escape the nightmare and enter the dream of the mirage tribe

One shouldn't, and shouldn't be like the mirage of the chaotic world, once leaving its original dream, it would dissipate, right

Before this doubt could vanish, Jiang Yun again thought of the sixty-year-long dream he had fabricated for Tie Rumen. Within that dream, a young man who was already conscious was born and eventually left his dream.

Even Gingercloud thought of the Dao Mark Venerable created by Ji Kongfan to guard a Dao Mark world! Everything is a dream! Dream within a dream, dream within a dream, but the beings born in the dream, one by one walked out of the dreams! So, where is reality

When will all beings truly step out of all dreams and truly be in reality

Before he died, Tie Runan, who was fed the rumored ru meng guo that could wake one from a dream, did she truly go to the real world

One question after another clouded Jiang Yun's eyes with confusion.

Even the very things he saw before his eyes, including the Mirage and himself, had all become illusory, like bubbles. It was as if with a mere touch of his hand, they would all vanish into nothingness! Gingercloud didn't realize that all his doubts, without him even knowing it, had been voiced aloud for the Mirage to hear clearly.

Gingercloud didn't even realize, his body had truly become as illusory as he saw it.

As for Ginger Cloud's doubts and the changes happening to her right now, Shen's expression shifted abruptly.

He hadn't expected his words to make Jiang Yun think so much and cause such a big change.

After a moment of thought, he extended a finger and lightly pressed it against Jiang Yun's brow. A powerful divine sense instantly surged into Jiang Yun's body and soul! At the same time, he coldly spoke, "Nightmare, I know you left your power within this child."

I also know, you want to control this child, make him your vassal.

"But it's a pity, this child... is also my child of the Mirage Tribe. He is your sworn enemy!"

"But here, this is my Byaku's dream, so I won't let you succeed!"


As soon as her words left her lips, Shen's body suddenly exploded, disappearing instantly without a trace, as if it had never existed.

But in Ginger Cloud's already chaotic mind, her grandfather's voice suddenly rang out.

"Little Cloud, in this world, not everything is black and white, right and wrong!"


What exists is not necessarily real, and what disappears is not necessarily unreal!


"Dreams and reality, there's not such a clear boundary between them."

"Dreams can be a reality, and reality, what is it but a dream!"

If the beings in reality can enter dreams, then why can't the dream beings leave their dreams

“Wake up, Yun'er, the mirage clan is still waiting for you to save them, and grandpa is still waiting for you to find…” Grandpa’s words echoed repeatedly in Jiang Yun’s mind, like a gentle spring breeze gradually soothing his chaos and irritability, letting him slowly calm down.

And his illusory body, it was also transforming towards solidity, until it completely returned to its original form! A hint of fear flashed in his eyes.

At that very moment, he distinctly felt himself fading away completely, vanishing into nothingness.

Thanks to Grandpa's voice, he was pulled back from the brink of dissipation.

However, he knew that it wasn't his grandfather's voice, but the voice of the mirage.

Thank you, Senior Shen!

The voice of the Mirage echoed in Ginger Cloud's mind, "Since I have already made a move, I might as well give you this gift!"

"Those names carved onto your soul, I'll make you remember them again!"his moment, Rocky's eyes were wide open, but there was no gleam in them. He stared blankly at the sky.And all the parts of his body, every single one, blossomed into flowers, bursting forth in a cacop...