Chapter 3401: Self-Deception

bility to block divine consciousness. If it's not cut open, no one knows what treasures lie within.""It's very likely nothing at all, but it's also very likely that there's some kind of incredible tre...Eastward Bo, appearing from above the Gate of Life, caused some people's faces to reveal surprise and confusion.

"Big brother!"

Looking at Dongfang Bo, Jiang Yun, Situ Jing, and Xuanyuan Xing standing before him, Jian Yun's smile widened. Without hesitation, the three approached Dongfang Bo and bowed deeply to him!

An elder brother is like a father!

As their senior brother, Dongfang Bo is like a father figure to them, caring for and looking after each of them deeply. He is also loved and respected by them.

Dongfang Bo then smiled and reached out his hand, helping each of the three people up one by one.

That smile-filled gaze swept back and forth across the faces and bodies of the three people, scrutinizing them as it nodded repeatedly. It opened its mouth to speak,

"Not bad, not bad. It's been a long time since I've seen you all. Lao Er and Lao San haven't changed much, but Lao Si, you've aged quite a bit, almost catching up to Lao San!"

"By the way, Fourth Brother, Big Brother knows you're already married. It's just a pity that he couldn't make it to your wedding to raise a toast!"

"But it's okay, if we have the chance to see each other again in the future, you guys have to buy me a drink!"

"No, it's not just about making up for me, you also need to make it up to your second senior sister and third senior brother."

"Your third senior brother is a good drinker, and one cup probably wouldn't be enough for him. You'd better prepare more..."

The rambling words that came out of Dongfang Bo's mouth made those who didn't know him furrow their brows.

But in the ears of Jiang Yun and his two companions, every word spoken by the eldest brother was as melodious as heavenly music, the most beautiful sound in the world.

Ginger Cloud and the other two remained silent, standing there quietly listening to their eldest brother. They didn't even dare to interrupt!

After talking for so long, Dongfang Bo finally laughed heartily and said: "Haha, I still can't get rid of my habit of talking too much! Forget it, I won't change it!"

“No more talking, no more talking. Come here, come here, let big brother give you all a hug!”

Dongfang Bo opened his arms wide and embraced his fellow disciples tightly!

This embrace, to outsiders, appears extremely awkward, even strange and unsettling.

Because out of the four people, only Ginger Cloud's body is real, while the other three are all illusions!

But the four siblings didn't feel a bit uncomfortable.

They looked at each other, each face beaming with a solid smile, as if they truly felt the other's body, the other's reality.

Especially Jiang Yun, the smile on her face was full of tears, which couldn't stop sliding down.

No one would have thought that the four of them, their own brothers and sisters, would meet again here, in this ancient domain, before this golden acupoint!

Looking at the four of them, everyone could clearly feel the strong emotion between them, and they felt a true love that transcended life and death.

Especially those cultivators from the myriad heavens who had just escaped death from the Primal Chaos Domain, thinking back to how they had mercilessly fought and killed their fellow disciples in order to survive, couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Thirteen powerhouses, including the Angel of Patrol, were watching the four of Jiang Yun with their eyes.

Despite not feeling the same way as others, seeing the four of them, including Ginger Cloud, still stirred some confusion in his heart.

Before this, they always thought that Ginger Cloud was alone. Now they finally understand that Ginger Cloud actually has three senior brothers and sisters.

Of course, they were also more curious about another question: who was Ginger Cloud's master

According to logic, Ginger Cloud's master should be a cultivator from the Lower Realm, but they also felt that if it were a Lower Realm cultivator, they shouldn't be able to teach a disciple like Ginger Cloud.

Only Gu Yang shifted his gaze from the four of Ginger Cloud, looking towards the distant darkness.

He already figured it out, the master of Jiang Yun and his three companions is either Gu Bulao or Yin Guo Lao.

It's more likely that it is ageless!

After all, it was Gu Bulao who personally went to the ancient clan's territory and severed the ancestral connection of Gu Dang!

Suddenly, the voice of Lord Tiandao rang out again, "What is this Jiangyun trying to do"

"He knew he couldn't break this golden seal, so he deliberately made such a big fuss and deliberately delayed time, didn't he"

"Jiangyun, are you just going to keep dragging this out"

"Let me tell you, even if the heavens and earth were to collapse today, no matter who came, they wouldn't be able to save you."

As for the words of the Heavenly Venerable, the four disciples simply ignored them.

Dongfang Bosong opened his arms, and Jiang Yun wiped the tears from her eyes: "If Master were here, that would be wonderful."

"In that case, our family will truly be reunited!"

Though Gu Bulao isn't beside the four of them, he's already here!

When Dong Fang Bo appeared, Gu Bulao had already rushed to the four people's faces regardless of everything, embracing his four disciples in his arms!

However, he still had a sliver of lucidity, knowing that at this moment, he couldn't appear before them, couldn't expose his identity.

But now, hearing Jiang Yun's words, he really couldn't hold back any longer. His figure flickered, and he was about to walk towards Jiang Yun and the other four, to reunite with his disciples.

However, his wrist tightened again, a large hand clutching it tightly.

Gu Bulao turned his head to look at the old man in a hat. Perhaps because he saw his disciples, he didn't get angry with the old man this time, but instead smiled and said: "I know you are doing this for my own good. Don't worry, I am just going to take a look at them!"

However, the old man not only did not let go of his hand, but also said in a cold tone: "Why do you look!"

Gu Bulao's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he said: "They are my disciples. I haven't seen them in many years. Now that I've finally gotten the chance to see them again, of course I'm going to go have a look!"

"Ancient never grows old!"

Suddenly, the old man shouted Gu Bulao's name heavily from his mouth, "I know you can't let go of what happened to your disciples back then."

"But, it's been so many years already. Even if you can't let go, you wouldn't pretend to be clueless with me here, would you"

Hearing the elder's words, Gu Bulao's face finally sank, and a menacing aura emanated from his body. "What did you say!"

Feeling this killing intent, Jiang Li and the Gluttonous Heavenly Venerable exchanged glances before each silently taking a step back. They knew that Gu Bulao had truly become enraged.

And these two's strength is quite equal, if they were to fight, neither of them would want to be caught in the crossfire.

The old man, however, seemed to feel nothing at all. He still clutched Gu Bulao's wrist tightly and said coldly, "I don't need to say anything, you know better than me!"

"If others couldn't tell the difference, that's fine. But at our level, surely you can tell."

"Gu Bulao, you have already fallen to demons. Those three people, they are not your disciples at all!"

I don't know what the fourth son of your family is up to, but you, wake up quickly and stop fooling yourself!

The ancient and unflinching eyes of the man now gleamed with malice, like a wolf baring its fangs. He glared at the old man with murderous intent, as if he wanted to devour him alive. "They are not my disciples," he growled. "Who then Who are they"

The elder smiled coldly, looking at the Gluttonous Hidden Venerable and Jiang Li: "I'm too familiar with him, so he can't hear me right now."

"Please tell him, the three people over there, are they his disciples!"

Jiang Li and the gluttonous Yin Zun looked at each other, unexpectedly the old man would turn the question to the two of them at this time, both of their hearts secretly cried out in pain.

And looking at Gu Bulao's fierce gaze fixed on the two of them, they swallowed hard. Although somewhat apprehensive, they still spoke truthfully: "Senior Gu Bulao, besides Jiang Yun, the remaining three people are indeed not your disciples!"rse, it's to attract suitable cultivators!"Jiang Yun smiled faintly and said, "Then continue!""As long as you fabricate a reason that will convince the Eight Departments and all the Heavenly Domains t...