Chapter 1676 Don't Come Over

Baichuan, a grand procession heading towards the gate.At this time, Xiao Zheng suddenly walked to Xie Xiaoyong's side and smiled slightly: "Junior Sister, you can now put your heart down, right Come...The speaker was an old man, the spirit of the mirage device.

Looking at the Mirage Spirit, standing at least a hundred feet away from him, Jiang Ying couldn't help but frown slightly and say, "Why are you standing so far away"

The spirit's gaze fell upon the small beast held in Jiang Ying's arms, a hint of fear flashing across its face. It swallowed hard and stammered, "I'm afraid of it!"

This answer surprised Jiang Ying a bit. She didn't expect the usually rather pompous Mirage Maker spirit to admit fear of this little beast.

However, he did understand.

Because I, too, have an innate fear of this creature.

Had I not known this little beast hatched from that mutated monster egg, I would have never dared to hold it like this.

Jiang Ying didn't even bother to pay attention to the fear of the mirage device spirit, and urgently asked: "By the way, you said, do you know where the master is"

The Illusionary Mirror Spirit also retracted its gaze from the little beast, nodding slightly. "I came to you for this very reason. Not long ago, I sensed Jiang Yun's presence."

"If my guess is right, Jiangyun should be in that passage now!"

"Is the master in the passage" Jiang Ying's eyes lit up instantly and said, "Then quickly take me to find him!"

“Uh, you shouldn’t go there!” The spirit shook its head. “In that passageway, besides sensing Jiang Yun's presence, I also sensed the attacking power of the three clans’ sacred artifacts.”

"I think it should be Jiang Yun who encountered a monster beast, and he wasn't the opponent of the monster beast. He could only take the monster beast into the channel and use the power of the Three Clans Sacred Objects to deal with the monster beast."

Therefore, I specially came to inform you and prepare you. If the Three Tribes Sacred Artifact cannot kill those demonic beasts, then it won't be long before they arrive here.

As the spirit's voice fell, the small beast suddenly broke free from Ginger Shadow's palm and leaped towards the spirit.

"Don't come here, don't come here!"

When the little beast charged, the spirit's mouth let out a series of strange cries.

Although his figure was already rapidly retreating, a white light flashed, and the little beast stood on his shoulder in an instant, causing him to stop abruptly. He stood there, his body trembling slightly.

The little beast roared at the spirit, and the spirit clearly understood its meaning, hurriedly nodding repeatedly: "I'll take you there, I'm going to take you there right now!"

After finishing, the spirit rushed to Jiang Ying and said: “You just continue guarding here. If those monsters break out of the passage, I will immediately send them here for you to deal with.”

"But!" The spirit swallowed again. "But I think, you probably won't have a chance to make a move."

"This, this young master, should be able to intimidate those monsters even more than you!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, the spirit tool no longer cared about waiting for Jiang Ying's reaction. Its form flickered, and it vanished without a trace with the little beast.

Jiang Ying stood still. Though he was worried about Jiang Yun's safety and desperately wanted the spirit tool to send him into the passage, he also admitted that what the spirit tool said was true.

Even its own spirit feared that tiny beast, so the demonic beasts it didn't even bother to look down on should undoubtedly feel the same fear.

However, he still dared not relax his vigilance. The cold light returned to his eyes, and he was ready to make a move at any time.


Jiang Yun's luck was good. When the three demonic beasts behind him were less than a hundred zhang away from him, his vision finally caught sight of some demonic beast corpses.

Though some bodies appeared intact, the gust of wind that passed when Ginger Cloud went by reduced them to ashes in an instant.

Obviously, these bodies have been around for a very long time.

While some corpses were clearly recently deceased, to the point that Jiang Yun could still smell a faint metallic tang of blood at his nose.

This naturally made Ginger Cloud very clear, not far ahead was the location of the sacred objects of the Barbarian Clan, the five peaks of Great Wilderness!

These monsters are the countless beasts killed by the Five Peaks of Dahuang over the years!

It's a pity, although Ginger Cloud arrived beneath the Five Peaks of Desolation and the Five Peaks did indeed attack those demonic beasts, it didn't have much effect.

It's not that the power of Da Huang Wu Feng has weakened, but rather because the number of monsters following behind Jiang Yun is too large and their strength is too great.

Gingercloud didn't know that throughout history, the maximum number of monsters that had ever appeared in this passage at one time was five. That's what allowed the three clans' sacred artifacts to guard this passage.

However, the number of monsters following behind Jiang Yun reached a total of seventeen, with as many as fourteen being humanoid monsters.

Not to mention just the Five Peaks of Wilderness, even if the three clans' sacred artifacts were lined up here, it would be impossible to kill all these monsters.

The attack unleashed by the Five Peaks of the Great Wilderness was split into seventeen parts, not nearly enough to kill these demonic beasts.

In the end, it was Jiang Yun who personally took action, controlling the situation of the five peaks of Dahuang. Only then did he barely kill a demonic beast.

But the rest of the monsters took advantage of their comrade's death and crossed over the Five Peaks of Great Wilderness, forcing Jiang Yun to abandon the Five Peaks of Great Wilderness and continue fleeing forward.

And the following situation is also similar.

The 劫空之鼎 and the 寂滅魔像 were unable to kill so many demon beasts. Therefore, besides buying some time for Jiang Yun, when Jiang Yun passed the 寂滅魔像, thirteen demon beasts were still following him!

Now, Jiangyun even regretted stepping into this passage.

Because he was worried that the mirage's spirit would also be unable to send all these monsters to the Nine Colored Realm at once.

Even so, could Jiang Ying even kill all these monsters even if they were all sent to the Ji Cai Realm

If that's not possible, even if a single demonic beast slips through, they would still pass through the Nine-Colored Realm and enter the Yin Spirit Beast's body. Then, from within the Yin Spirit Beast, they would enter the Dao Domain!

Although perhaps the Dao Zun and his master, along with other powerful figures, should be able to ultimately kill the demon beast, before it is killed, it will definitely kill countless living beings!

But now that it has come to this, Jiang Yun regrets nothing. He can only place his hopes on the mirage-making artifact spirit and on Jiang Ying!

As for himself, he had already made preparations to blow himself up.

After such a long time, his mastery of the Reincarnation Technique had vanished, and the power of three lifetimes' reincarnation was gone. This caused his strength to plummet back to its true level.

Besides the continuous running and manipulating of the three clan artifacts, his power has been almost depleted. He probably wouldn't be able to escape this passage at all.

Finally, as the power within him rapidly depleted, Jiang Yun also gave up on continuing to flee. He suddenly stopped his figure and looked back at the dozen or so demonic beasts that were only a few tens of feet away from him!

"Come on, I can't kill you, but at least I can hurt you. That way, it'll lighten the burden on Jiang Ying!"

Just as Jiang Yun was about to self-destruct, a muffled roar suddenly came from the dark hole.


This beastly roar still had a touch of youthfulness, as if it came from a creature that had only just been born.

However, this roar from the beast caused the over ten monsters that had already reached Jiang Yun's side to suddenly freeze in place as if they had been immobilized.

But in Jiang Yun's eyes, he could clearly see that from the darkness ahead of the passage, a ball of white light shot out like lightning and directly pounced on his face!

The speed was so fast that there was no chance to dodge.

And immediately following that, there was a wet thing, licking all over one's face...

First published on the Traditional Chinese Novel Network still be unable to kill Hikariyo.If they were to flee as well, then with Huo Qianye's strength, it is highly probable that he could use the fluctuations of the teleportation array's formation to loca...