Chapter 3739: Breaking the Kaifeng Seal

!Nowadays, the Beishan Prefecture is suffering greatly. As it was the first to be swallowed by the Boundary Sea, and with the Wan Yao Cave taking advantage of the situation to plunder and slaughter o...A day later, while immersed in a dream realm, observing the sealed Jiang Yun, he slowly closed his somewhat sour eyes and softly let out a breath.

Although Gingercloud's movement was tiny, it did not escape the gaze of the Mandate of Heaven who had been observing him all along.

Fengming Tianzun couldn't help but frown slightly and said, "Just one day, and you're already unable to hold on"

"Or could it be that he has already sensed the seal"

These two possibilities, in the eyes of the Heavenly Venerable who bestowed titles, were both unlikely.

A cultivator who has transgressed the laws of heaven and earth, if they were to look at a single day's worth of water, would they be unable to endure it

That wretched realm's strength is also too weak.

If it were said that Gingercloud had only taken a day to see and sense the seal, that would also be impossible.

Just as the Heavenly Venerable of Envoys felt puzzled, Jiang Yun's eyes opened again and he continued to stare at the water before him.

The Heavenly Venerable Feng Ming shook his head and said, "This child's willpower doesn't seem to be very good."

"Back then, don't even mention your mother. Even if it were your uncle observing these seals, he wouldn't dare to blink for half a month."

"Well, well, only one day and you're already taking a break!"

Although he grumbled a little, the Heaven's Mandate Venerable didn't pay too much attention and continued to gaze at Jiang Yun.

Just like that, four more days passed, and suddenly Ginger Cloud slowly raised her hand!

As soon as he made a move, the Heavenly Venerable Feng Ming naturally widened his eyes in haste, unable to understand what Jiang Yun was about to do with his raised hand.

Although Jiang Yun is currently sealed, the power of these seals is too great. So, Fengming Tianzun added a layer of protection outside his body, allowing him to move freely without easily touching the seal.

However, Jiang Yun raised his hand and did not stop there. He extended a finger towards the water in front of him and gently tapped it.

This immediately changed the countenance of the Heaven-Conferring Celestial Venerable!

Because Gingercloud was clearly the one actively touching the seal!

Even with the power of a Heavenly Venerable protecting him, this approach would truly trigger the seal, and even cause a chain reaction, triggering all the seals within this Dream Abyss!

Despite his inner doubts and grave expression, the Heavenly Venerable of Mandate naturally did not intervene.

Even these seals, no matter how powerful, are all his handiwork.

With him watching over, even if all the seals were to break, he could ensure Ginger's safety.

He simply let Jiang Yun give full rein to his senses, doing whatever he wanted, because he was always there anyway.

Ginger Cloud's fingers moved very slowly, almost an inch at a time, until finally they touched the water in front of her.


Suddenly, all the water began to boil frantically.

Fengming Tianzun's brow furrowed tightly, he had already raised his hand, ready to strike.

All of these seals here are actually connected as one.

Once a seal is triggered, all other seals will naturally activate as well.

Jiang Yun's actions now have obviously triggered all the seals.

The seal here was placed by the Heavenly Venerable of Mandate to suppress the Dream Abyss, preventing anything within it from escaping. Therefore, this seal is extremely lethal.

If the Heavenly Venerable does not intervene, these seals can definitely easily tear Jiang Yun into nothingness.

However, just as the Celestial Venerable's palm was about to press down, his expression changed drastically, his eyes widened suddenly, and his palm stopped as if by reflex.

Because the boiling water suddenly stilled, returning to its tranquility.

Only at the tip of Ginger Cloud's finger was a tiny droplet trembling gently.


A look of disbelief spread across the Face of the Heavenly Venerable as he murmured, "He, he has actually already managed to separate the seal on his own"

Although the seals extend in a continuous sheet, they are naturally composed of individual seals combined together.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's actions were clearly like drawing a seal from the endless sea of seals, isolating it single-handedly.

Moreover, no other seals have been triggered yet. This is truly beyond the expectations of the Fate-Sealing Heavenly Venerable.

Separation sealing also requires learning.

All he wanted was to be able to do as Jiang Yun, and Feng Ming Tian Zun remembered, back then, Jiang Yun's mother had spent a full month.

while Ginger Cloud only took five days!

That is to say, by the time ginger cloud closed her eyes the previous day, she had truly sensed the existence of the seal.

Then, he spent four days sealing the separation.

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Feng Ming Tianzun continued to watch, waiting to see what Jiang Yun would do next!

Feng Ming Tian Zun's speculation was correct.

Jiang Yun's senses were far superior to those of ordinary people, and he also mastered the Six Desires Technique.

Six desires and senses are also related, making his sensory abilities increasingly stronger.

Therefore, within a single day, he had already successfully sensed the presence of the seal.

As for what is meant by "induction," Jiang Yun felt that it was not accurate. The correct term should be "insight."

See through the essence of things!

What lies before you is water, but its essence remains sealed.

Jiang Yun was the first to see through the single drop of water before him.

That drop of water in his eye, transformed into a seal.

Having seen through the first seal, the following ones naturally become much simpler.

In just three days, Jiang Yun had already seen through all the seals within his line of sight.

Although the Heavenly Venerable didn't tell him what to do after breaking the seal.

But Gingercloud herself felt that she should try to separate these seals and observe one seal individually.

And this is also thanks to Ginger Cloud's experience learning alchemy when he was a child.

Simplify the complex, trace back to the source!

Besides, Jiang Yun once had the experience of tracing back the origins of all kinds of runes.

Moreover, seals, in fact, share some similarities with formations.

A formation can also be seen as a large seal, and a seal is similar to a small formation. It hides various changes within it.

Although Jiang Yun is not very proficient in sealing, he is a real master of formations.

Applying the principles of formations to the study of sealing techniques also proves effective. Thus, within two days, Jiang Yun had already achieved the feat of isolating a seal into individual components.

At this moment, Ginger Cloud's gaze was fixed on the single drop of water at her fingertips, yet she remained motionless.

At this time, the Heavenly Venerable of Envoys didn't know what Jiang Yun was doing. However, he wasn't in a hurry; he just watched quietly.

Gingercloud had remained motionless for a full ten days.

After ten days of stillness, Gingercloud suddenly gave a light flick with her fingertip. The drop of water there instantly flew out and merged with the other drops.

And right after that, Jiang Yun's five fingers suddenly moved all at once.

Where five fingers pass, there flows not a single drop of water, but a stream as long as a foot.

This stream of water keeps moving with the finger of Ginger Cloud.

And, it was only that one stream of water moving, while the rest remained completely still.

At the beginning, the water flow was not fast, but gradually the water seemed to come alive, gaining its own consciousness. It became faster and faster.

Seeing this scene, Feng Ming Tian Zun's eyes couldn't help but brighten.

It appeared as if water was flowing along with Jiang Yun's fingers, but Feng Ming Tianzun saw clearly that it was Jiang Yun's fingers moving along with the water flow!

The flow of water is moving because the seal has been triggered!

And Ginger Cloud could make her fingers move with the flow of water, which was actually cracking the seal!

"Bang bang bang!"

Finally, with a crisp cracking sound, the stream of water exploded and vanished!

Feiming Tianzun suddenly stood up, his eyes filled with astonishment. "It's actually broken!"Yun.Because he knew very well, Bai Ze's knowledge, though considerable, was not overwhelming.And the way to break the Nine Clans Dao Seal, not even you, let alone Lü Lún and the other descendants of t...