Chapter 3610: The Brick of Knocking (Revised)

t Sects, they didn't have any deep grudges against each other. Therefore, neither of them truly used their full power.But now, Dao Lian'er is really in a hurry.Mu Tian still looked like nothing had ha...After leaving the Xiaqian Realm, Ji Yun took Tie Runa along with him. With Liu Peng's help and his stone formation, they spent several days traveling to a city called Feng Ducheng.

Originally, Ginger Cloud thought that since the Sang family had such high medical skills and could even be favored by Lord Heavenly Defector, they could not only dominate one realm but perhaps even one domain.

But when he arrived in this Fengdu City, he unexpectedly discovered that the Sang family's situation was completely different from what he had imagined!

All the residents of Fengdu City, it seemed, were unaware of the existence of the Sang family.

If it wasn't because Liu Peng told him about the Shang family matter, and this stone was also given to him by Liu Peng, Jiang Yun couldn't help but wonder if he had been deceived.

Although this situation surprised Jiang Yun quite a bit, it also made him feel more confident about the Sang family in his heart.

Generally speaking, the more unassuming and low-key a hidden family is, the more likely it is to possess true skill.

Then, perhaps this Sang family's medical skills truly have the possibility of curing Tie Ru-nan.

As for where the Sang family resided, naturally no one knew.

Even when Jiang Yun used the soul-searching technique to look into the souls of several people, he still came up empty.

But since Liu Peng's given stone endpoint is in this Fengdu City, then Jiang Yun believes that the Sang family must definitely be nearby.

"Big Brother, could it be that the Heavenly Venerable's absence is because he cares deeply about the Sang Family and worries their medical skills might cause them trouble So, he personally set up an array to conceal their family's location"

It was Tie Runan who was speaking.

Since leaving the secret realm, Tie Ruxu's condition has been deteriorating day by day.

By the time they reached Fengdu City, she was almost at her limit. So Jiang Yun gave her the pill that Jiang Qiucheng had sent.

I have to say, this pill is truly extraordinary.

Although Tie Ru Nan's injuries did not show any improvement after taking it, the whole person seemed to have woken up.

Even, besides her being extremely pale and weak, she looked much like a normal person.

Of course, her cultivation had vanished completely, leaving her an ordinary person. She couldn't even use the bloodline eyes.

As for her situation, Gingercloud also did not hide anything, but truthfully told her.

Gingercloud was originally worried that Tie Rumen would collapse after hearing this, but unexpectedly, Tie Rumen remained unusually calm and showed no sorrow or fear.

At this moment, hearing Tie Ru's words, Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Not bad, then let's stay in this city for a while."

No matter how secretive the Sang family keeps themselves, it's impossible for all of their members to remain within the family and never venture outside.

As soon as they appear, we're sure to find them!

Jiang Yun, accompanied by Tie Ruxu, went straight to the largest inn in the city.

Although he knew there would be no harvest, Ginger Cloud still asked the shopkeeper if he knew where the Sang family lived.

As expected, the shopkeeper shook his head directly, saying he had never heard of any Sang family!

However, the shopkeeper looked at Tie Ruonan a few more times.

Because Tie Ru Nan's current state is simply too bad, anyone can easily see that something is amiss.

After the two people booked a room, they temporarily stayed at this inn.

During the day, Ginger Cloud would take place with Tie Ruonan through the capital city, Phoenix City, while continuing to inquire about news of the Sang family.

For Tie Ruonan, she was a true wanderer, interested in everything.

While Jiang Yun also had a smile on his face, he was constantly searching the vicinity of the city with his divine sense, looking for anything unusual.

In the evening, because Tie Ru'nan no longer possessed cultivation, he needed to sleep like ordinary people.

And Ginger Cloud stayed by her bedside all night, watching over her as she fell asleep and waiting for her to wake up.

Although Tie Ru Nv had never complained and always wore a serene smile, Jiang Yun felt a pang of pain in her heart whenever she looked at her, pondering how to cure Tie Ru Nv.

The fastest way is naturally to find the Sang family as soon as possible.

At the same time, Ginger Cloud was also hoping that Wàng Lǎo could wake up soon.

It's a pity that there was never any sign of the Sang family, and Wànglǎo remained completely silent.

Just like that, after spending half a month at the inn, on this night, Tie Ru'nan had just fallen asleep, but a sudden gleam appeared in Jiang Yun's eyes.

Because, he finally realized that within the mountains north of Fengdu City, there was a faint fluctuation of formation energy.

This area, Ginger Cloud had checked countless times, but never found anything unusual.

Now, suddenly, the aura of a formation was transmitted. This made Jiang Yun instantly realize that place must be the location of the Sang family.

As for those formations, they were probably as Tie Ru Nan had guessed, set up personally by the Heavenly Venerable of Arraying. That's why I couldn't sense them before.

Since there are fluctuations in the formation, it means someone from the Sang family is about to enter or exit.

Of course, Jiang Yun wouldn't miss this precious opportunity seeing Tie Ruonan was already fast asleep.

After a moment's hesitation, Jiang Yun quietly took Tie Runan into her former room and then, with a flash of her figure, hurried towards the place where the fluctuation of magic came from.

In the midst of mountains, there was a mountain that had actually split open, revealing a fissure a hundred paces wide.

Through the gap, one could clearly see a sizable estate situated inside, and figures were flying out from within.

Jiang Yun's face revealed a sudden realization. "So that's it. The Sang family is hidden in the mountains, creating their own space, with an array guarding the outside, so ordinary people couldn't possibly find it."

Although Gingercloud had found the Sang family, a new problem arose before him: how could he enter the Sang family's home and ask for their help without causing them to dislike him

The fact that the Sang family's existence was so well-hidden indicates that they were reluctant to have much contact with the outside world.

I came here seeking something from the Sang family. If I entered their home without permission, they would surely see me as an enemy.

Even if they didn't take action themselves, it would be impossible to ask them to save Tie Rumen again.

But, waiting for so long, the Sang family only appeared now. If this opportunity is missed, who knows when they will show up again next time.

I can wait, but Tie Ru Nan can't.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and took a direct step, appearing at the gap. He spoke loudly, "I am Gu Si from the ancient times, I come here respectfully to seek...!"


Before Ginger Cloud could finish his words, several figures suddenly rushed out from the Sang family manor, surrounding him.

There were sixteen people in total, all young and not very powerful. The strongest among them was only a practitioner at the Yuanfa realm.

Ginger Yun remained impassive, bowed to the crowd with a gesture of reverence, and said: "I am Gu Si. I have come to your esteemed family today seeking medical treatment!"

"Need to see a doctor"

A young-looking man frowned and said, "You're a cultivator too, aren't you If you need medical attention, you should go to a doctor or an alchemist. What are you doing here"

It is obvious that these people have all been warned by the elders of their clan not to reveal the fact that their family is skilled in medicine!

Jiang Yun naturally understood. With a flick of his sleeve, in front of everyone, a pile of small mountains appeared instantly. These small mountains were piled high with top-grade heaven and earth stones, numbering at least hundreds of thousands.

"These celestial stones are my sincere offering."

"As long as you can help save my friend, these Heavenly Stones are just a small part of the reward."

Except for the Infinity Stones, no matter what you ask for, I will grant it!

"I truly come here seeking medical help with no ill intentions. I humbly request that your family show mercy and lend me a hand!"

After finishing his words, Jiang Yun once again bowed deeply to the sixteen people.

Ginger Cloud really had no other way out, she could only use the Heaven and Earth Stone as a knocking brick. Mo smiled and said, "Brother Jiang, you said their target is you. As long as we watch and don't interfere, they naturally won't do anything to us, right"At the end of summer's words, Ginger Cloud was...