Chapter 159: Thunder Strikes the Demon

edicine, and charge less than Ji**ang, if your medical skills were even a little bit better, then it wouldn't be long before your business would definitely thrive."Ginger nodded and said, "I understan...Although the Dao body of Lei Ting disappeared like an explosion, the entire illusion array was filled with countless golden thunders, moving back and forth between heaven and earth, crackling and roaring. Just hearing this sound made people tremble involuntarily, their scalp tingling.

Only looking at the countless golden thunders that were flying in the air, everyone present, even Bai Ze, didn't know what Jiang Yun was trying to do.

Jiang Yun suddenly reached out, and with it, visible spiritual energy flew out from his hand. Each strand of spiritual energy surged towards a bolt of lightning.

In an instant, spiritual energy enveloped the lightning, and under Jiang Yun's intentional guidance, these golden bolts of lightning began to combine. They finally coalesced into a massive seal!

Upon seeing this seal, Luo Lingxiao instinctively felt a sense of familiarity, but for the moment, he couldn't recall where he had seen it before.

But Bai Ze couldn't help but gasp in surprise!

"Thunderclap Suppression Demon Seal!"

Jiang Yun's hand no longer formed the seal with his palm, but instead, relying on his astonishing control over spiritual energy, he condensed these countless golden thunders into the most basic Fuyu Yin of the Nine Techniques for Subduing Demons!

This way of casting the seal, Bai Ze had never seen it before, let alone heard of it.

Other demon cultivators couldn't even conceive of such a method, for even if they could, they wouldn't be able to carry it out.

Ke Ginger not only thought of it, but also made it happen!

Jiang Yun's idea was simple. Since this illusion array was set up by a spirit demon, attacking it with the Demon Subduing Seal should have some effect on the spirit demon itself.

Only I am unable to cast a Fuyin with such a large area of effect, so I can only condense it by combining the power of thunder with the demonic energy of the Dao Yao.

"Suppress demons!"

In Jiang Yun's low growl, the Fuy Yao Yin, nearly as large as a millstone, roared with a howling sound and crashed towards the giant eyeball. It slammed into the boundless net of demonic energy that Jiang Yun saw in his eyes!



The dazzling golden light unleashed by the Fu Yao Yin almost engulfed the entire illusionary formation. Amidst the deafening roar, there was also a strange cry, like that of a crying infant.

Although he still couldn't see what was happening within the golden light, Ginger Cloud could already keenly sense that the surrounding demonic energy had suddenly weakened, and the objects in front of him were all distorted in a strange way.

Especially those demonic threads, they began to break inch by inch.

It seems my own Thunder Subduing Demon Seal worked.

"Brother Xiao, run!"

Seeing the illusionary formation begin to collapse, Jiang Yun immediately turned back and rushed to Xiao Zheng and the others' side. He raised his hand again, unleashing four consecutive Fuyin Talismans that struck the bodies of the four demonic beasts.

Then he ran to the golden gang demon ape's side and repeated his actions.

Before, Jiang Yun didn't think he had the ability to deal with these monster beasts. But the fact that his Fuyin occupied an advantageous position on the single-horned python gave him hope.

Besides that third-order white bear, Ginger Cloud believed the other four first-order demon beasts would obediently submit to her Demon Subduing Seal.

"Fuyao Yin, are a monster tamer!"

At this moment, Luo Lingxiao, who had always been in a daze, finally came to his senses and recognized the thunder seal formed by Jiang Yun's hand.

Although Luo Lingxiao is from the lineage of demon cultivators, he is not a demon cultivator himself, so he doesn't know the Nine Arts of Demon Cultivation. He had only seen them in his family's martial arts manuals before and hadn't remembered them.

"Kill him!"

A murderous glint flashed in Jiang Yun's eyes. With a single order, the one-horned giant python immediately lunged at Luo Lingxiao.

As for Luo Lingxiao, Jiang Yun had long harbored the intention to kill him. Especially since he was a demon cultivator, his secret must absolutely not be revealed by Luo Lingxiao. Otherwise, it would bring him endless trouble. Therefore, today, Luo Lingxiao had to die!

Without the protection of the illusion array, and with the speed of the one-horned python being so fast, it was unknown whether it harbored hatred for Luo Lingxiao as well, or some other reason. Regardless, in an instant, it had arrived before Luo Lingxiao and raised its sharp horn, stabbing fiercely at Luo Lingxiao's throat!

If he were truly pierced, Luo Lingxiao would undoubtedly die!

Just then, a cold snort suddenly rang out: "Young Master Luo, it seems you've run into some trouble, huh!"

As the sound arose, a hand materialized out of thin air and struck the python's body directly, sending it reeling backward and saving Luo Lingxiao's life!

Next, nine figures, like ghosts, appeared at the gap in the collapsed illusionary array!

The man at the front was a middle-aged man, who seemed to never see sunlight, his face pale as death. He was the one who had just spoken and saved Luo Lingxiao.

Seeing these nine people, and the one-horned serpent that had been driven back, Jiang Yun's heart, which he had just lifted, couldn't help but sink again.

To be able to easily scare away such a giant python, its power naturally surpasses the python by far. In other words, it is at least a cultivator of a blessed land.

Xiao Zheng was staring at the middle-aged man in surprise and said, "Feng Qishan, you, are you from Bai Caogu"

Hearing this, Ginger Cloud finally understood everything!

Bai Ze's guess was right. Luo Lingxiao had trapped them with an illusion array, but he didn't kill them. He was waiting for people from Bai Cao Gu to arrive.

A middle-aged man named Feng Qishan smiled slightly: "Isn't this Master Xiao What a pleasure to meet you here today! I didn't expect to run into you here."

Xiao Zheng spoke again, "What brings you here"

However, Feng Qishan ignored Xiao Zheng and turned his gaze to Jiang Yun: "It was you who killed Du Guirong"

As soon as he said this, Xiao Zheng and the others naturally understood.

The Yaoshinzong is well-informed, surely they would know about Du Guirong being killed. But what they didn't expect was that it was Jiang Yun who did it.

Jiang Yun lowered his voice and said to Xiao Zheng and the others, "I'll try my best to hold them back, you find a chance to leave!"

Now that the illusion array is broken, although there are nine of them, Jiang Yun has the help of a monster beast. As long as he can hold them back for even a moment, Xiao Zheng and the others might have a chance to escape.

In Jiang Yun's opinion, the person they wanted to kill was himself. Even if Xiao Zheng escaped, he probably shouldn't chase after him.

And Xiao Zheng lightly nodded, suddenly reaching out to stuff a jade slip into Jiang Yun's hand and saying, "Brother Jiang, this contains a map leading to that mountain village. Whoever finds an opportunity first should go!"


However, Feng Qishan's voice rose again: "Leave None of you are leaving today. Kill them all!"

At his command, eight figures surged forward. Feeling the energy fluctuations emanating from them, Jiang Yun's heart sank to the bottom of a well.

Eight people, all at the Fudi Realm!

Feng Qishan, at the very least, was already a fifth-grade cultivator of Fu Di.

Even with the help of six demon beasts, he wouldn't stand a chance against these people since this place was still within the Luo family's territory.

Moreover, what the other party said is enough to prove that they not only want to kill me today, but also won't let Xiao Zheng and the others go.

First published on the Traditional Chinese Novels Networkn, another disciple of the Zhenquetian Sect walked up to Jiang Yun, bowing respectfully and saying: "Senior Tie, please follow me!"After witnessing Ginger Cloud's ferocious actions, these disciples of...