Chapter 3719: Do You Dare to Kill?

not even worthy of respect!To what extent was this elder's strength, that he would dare to speak these eight words!Therefore, Gu Bulao believes that even in the Destroyed Domain, the Elder's strength...When Jiang Yun sensed that Jin Yang's divine sense behind him suddenly surged past his own and spread forward, he realized something was wrong.

Therefore, as he was dashing forward at that moment, he suddenly felt a powerful wave of energy ripple through the air.

Next, countless clods of earth erupted from the ground, rapidly coalescing into a colossal mud man!

Just as the clay figure was taking shape, a murky abyss of ten thousand yellow springs surged from within Jiang Yun's brow, enveloping the clay figure.

"Long live!"

With a low growl uttered from his lips, the mud figure that had just coalesced vanished in an instant, once again transforming into countless grains of soil.

And Ginger Cloud, with Linglong Mu Xue, stepped resolutely through the mud.

At the same time, a gust of wind flew out from Ginger Cloud's body, enveloping all the soil.


Once again, the two-character exit appeared. All the soil, along with the wind, vanished instantly, leaving no trace behind.

While Gingercloud had already traveled thousands of miles!

This sudden change was clearly seen by Jin Yang, who had always followed Jiang Yun, and all the cultivators who were watching the commotion.

Naturally, this caused their faces to involuntarily reveal expressions of astonishment one by one.

First, they were amazed by Jiang Yun's quick reaction.

Not even Jin Yang, who had been watching the commotion beforehand, could have anticipated that Guo Feng would use a mud man to stop Jiang Yun.

From the moment the mud man appeared to its complete disappearance, not even two breaths of time had passed. Not only did it fail to stop Jiang Yun, but it couldn't even delay him for a moment.

Secondly, they were naturally astonished by the two attack techniques that Ginger Cloud had just demonstrated.

The previous one was clearly about rewinding time and shattering the mud figure.

And then, a more radical approach was taken - the very earth used to create the clay figures was rendered void, effectively preventing any further creation of these creatures!

Witnessing all of this, Jin Yang and some cultivators gained a deeper understanding of Jiang Yun.

Jin Yang's eyes glittered as he said, "This person not only has superb skill but also unparalleled combat experience. At a glance, one can tell that they are a veteran who has been through countless battles!"

"If I were in his position, without prior knowledge, I couldn't have reacted like that either."

At that moment, a cold snort suddenly echoed from below: "Jinyang, stop him. Twenty pieces of Tianzhu Fa Stones aren't enough; we need thirty!"

As the sounds arose, three figures suddenly appeared before Jiang Yun, emanating a powerful aura that rippled through the air, creating an invisible barrier blocking his path.

The person in the lead was none other than Guo Feng!

At this moment, a trace of anger appeared on Guo Feng's face.

Originally, Guo Feng had only planned to stop Jiang Yun and gain twenty pieces of Tianzhu Fa Shi for nothing.

> Unexpectedly, Ginger Cloud crushed his attack cleanly and efficiently.

Furthermore, being seen by so many people also embarrassed him and enraged him. Therefore, he had to gather two companions to appear and stop Jiang Yun.

The appearance of Guo Feng and the other three, especially that invisible wall, finally stopped Jiang Yun's figure.

Behind him, Jin Yang, who had been following closely, also arrived and stopped.

Jin Yang ignored Jiang Yun and looked at Guo Feng, saying with a smile that wasn't quite a smile: "What, Guo Feng, someone slapped you in the face and want to find balance from me"

"Thirty pieces of Heavenly Pivot Stone are not a bad idea either, as long as you can catch him!"

Guo Feng just stared at Jiang Yun, snarling, "I'm not your subordinate. Thirty pieces of Heavenly Pivot Spirit Stones want me to sell my life for you Dream on!"

Jin Yang's face hardened. "Then stop wasting time. Once I take him down, I'll give you the Tianshu Stone!"

As soon as the words left his lips, Jin Yang took a step forward and stood before Jiang Yun.

Jin Yang first gave a cold glance to Linglong Muxue who was hiding behind Jiang Yun, then he looked at Jiang Yun and said: "Friend, the woman behind you is a disciple of my Sanhuangzong."

"You mysteriously entered my Sanhuang Sect and took her away. Shouldn't you give me an explanation"

Gingercloud didn't reply, his gaze swept across the surroundings, quickly assessing the situation at hand.

Although it seems like only this Jin Yang is going to take action against himself, that Guo Feng might also be involved.

And the cultivation realms of these two people are both at the seventh level of breaking the law!

If one were to follow the cultivation levels of the Heavenly Domain, a cultivator at such a realm would never run away.

This is outside the domain!

The three cultivators who had ambushed me before all possessed strength that surpassed four or five realms.

If these two people before us are also like this, then it means that they at least have the strength comparable to the second level of the Reincarnation Realm.

With such strength, Jiang Yun could still put up a fight one-on-one if he used all his cards except the Town Ancient Spear.

And the two of them, relying on the ancient gun, Jiang Yun was also fearless.

But who knows if there are other strong fighters within the Sanhuang Sect, or if they have any helpers nearby!

If just one more cultivator of similar strength joined them, Jiang Yun would no longer be a match for them.

However, at this point, Jiang Yun was also very clear that besides fighting, he had no other way out.

Jiang Yun glanced back at the pale-faced Linglong Mu Xue and said to Jin Yang, "This has nothing to do with her. It was my own decision to intervene!"

"How about this, if you can defeat me, I'll naturally give you a satisfactory explanation."

But if you're not my opponent, then you must let us two leave!

Apart from Jin Yang and Guo Feng, the other disciples of the Sanhuang Sect are also on their way here. They will arrive in a moment.

These disciples' strength is not as strong as Jiang Yun, but compared to Linglong and Muxue, they are much stronger.

Jiang Yun had finally managed to get Linglong and Muxue to this point. There was no way he would let them be taken back by the people from the Sanhuangzong.

It's a pity that entering the outer domain doesn't allow carrying artifacts capable of containing living beings, otherwise, Jiang Yun could have placed Linglong Mu Xue inside it.

Now, Gingercloud can only negotiate with this Jinyang. No matter what, he cannot let others take action against Linglong and Muxue.

Jin Yang narrowed his eyes and stared at Jiang Yun for a moment before saying, "Alright!"

Jiang Yun transmitted his voice to Linglong Muxue, "You retreat to the side first and be careful."

Although Jin Yang had agreed, Jiang Yun didn't trust the other party.

And while Linglong Muxue's face still wore a look of panic, she nodded upon hearing Jiang Yun's words and said, "Senior, please be careful!"

Even though she had already risked her life to save Linglong and Mukxue, she still addressed him as her senior. This left Jiang Yun both amused and speechless.

Jiang Yun shook his head, ignoring Linglong Muxue for the moment, and took a step towards Jin Yang. "Come on!"

Jin Yang let out a cold smile, just about to raise his hand, when Jiang Yun suddenly spoke again, "Wait!"

Jin Yang frowned and said, "Is there anything else"

Ginger Cloud looked at him and said, "I'm new here and don't understand the rules yet. Before I make a move, I want to ask, are we just fighting for victory or for life and death"

As I have mentioned before, fighting is a common occurrence here, but rarely does it result in serious injury. That's why Jiang Yun would ask such a question.

Jin Yang laughed heartily, as if he had heard the funniest joke. "Hahaha," he said, "You want to kill me"

"Looks like you really don't know who I am!"

"My name is Jin Yang, I am the young master of the Jin family, and also the young sect leader of the Three Emperors Sect. Kill me, and you and your clan will pay for it with your lives!"

"Dare you kill!"

Just as Jin Yang's voice had fallen, Jiang Yun had already coldly spoken, "What is there to be afraid of!"


Everyone only felt a flash before their eyes, and in Jiang Yun's hand, a black light appeared, shooting straight towards Jin Yang.

Jiang Yun's speed was extremely fast.

Although he didn't use the full power of the Ancestral-Suppressing Gun, his current strength was enough to kill all eight Lords of the Eight Divisions Heaven War Division with a single shot. Therefore, this shot was also extremely powerful!

Jin Yang's face changed instantly. He wanted to dodge, but countless forces had bound him tightly. With no other choice, he suddenly opened his mouth, and a dazzling golden light shot out from within!. Now that his father had asked him to inquire, he didn't know what to ask at all for a moment.After a moment of contemplation, Jiang Yun suddenly flipped his wrist, causing a fruit to appear in his p...