Chapter 3500: Grand Finale

ntain was illusory, like the soul of Mount Heaven's Fall, appearing and then immediately expanding infinitely.In an instant, this illusory Tianluoshan completely filled the entire Tianluo Realm, block...By this time, Tie Rumen, who had never seen Jiang Yun bid for anything, naturally understood that Jiang Yun's true goal must be the finale of this auction.

But seeing Jiang Yun's strange behavior at this moment made her even more certain that her guess was right.

However, after looking at the fruit for a long time, although Tie Ruo Nan could tell it wasn't an ordinary thing, he didn't recognize it. So he couldn't help but ask: "Big brother, do you know that fruit"

Jiang Yun's eyes were still fixed on the fruit. Hearing Tie Ru'nan's words, he shook his head slightly and said, "I don't recognize that fruit!"

"Brother, you don't recognize him either" Tie Ru Nan couldn't help but be surprised.

"But," Ginger Cloud continued, "I recognize the patterns on those fruits."

That unknown fruit radiates nine-colored light because the patterns on its skin are colorful.

And those lines, although they have nine different colors, are all the same shape.

As they were speaking, Jiang Yun suddenly extended a finger and, with spiritual energy, drew lines in the air.

As Tie Ru-nan naturally could tell, the patterns Jiang Yun drew were exactly the same as the runes on the fruit.

"Big brother, what kind of pattern is this"

"This is..." Gingercloud's voice paused for a moment before continuing, "I don't know what it should be called exactly. I just know that this kind of pattern belongs to the Ginger clan!"

"Ginger clan"

Although Tie Ru Nan didn't know why Jiang Yun would change "Jiang Clan" to "Jiang Tribe." But hearing this, his face also showed a look of shock and said: "This is the clan pattern of the elder brother's group"

This time, Jiang Yun did not answer Tie Runa's question, but instead a wistful expression appeared on his face.

Although he said that this ginger clan wasn't referring to the Ginger family, in his heart, he truly did belong to that clan.

And that tribe, there's another name for them, the Mirage Tribe!

It was precisely Gingercloud's grandfather, the clan to which all the people of Ginger Village belonged!

For the Jīng tribe, Jiāng Yún was all too familiar, especially the intricate patterns on the mirage tower. They were deeply etched in his mind, so at this moment, he recognized them instantly.

However, even he never expected that the finale of this auction would be a fruit covered in the patterns of the mirage race!

As soon as he recognized the markings of the Mirage Clan, several thoughts flashed through his mind.

He remembered a legend his father had once told him.

It is said that the entire world, whether it is the myriad heavens or the countless lower realms, is actually a dream created by some powerful being.

This powerful being, named the Nightmare Beast!

And the Archangels, these powerful beings who hold a supreme position in the celestial realms, are in a way, actually slaves to the Nightmares!

Nightmare beast eats dreams, nightmare beast creates dreams!

Whether this legend is true or not, at this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly remembered that the one who could weave dreams was not only the nightmare beast, but also the Mirage Clan he was extremely familiar with.

In the beginning, all the experiences of the people in Ginger Village within the Sea-Mountain Realm were nothing more than a Qingming Dream.

Although Ginger Cloud wasn't clear on the relationship between the Nightmare Beasts and the Mirage Tribe, nor did she know which was stronger in the realm of dream creation, since they both possessed the same ability, that fruit bearing the markings of the Mirage Tribe might have some effect on the Nightmare Beast as well.

What exactly it will do, others might not know, but there is one person who definitely knows.

Angels of Patrol!

Up to this point, Jiang Yun could finally be sure that the Angel of Patrol had let him take possession of the treasure, it must have been that fruit.

And when these several thoughts had completely passed through Ginger Cloud's mind, Ginger Cloud couldn't help but shiver.

Based on what I can think of right now, that legend might actually be true!

The one who truly desires the fruit should not be the patrolling angel, but the slumbering nightmare!

"Brother, what's wrong"

Seeing that Jiang Yun not only didn't answer his question, but also had a pale face, Tie Ruonan hurriedly asked with concern.

Actually, I came to this auction for this fruit. So I'm considering how much it will eventually sell for!

Since this fruit bears the markings of the Mirage Clan, even if the Celestial Surveyor doesn't want it, Jiang Yun himself would pay any price to acquire it.

After all, that must be related to the Denizens of Illusion!

Tie Ru Nan couldn't help but playfully smiled and said, "Big brother, don't forget, you are now a wealthy man with at least seven million in assets. No matter how much this fruit is sold for, you can definitely afford it!"

Ginger Cloud also smiled and nodded. "That's right, it's possible that no one wants this fruit at all!"

Just then, Ru Meng on the auction stage also smiled and spoke, "Everyone, the origin and specific effects of this fruit are unknown, but it shares the same name as me."

"Like a dream!"

Hearing this name, Ginger Cloud was once again certain of her thoughts. This fruit must be related to the Mirage Clan!

"If you all feel satisfied with Rumeng's hosting of this auction, then Rumeng also hopes that you can continue to support Rumeng."

"The starting price for Ru Mengguo's is three million top-grade Tian Di Stones!"


As the dreamlike voice faded, gasps of astonishment echoed throughout the auction hall, rising and falling in waves.

A previously unknown pearl, sold for a sky-high price of 600,000 Earth Stones, had already left them speechless.

However, now, the same fruit, known only by its name but not its use, has a starting price of three million. This is indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Ginger Cloud's face was filled with astonishment.

No wonder my Chi Shui Shen Mu wasn't the finale!

In terms of price, it is certainly incomparable to this dream fruit.

Although Gingercloud was determined to get Rumei Fruit, he learned from past experiences and refrained from making a bid immediately. Instead, he chose to observe and see if anyone else would make an offer first.

The entire auction hall fell silent once again, and for several moments, no one dared to speak or bid.

Obviously, the price of this dream fruit is too high. Even for some major powers, it would take careful consideration to come up with three million top-grade heavenly stones.

However, everyone knows that the things sold at Qiankun Auction House are indeed more expensive than normal, but they have never cheated anyone.

We can only say that this fruit must be truly worth three million, it's just that no one knows its use.

Although no one bid, Ru Meng was not at all anxious. Her clear eyes constantly scanned the faces of everyone present, patiently waiting.

As time slowly passed, until a full quarter of an hour had gone by, Ru Meng finally said, "It seems that no one has bought this Ru Meng fruit today."

"If there are still ten more bids, if nobody else bid, then this auction will end today."

Ten, nine, eight...

In the vast auction hall, only the ethereal sound echoed.

But when Ru Meng shouted "one," Jiang Yun finally spoke, "Three million and one thousand!"

Since no one else bid, Jiang Yun naturally didn't want to be a fool and give the Heavenly Stone to the Qiankun Auction House for nothing, so he only increased the price by 10,000!

Jiang Yun's bid, naturally shocked everyone present. No one expected that someone would actually be willing to spend so much money on a fruit whose use was unknown.

And Qiu Ge, like a dream, like jade, like a shadow, all the people in Qiankun Auction House, at the moment when Jiang Yun shouted the price, their eyes all turned to Jiang Yun's private room.

Qiu Ge sneered coldly, "Unexpectedly, it really is him!"

Please let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!them.But his disrespectful attitude towards Dao Zun, directly calling him by his name, also made some people, such as Jiang Yun and others, understand.Although the Shaman helped the Dao Sovereign and...