Chapter 3771: Those Who See Share (Revised)

70 to 80 percent. So as long as you can make sure of your escape, then we will scatter and flee!"After exchanging glances, the three of Di Xinghe nodded in unison. Di Xinghe continued, “Alright, when...Jiang Yunmian said expressionlessly: "Forbidden land Which forbidden land, I haven't heard of it!"

Upon hearing Jiang Yun's words, Li Changxiao's face immediately turned pale with shock. "You... haven't heard of the forbidden zone"

However, before Ginger Cloud could respond, Li Changxiao continued, "Ginger Cloud, I've already revealed my origins. Shouldn't you show some sincerity and quickly stop these seals!"

"If I don't stop, I'm going to die!"

Li Changxiao really didn't lie.

The other seal masters, many couldn't even hold back a single seal and were already killed.

And Li Changxiao, he had already blocked thousands of attacks from the seals. It can be imagined how much his power was depleted.

In fact, even if Jiang Yun didn't use the forbidden law to seal it, as long as he continued to activate the seal, he would already be at his limit, unable to last any longer, unable to resist more seals.

However, Jiang Yun smiled faintly: "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in your background, nor do I want to know. So, die!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Jiang Yun raised his wrist. The magic seal in his hand transformed into a beam of light and shot towards Li Changxiao!

Ginger's mind was already filled with enough questions, so he truly didn't want to face more problems.

Li Changxiao, originally harboring no grievances or kindness towards Jiang Yun, was extremely arrogant.

He not only disregarded the lives of people like Jiang Yun and Lv Zisu, but also repeatedly targeted Jiang Yun, demanding that he reveal the secrets of the sealing formation.

As for such people, Ginger Cloud's only solution was to kill them, to eliminate future troubles!

Li Changxiao's face changed drastically, he never expected that Jiang Yun would actually want to kill him!

Originally, Ginger Cloud said he didn't know about the forbidden zone. He thought Ginger Cloud was pretending on purpose, but now, he could be sure that Ginger Cloud really didn't know.

Otherwise, how dare Ginger Cloud kill himself!

Jiangyun, you think I'm really not your opponent!

Li Changxiao roared loudly, and a powerful aura wave surged from his body.

Even faintly, a layer of mist was gradually taking shape above him.

Feeling this aura, a cold light flashed in Ginger Cloud's eyes, a Heavenly Venerable expert!

Although Li Changxiao had quite a few tricks up his sleeve, Jiang Yun wasn't too surprised. After all, many of the cultivators he had encountered also possessed similar life-saving methods.

Jiang Yun sneered coldly, stretched out his hand and pointed. Around Li Changxiao, a vast seal appeared again.

This Imperial Tomb's sealing formation, the seals within it, are fundamentally limitless!

"Boom boom boom!"

All these countless seals exploded simultaneously, unexpectedly suppressing the heavenly aura that had lifted Li Changxiao's body into the air.


Within the blast radius, Li Changxiao's extremely unwilling cries rang out.

Hearing Li Changxiao's laughter, this time it was Jiang Yun's face that changed drastically.

Because that just-suppressed breath, unexpectedly reappeared, and compared to before, it was even more powerful.

Great Lord!

Jiang Yun's face darkened as he said, "There is still the power of the Great Heavenly Venerable within this Li Changxiao!"


Just then, the seal of the forbidden spell struck Li Changxiao's body. Suddenly, several golden lights flared up and instantly disappeared into Li Changxiao's body.


Li Changxiao also suddenly opened his mouth, letting out a roar of excruciating pain. His facial features twisted together in agony, and the aura belonging to the Great Heavenly Venerable was once again suppressed.

It's clear that he needs some more time to fully unleash the power of the Great Heavenly Venerable.

And thanks to Jiang Yun's quick reaction, he didn't even get a chance. With a forbidden technique, he forcibly sealed his cultivation.

After the agonizing roar, Li Changxiao's face returned to calmness. He stared at Jiang Yun with a venomous gaze and said, "Jiang Yun, I have remembered you."

One day, we will surely meet again. When we meet again, it will be your death!

Hearing Li Changxiao's threat, Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

And the next moment, a ancient spear appeared in his hand. Without any hesitation, he gathered all his strength and stabbed straight at Li Changxiao!

Although Ginger Cloud didn't know what a forbidden zone was, she could tell from Li Changxiao's air of superiority that it must be an extraordinary place.

That is indeed true!

Li Changxiao, possessing terrifying power that transcends nine realms, not to mention the strength of Heaven Venerable and Great Heaven Venerable within his body.

Even now, with his cultivation sealed, he was able to escape. Even I myself might not have been able to do that.

Naturally, this further proves the power of the forbidden zone, it is terrifying.

Then, Ginger Cloud definitely wouldn't let Li Changxiao get away with it!

"You dare!"

Li Changxiao's eyes widened to their limit, staring at the Ancient Suppressing Spear coming straight at him. He could only manage to utter two words before a sharp pain pierced his brow, and he was instantly pierced through by the Ancient Suppressing Spear!

Seeing Li Changxiao laugh and fall to the sky, Jiang Yun also came to his side. He swept over with his divine sense, confirming that the other party was truly dead, then he pulled out the Ancient Town Spear.

At the same time, Jiang Yun waved his sleeve, and countless seals suddenly came pouring in, layer upon layer, wrapping Li Changxiao's corpse!


"Boom boom boom!"

Immediately after, all the seals exploded, unleashing a power akin to heaven and earth's destruction. Li Changxiao's corpse was completely obliterated into nothingness.

Shensi once again swept his gaze around, Jiang Yun murmured, "This time it should be dead for sure!"

Jiang Yun didn't even go to search for Li Changxiao's soul.

Because there's probably a powerful restriction in the other party's soul, maybe even the divine consciousness of a powerful expert.

Therefore, Jiang Yundian resolutely decided to completely eliminate all traces of him!

"Forbidden Land, what exactly is it From the Forbidden Land, there's only one cultivator who came out, Li Changxiao. Is every single cultivator who leaves as terrifying as Li Changxiao"

After standing still and pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun shook his head and dismissed these questions from his mind.

Anyway, Li Changxiao is already dead and can't die any further. Even if this forbidden zone is strong, it shouldn't know that all of this was its doing.

Regardless of what the forbidden zone is or how powerful it is, at least it has nothing to do with me.

"Now, we can enter the Imperial Cave!"

Jiang Yun took a step and left that area, reappearing in the region where Fang Nanshan and the others were.

Just now, in order to kill Li Changxiao, Jiang Yun kept the entire seal formation running continuously and gradually isolated all the seal masters.

Now, each of them has lost sight of their companions' figures in their eyes, and they are all trying to break the seals before them.

"Since these people won't be able to break the seal of Emperor's Cave within a short time, I will directly communicate with Lu Zisu and Lu Zi Rui: "Follow my instructions now. I will lead you into the Emperor's Cave!"

This sentence shook both Lü Zisu's siblings, and their faces showed disbelief.

However, Lü Zisu quickly regained her composure. She had long since determined that Jiang Yun was at least an eighth-rank sealer, so there was nothing strange about Jiang Yun being able to bring her into the Emperor's Cave.

Thus, the two siblings, following Ginger Cloud's guidance, stepped forward step by step in the darkness until they reached the entrance of the Imperial Cave and saw Ginger Cloud who had been waiting here.

Jiang Yun smiled faintly at the two and said, "The two of you, let's enter the Imperial Cave!"

Just as Jiang Yun uttered these words, an ancient voice echoed once more within the unsealed Imperial Tomb: "These two individuals, one possessing power beyond the Realm of Integration, and the other a descendant of an Emperor!"

"And now, this kid who possesses power beyond the realms, has actually used these seals to kill an emperor's descendant! Though he ultimately failed to finish him off, this is truly fascinating!"

"Looks like this kid is going into the Imperial Cave. Wonder if you're my fated encounter!"

"However, for this Imperial Cave to open, only the three of you coming in is a bit insulting, don't you think"

"Those who see this, have a share. All the rest of you, come in!"

As the sound faded, Jiang Yun, who was standing at the entrance of the Imperial Cave, changed his expression again and looked back at the darkness that was slowly receding like the tide.

Please let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!s on Ginger Cloud naturally belong to her alone.Now, realizing that there was more than one strong person hidden within Jiang Yun's body, she no longer dared to have the idea of keeping it all for her...