Chapter 3245: Mountain Wall Turns into Mirror (Revised)

g.Every ripple is a vast fissure, within which countless shards of stone fly outwards in all directions.This sudden change took everyone by surprise, and they hurriedly circulated their energy to resi...The full version, the fastest update of the Daoist World!

"Brother, what's wrong with you"

Seeing Jiang Yun stand up, a puzzled expression appeared on Jiang Rou's face.

Instead of answering, Gingercloud turned his gaze once again to Ginger Village, then to the surrounding area, and even towards the direction where the area bordering Limitless City met.

After a long time, he murmured a few words from his mouth: "Here, could this be a prison too"

Jiang Rou's just-said sentence, "All the cultivators in Jiangcun can only cultivate to the level of Earth Protector," suddenly reminded Jiang Yun of the Shanhai Realm!

In the beginning, the highest realm of cultivation in the Mountains and Seas Realm was only that of a Earth Protector.

Because the Shan Hai Realm is a prison, established by the Dao Zun to imprison the Annihilation Nine Clans.

The reason why the cultivation realm is restricted within the guardian boundary is to prevent cultivators from the Shanhai Realm from leaving it!

After all, only those who have cultivated to the Heavenly Blessing Realm have the ability to leave their world of residence and travel between the realms.

However, now this Ginger Village located within the Linggu Realm, with its strange atmosphere and numerous hidden secrets, is almost identical to the situation in the Shanhai Realm back then.

Moreover, this harsh environment, although it seems far less desirable than the Sea of Mountains and Rivers.

But in reality, the original Shan Hai Realm, compared to the entire Shan Haiyu and the entire Netherworld, was an extremely harsh environment.

Therefore, a fantastic idea suddenly popped into Ginger Cloud's mind.

Here in Ginger Village, perhaps it is also a prison, imprisoning over a hundred people from Ginger Village, including Ginger Rou!

As for Wuliang City, which is ten thousand miles away from Jiang Village and situated in a completely different picturesque mountain range, it should be the true dwelling place of the spiritual race of this boundless world.

Even so, what Jiang Rou said about the wicked people from Wuliang City who would harm the villagers of Jiang Village could also be understood as them being responsible for guarding or keeping out this group of prisoners, the villagers of Jiang Village!

"Brother, what do you mean by prison"

At this time, Jiang Rou's voice rang out again.

And Jiang Yun finally looked at her, after a moment of silence, he smiled slightly and shook his head, saying, "It's nothing!"

Turning his head, Ginger Cloud's smile vanished. He slowly closed his eyes and whispered to himself, "The same surname, the same Ginger Village, the same prison!"

"The world of mountains and seas, boundless realm!"

"Did I truly arrive here by mere coincidence, or was someone deliberately sending me to this place!"

If it's the latter, then who is this person

"He sent me here, what is his purpose Did he... repair my soul"

"Uncle Ginger and Aunt Ginger, along with the entire Ginger clan, who are they Why do I have such a sense of familiarity towards them!"

"They, or rather this Ginger Village, and I, are we somehow connected"

A string of questions flashed through Ginger Cloud's mind rapidly.

This life has been filled with too many unique experiences, causing Jiang Yun to vaguely realize something was amiss at this moment.

However, he didn't voice these problems, but kept them hidden in his heart.

Because he could see that no matter whether his guesses were right or wrong, the Jiang Rou in front of him truly had no ill intentions towards him.

Ginger is just a naive and innocent child who hasn't seen much of the world!

This stranger who made her feel at ease, should be the only outsider she had ever seen since she was born!

Ginger Cloud opened her eyes again, a smile returning to her face. "Sister, are there any interesting or fun places here"

Jiang Rou seriously tilted her head and thought for a while before saying, "There aren't any interesting or fun places, but there is one place that should be beneficial for your brother."

Ginger wasn't actually trying to change the subject, she just casually asked that out of curiosity. But she didn't expect there to be any benefits for herself here!

This really piqued Jiang Yun's interest, and she followed up with, "Where"

Ginger smiled sweetly and said, "I'll take you!"

Thus, Jiang Yun followed behind Jiang Rou and walked down the mountain.

After trekking along a rugged path for nearly a thousand miles, a dark and ominous cave appeared before Ginger Cloud.

Jiang Rou also stopped her figure, pointing at the cave and saying: "This is it!"


Ginger Cloud's face was laced with suspicion. Though the cave was pitch black, Ginger Cloud’s eyesight and perception were extraordinary, allowing him to see at a glance that it wasn’t deep and was completely empty, devoid of anything.

Jiang Rou obviously knew that Jiang Yun couldn't see anything, so she smiled and walked into the cave. She quickly arrived at the end and stopped before the mountain wall. "Brother, take a look again!"

Ginger gazed intently and discovered that the mountain wall was covered with some winding, mottled cracks.

Besides that, there is nothing special.

Jiang Yun reached out and touched the cracks. "Do you mean these cracks"

"This isn't a crack," Jiang Rou suddenly whispered, "This is the spirit mark of our clan!"

Spirit patterns, although Gingercloud had never heard of them, it wasn't hard to guess that they were probably similar to runes.

Since knowing that these cracks are spirit veins, Jiang Yunwei pondered for a moment and said, "Could it be that there is another mechanism here"

"Not bad!"

Ginger smiled and nodded, extending her hand to place it upon one of the cracks.

Immediately following that, Ginger Cloud could clearly feel a surge of power emanating from Ginger Soft's body, pouring into those spiritual veins.

Gradually, these spirit patterns actually began to emit a soft light, illuminating the entire cave with an ethereal glow.

Meanwhile, the originally mottled mountain wall, under the cover of these rays, gradually became smooth, until finally, it startlingly transformed into a mirror-like surface.

Clearly visible, in the mirror, were the figures of Ginger Cloud and Ginger Soft.

Looking at this mirror, Ginger Cloud's face showed a look of surprise.

Before he could figure out what the mirror meant, Ginger Rou suddenly reached out with her other hand and grasped Ginger Yun's palm, saying, "Let's go in!"

As soon as her words left her mouth, Jiang Rou's palm tightened slightly, pulling Jiang Yun along with her, and they both abruptly plunged into the mirror.

Jiang Yun felt as if he had passed through a layer of water, his vision went black, and he found himself once again in a dark mountain cave.

Although the cave was still pitch black, after Gingercloud swept his gaze around, he had already determined that this cave was exactly the same as the previous one.

Even on the mountain wall, there were still the same spirit patterns. However, without the influx of Ginger's power, these spirit patterns did not emit light.

However, this was enough to shock Ginger Cloud.

Mirrors, he'd seen them before, but never had he thought that he could enter one. And this place, it was clearly another world entirely.

After taking a look around, Jiang Yun looked at Jiang Rou beside him and said, "Here, could this be the world inside the mirror"


Jiang Yun pondered, "Could it be that within every mirror lies an actual world"

This casual question from Ginger Cloud, however, caused a flicker of hesitation on Ginger Soft's face.

It seems, she although knows the answer to the question, but it's inconvenient for her to tell Jiangyun.

And Ginger Cloud naturally saw through it. Not wanting to put Ginger Rou in a difficult position, she directly changed the subject and said, "This place is indeed wonderful. It's just that I haven't figured out what benefits it has for me!"

However, Jiang Rou suddenly lowered her voice and said, "Brother, actually, inside every mirror, there is indeed a world."

Every mirror can also be seen as a doorway.

"It's just that even if other creatures knew about it, they wouldn't be able to enter. Only our clan could do so!"

"Brother, these things I'm telling you are about the safety of our entire clan. My parents told me never to tell anyone else, but I don't want to lie to you, so I hope you can keep it a secret!"n put away the Demon Refining Pen and coldly glanced in the direction the voice came from: "Don't be impatient, it will be your turn soon!"……Within the ghostly beast's body, there are simply too many...