Chapter 3116: Really? (Revised)

arkable performance! Indeed, Yi Ming truly lives up to his reputation as a prodigy in the field of medicine.Although this time is still not as good as the Tian Yaoshi, it's pretty close.To everyone's...The nameless voice continued, "As for the battle axe and my avatars, it's unlikely they'll be able to show their faces, let alone secretly help you."

"After all, the two of us were still somewhat well-known within the Jiang family lineage. Many people knew us, so it was easy to be recognized."

After listening to Dao Wuming's instructions, Jiang Yun smiled wryly and said: "That is to say, after I entered the domain gate, I was actually worse off than I am now."

In this lower realm, Jiang Yun can use all his artifacts regardless of whether he faces the Heavenly Ancients or the Eight Parts Heaven without any hesitation.

Entering a more dangerous domain where enemies are stronger, you'll find yourself facing even more restrictions.

Not bad!

Dao Wuming nodded with a serious face, "However, I believe in you. Even if you don't rely on the help we and your parents have given you, you can still take root in the Zhutianjiyu."

Actually, Ginger Cloud wasn't too concerned about this.

Back then, when he first started his cultivation journey, his conditions were far more difficult than they are now, and yet he still made it to where he is today.

Dao Wuming suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Especially, you should seriously consider Tian Yu's suggestion to join the cover-up!"

Although I'm not sure about Mantian's origins, the fact that it dares to confront the Xuntian lineage and the Nine Great Celestial Venerables head-on shows that it must have some confidence.

"By joining them, you gain a powerful ally who can make things easier for you in the celestial domains."

When Dao Wuming mentioned the Nine Great Heavenly Venerables, Jiang Yun's heart moved. He casually asked, "Dao senior, last time you told me that Tian Yu should be a descendant of one of the Seven Hidden Venerables, and you also asked me to be friends with him."

Does that mean the Seven Hidden Lords are not enemies of my Jiang clan

I don't know!

Dao Wuming shook his head and said, "I don't even know the true identities of the Seven Hidden Lords, so how could I know if they are enemies of your Jiang clan"

"Back then, your enemies, the Jiang clan, feared you wouldn't be extinguished. So even when they made their move, they went to great lengths to hide their identities, worried about revenge from your clan."

For example, take the Heavenly Enforcers. On the surface, they appear to have no involvement in this matter. But do you really think that those who claim to be enforcers of all celestial domains would tolerate the Jiang Clan becoming the most powerful force

Jiang Yun's eyes flashed, and he continued calmly, "What about the Nine Celestial Lords Could it be that all the Nine Celestial Lords are my Jiang family's enemies"

My father may not be a deep thinker, but he shouldn't be reckless either. It's impossible for him to offend all nine celestial venerables at the same time, right

"Excuse me, senior. Among the Nine Great Celestial Venerables, could any of them be friends with my father"

Or perhaps, they are all enemies of my Jiang clan. Then, I will eliminate the Nine Great Celestial Venerables one by one

This is naturally still Ginger Cloud's probe of Dao Wuming!

Even though Dao Wuming's father severed all ties between Dao Wuming and his mother, Dao Wuming certainly still remembers.

Since Dao Wuming and his own mother both come from the Fengming lineage, if he were to say that he wanted to eradicate the Fengming lineage, would Dao Wuming stop him

"This…" Wu Ming hesitated and said, "I don't know. I still say the same thing, they all concealed their true identities, so you shouldn't judge all the forces in the Heavenly Domains with one brush."

"Wait until you have solid evidence, and then go seek revenge against them."

After all, if you really went on a rampage without regard for anything, even those who had nothing to do with the Jiang clan in the past would stand against you!

Gingercloud glanced deeply at Wuming, nodded and said, "I remember!"


Dao Wuming once again wore a kind smile on his face and said, "I've said what I needed to say. As for the rest, my avatar will definitely tell you when the time is right."

"Is there anything else you would like to ask"

Jiang Yun had many questions he wanted to ask Wu Ming, but in the end, he simply pointed at this Shan Hai Yuan Jie and said: "There should still be things left for me by my parents here, but I can't get them now. So I want to take this Shan Hai Yuan Jie with me to the Zhu Tian Ji Yu.

"I wonder, seniors, if there's any way to..."

Jiang Yun figured out that he couldn't get any more useful information from this nameless being, so he gave up and just made this request.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that since Dao Wu Ming had brought him to this lower realm from the Shan Hai Yuan Realm, he must know how to take the Shan Hai Yuan Realm away.

To his surprise, Dao Wuming shook his head slightly, a frown creasing his brow. "The primal world of mountains and seas," he said, "is something you probably can't take with you."

Jiang Yun asked in puzzlement, "Why"

"The nameless Dao said: 'It must be your father who set up some arrangements to protect this Sanhaiyuan realm. Don't even think about it, not even I could take this Sanhaiyuan realm away.'"

This made Jiang Yun's eyes light up. Although he didn't know whether Dao Wu Ming was telling the truth or not, based on his own strength, it should be true that he couldn't take away the Shan Hai Yuan Realm.

However, Jiang Yun didn't dwell on the issue further. After all, Shanhai Origin Realm was inherently dangerous, so he nodded and said, "In that case, I would trouble you, senior, to look after this place for me."

"Don't worry, this place is just like my home to me, and I would never let anyone ruin it."

Ginger Yun smiled slightly and said, "Thank you, senior Dao. Well, I'll take my leave!"

Dao Wu Ming reached out and patted Jiang Yun on the shoulder. "Child, you have grown up. When you stepped into the Yu Men, I wouldn't see you off."

"I'll guard this Nether Realm for you and await your good news!"

Jiang Yun took a step back, and with a "thud," knelt before the nameless figure. He bowed respectfully three times and said, "Senior Daoist, take care!"

Throughout his life, Jiang Yun has only knelt before his master and elders.

Regardless of whether Dao Wu Ming is really the one who framed his father, or if Dao Wu Ming is actually his uncle, just because Dao Wu Ming protected him, Dao Wu Ming deserves to be worshipped by Jiang Yun.

Dao Wuming was extremely stunned by Jiang Yun's sudden act of kneeling. He was frozen in place, like a statue, and even forgot to help Jiang Yun up. However, there was a faint mistiness in his eyes.

Until Jiang Yun stood up, turned around and left, Dao Wuming still remained in place, his gaze fixed on the direction Jiang Yun had departed, unmoving.


"I don't know how long it took. Dao Wuming, after a long exhale, finally came to his senses and sighed, "They say nephews resemble their uncles, this child... although his appearance is somewhat similar to mine, his personality is exactly like his father!"

"Child, even if you are able to live and reach the Heavenly Domains, don't follow in your father's footsteps!"

He shook his head, and the expression of emotion on Wu Ming's face gradually disappeared, returning to calmness.

And his gaze once again fell upon this Shanhai Original Boundary, muttering to himself: "Even under those circumstances, Jiang Qiuyang repeatedly urged me to bring this Shanhai Boundary and send Jiang Yun into this lower realm."

Moreover, even the venerable cause-and-effect old man has always remained within this lower realm. If my calculations are correct, I'm afraid this lower realm should be the one those people have been searching for!

And even the celestial officials appeared in person, and they even opened the domain gate beforehand. This means that the Celestial Messengers must have also guessed about the strangeness of this lower realm.

"It won't be long now, they should be here any minute. I don't have much time left."

Ginger Autumn Sun, I don't believe it, I can't find the secret of this place!

As soon as the words left his mouth, Xi Ai spoke. With a sudden sweep of his sleeve, he revealed that the boundless expanse of the Shanhai Realm, which had been stubbornly refusing to shrink moments before, was now rapidly contracting. In just a few breaths, it condensed into a sphere the size of a palm and settled in the center of his hand.

But just as Dao Wuming was about to put away the Shan Hai Yuan Jie and turn to leave, a voice suddenly rang out from within him: "Is this really the right thing to do"ity that after examining the sealing formation with his divine sense for a long time, Jiang Yun discovered that this one was even more profound than the one outside the Emperor's Cave.Although he coul...